My first attempt

This is my first attempt at a closet grow.

Lighting - two 42watt 6500 k cfls, three 26 watt 6500 k cfls.
Circulation - shitty little heater fan (only using circulation, no heat)
Soil - Premium Nature Mix potting soil by Hortibec
Seeds - cherry hemmingway from local bong shop
CO2 - homemade pop bottle dispenser

The walls are lined with the shiny side of some wrapping paper.

Things seem to be going well enough so far. I've never grown before and I'm just trying my luck and praying my baby doesnt sprout nut sacks when I switch to flowering lol.

I'm a little limited for space and am wondering how long I should wait before switching to 12/12 because I've heard it may almost double in size, if not more.

I'm eager to make the switch to flowering but I don't want to do it too early and cut myself short.

I realize that HPS would be great but thats something I'll try at a later date.
I may have been better to just buy a bag of herb but thats not the point... just wanna grow my own, even if the yield is low.

Leave me some thoughts.. (I'm attempting to post pics for the first time)




Active Member
Looking good. You can put a plant into flowering pretty much any time but you should wait until it has at least a few leaf sets. You can definitely go into flowering. And yes it will double in size. You also plan on changing the light spectrum when you go into flowering right??

Illegal Smile

When you are not familiar with the strain you are growing you can get surprised with height. I have a couple plants now that were not supposed to get over 3 ft max and they are pushing 4 ft in the 4th week of flower. It's a tradeoff between having them get too tall, and as you say shorting the yield.
Hey thanks for the quick reply.

When I switch to flowering I'll be using 2700k instead of the 6500.

Another thing I'm trying is the Aqua Globe... I know this might be a bad idea but I'm going to keep a close eye on it and take it out if it causes problems. Only using it because I have to leave it unattended for a couple days

So far I have been misting and pouring in rain water when needed.

Thanks again for the tip ... its all new to me so its appreciated.
Hey thanks Illegal Smile.

And yeah I'd love to grow a big tree in there but thats not an option lol.. thanks for the warning though.. I'll keep that in mind and hopefully things turn out well.

Good luck with your garden btw ;)
Heres a couple shots of a cherry hemmingway plant.

Its been growing under CFL's and has been on 12/12 for about 5 days.

My camera is a piece of shit and I can't get a close up, but was wondering if this type of top would appear on a male plant.

I know I'm supposed to look for those dreaded ball sacks or white hairs/ pistils but I'm an amateur (first plant) and need to wait before its more clear.

But the top of this plant is a lighter colouring than the rest and similar clusters are showing up in other areas.

Is this simply undeveloped growth or..... is it early signs of a young cola on a female :lol: ????

Love to hear some feedback

Impatient amateur



Well-Known Member
Yeah. That is a nice looking plant. If you want to check for sex, keep an eye on the area where the fan leave branches off of the main stem. You will be able to see pistils there if she is a female. My plant looks a lot like your, has been in flowering stage for about 7 days and she is showing pistils.
Thanks for the reply Dirty Pirate ... not what I wanted to hear ... but thanks lol

I'm keeping an eye out like you said Maniac .. thanks for the tip ;) I've been looking but I'm impatient lol.

Glad to hear your girls showin pistils ... I'm pretty sure I'm gonna just about cry if mine ends up male... fingers crossed though.

You got a thread with some pics or no??


Well-Known Member
I'm keeping an eye out like you said Maniac .. thanks for the tip ;) I've been looking but I'm impatient lol.

Glad to hear your girls showin pistils ... I'm pretty sure I'm gonna just about cry if mine ends up male... fingers crossed though.

You got a thread with some pics or no??
No pictures. I'm chicken!


Well-Known Member
OP your plant looks great. I'm far from an expert, but from what I already know, and what I've read and learned over the years, your plant loks like it's going to be a very healthy, happy,, and voluptuous girl. Males tend to be taller, faster growing, and not as full and bushy. Hopefully it stays healthy for you,grows some beautiful little pistils soon and produces many happy days for you. Keep posting and let us know, but my money says you have a little girl there.