My First Grow And Journal


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with that cell camera. Those pics show off those crystals just fine. For that thing sitting in the corner it looks like some top notch smoke!


Well-Known Member
Cut down the 2 Chemdogs and the second blue dream tonight.. Once this all dries I will update this thread with all my total weights from this first harvest.. think its gonna be good.. all the plants have had 3+ zips on em... so we will see.. here is a couple quick pics from what we got going on .. Ill update with more finished product :)

Buddy of mine said he wants to be on the internet lol



Well-Known Member
Heres what I got done

Well got about 5 hours in of trimming .. look what I still have left LOL

Didnt even make a fucking dent .. ahhh o well.. back at it tomorrow :)


Active Member
And it looks like you have or had a lot of trimming to do. Congrats on your harvest. The best is yet to come, the smoke test...Growing your own is some of the best to be had!


Active Member
Congrats man! Yup, trimming can be long, tedious, boring work. This though, is what I like to call, a high class problem! :mrgreen:

Tis the perks of the job. Will all be worth it tho when you have jars and jars of beautifully trimmed, homegrown buds.

Keep it up man!


Well-Known Member
Pile is getting thinner.. lol Still a shit ton left.. Crazy to think this is all Chem dog from 2 plants.. and I already have been working on it for a day.. it was like a 4 ft wide pile of spears.. Cant wait to see how much I end up with :)


Trips going good but I need to get back (If you know what I mean) soon. Wednesday can't come fast enough; one of the sensi stars got over fed (Thanks if your reading this, for taking care of my babies) and had to be flushed, but hopefully she didn't get to stressed. So much to take care of when I get back. I hate harvesting but love the harvest, I sympathize. How long for the Hindu?


Well-Known Member
Hindu is done bro.. I harvested the two cola's and a couple little tops from the 2 girls... about a week ago.. then harvest the rest of the plants the night before last .. they are gonna pull about 3 zip's each .. not bad for 2 plants that were less then 3 ft when finished.. The 2nd blue dream... I harvested last night .. the first one pulled right at 3 zips.. not including my samples.. I will update all the weights after it all dries this week.. I have to be close to 2lbs.. which im happy with for my first run in this setup.. and I fed SUPER LIGHT .. just to get a feel of my stains.. and all these plants were natural with no topping.. SO I figure it can only get better from here... all the new ones going in the tent are lst'd and topped. Im growing 4 big plants on the left.. mostly hybids.. and I am gonna run 6-8 small plants on the other side of tent.. of only 1 strain. Thats the plan atleast .. we will see.. I also wanna get co2 and go to a sealed room in the next month or so.. prob once my daughter is born in AUG..

Stay tuned for updates gentleman :)


Well-Known Member
Spent half my day at the hospital for the wife.. gonna spend the other half trimming and gardening..

I REALLY NEED TO SHARE THIS .. im am blown away by these other two plants that I havent been updating much .. I added these 2 girls in during some re- arranging earlier in my journal.. they are 6-7 weeks in .. and WOW .. they look soo good.. The purpose of running all these strains was to determine 2-3 that I wanted to run consistently .. Now .. I dont know what I want to grow..

Ill start here.. I ran a querkle pheno that did not impress me at all .. it was OK .. but I had another pheno I decided to try .. here are some pics at 6 weeks or so ..

my temps are high 70s to very low 80s and the purple is coming in .. nugs are rock hard already.. FROSTY as hell.. SMELLS amazing.. little light on the yield side it looks like.. but FUCK.. tell me what you think... this was a 14 inch plant when I started flower btw.

Here is the other girl I put in flower at the same time.. She is a white widow.. and obviously more sativa dom.. Got a ways ta go.. but look awesome.. Now I cant decide what strains to eliminate :( Ps.. she was 17 inces when put into flower .. I put her in a 3 gal grow bag thinking she wasnt going to be much .. FUCK lol.

So far I dont know what to keep.. Love the Hindu.. and it helps my back pain and sleep.. The chemdog is amazing smelling ..Blue Dream was good.. smells awesome.. not a big punch tough .. now this Querkle and WW look so good.. Im back up to 5 stains.. Not including the seed im popping that is a Blueberry/Chemdog cross.. O ya I have Barny's farms laughing buddha too that I just cant eliminate.. And a really impressive purple kush and Alien OG Im running for the first time.. but wont know how good the smoke is for a couple months..

I really wanted to narrow it down to a few strains.. but its looking more like Im gonna have to add a few more 1000's lol and grow em all lol. This is so addicting ... OK gotta go.. back to trimming :sad:


Looking sick bro, and upon first glance at your response the memory was activated. I (almost out of spite refused to grow any purps) am going to try the quirk, so yeah, nice update. I am tripping about seeing my plants, and congrats on the daughter. As fun as this is to raise just wait, it is amazing. I am looking forward to those updates, as much as the plants, and soon you will know why. You will see your best work in August. (Planting that was great for both of you, Harvesting only sucks for her) when you find your new fave and I find mine, lets stress them out as much as our other ladies then swap seeds, lol...


Well-Known Member
Yo, if you need a kidney or half a liver or something, I wouldn't mind uhhh flowering those out for you sir.

might be willing to give up a testicle for both? :O


Well-Known Member
I just cant believe the difference in the pheno's.. Subcool did a good job with this one.. looks awesome.. smells grapey ... cant wait till its done!


Well-Known Member
The querkle looks a lot danker, like a lot danker... but I love your nugs that are in the avatar pic.

BUT THE WHITE WIDOW, holy shitballs man I feel like I just cut open one of those geodes.