My First Grow and Journal

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Hey I figured since i am at week 4 of flowering I'd better get ready to flush- but when i made my soil, i didnt think to add ingredients like perlite to increase the drainage, and now i am afraid if i try flushing I will fuck up my plants...

I started 2 threads to decipher what I should do, that way the discussion doesnt clutter up this thread.

why i started 2 I dont know, just a little worried wanna make sure I have a plan when the time comes.

Thanks all


Well-Known Member
did ya follow the link I put in there for ya? big buddha deff won indica with cheese, and 3rd in sativa with blue cheese.. I remember watching the guy accept big ole fat asian guy from the uk.


Well-Known Member
Your only 4 weeks into flower and your going to flush, whys that? Whatever you are growing will at least grow another 4 weeks or longer. You only want to flush 10-14 days before harvest.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I am more looking to flush around week 6 or a little after, then after that no nutes for 2 weeks, just applejuice and molasses... Then harvest...

Isnt it good to flush multiple times...

At this rate I wont be flushing at all though, dont think its possible.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'd give it a little longer. I stopped using the molasses towards then end when I started flushing. I wish I would have continued to use it - seems like DB still uses it to the end, no?

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
yeah I will use molasses and apple juice to the end, last dose of nutes week 6, thats three total doses every 2 week. no burn, and visible benefit.

I guess i may not even have to flush? I am not nuteing them very strongly and the apple juice and molasses is supposed to make bud tastey and sugary sweet.

Hopefully i can just not do anything, its prly my best bet.


Well-Known Member
I would still flush if you haven't done that at all. It's good to flush your medium at least once or twice a month anyways to get rid of any bad things that have had time to build up in the soil.


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I thought you just said only flush 10-14 days before harvest, now once or twice a month...?

And i still havent figured out how to flush such a dense medium.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the rep OB Cron, time to get my head down as I am in the UK its 5.30 am here. Almost time to get up!!


Well-Known Member
OB it doesn't hurt to flush your soil every now & then especially when your using a lot of nutes but your not so I wouldn't worry. I would say since you haven't been using a lot of nutes you could just start using water 10 days out & you'll be fine. I've done it & I use more nutes than you. It'll give the plants a chance to use up all the nutes plus with proper curing you won't even be able to tell.
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satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Hey OB,Hows it going?...let me know what you find out about the flushing deal...I am curious about that one myself....was up all night working on a new veg space...will post pics after my girls need to hurry up,been dry round is day 37


Well-Known Member
OB it doesn't hurt to flush your soil every now & then especially when your using a lot of nutes but your not so I wouldn't worry. I would say since you haven't been using a lot of nutes you could just start using water 10 days out & you'll be fine. I've done it & I use more nutes than you. It'll give the plants a chance to use up all the nutes plus with proper curing you won't even be able to tell.
Dude, killer fucken name/avatar - LMFAO!


Well-Known Member
General rule to flushing is that you would want to flush right before you switch the lights - to get ride of the veg nuts (personally never do) and you would want to flush that whole week before your gonna harvest (2 weeks if you use lots of nuts)

As for flushing soil thats dense my advice is all that excess water that comes out throw it out (no need for the plant to try to soak that back up when your trying to flush out) you'll find that the pot is real heavy (member your putting 2-3x more water in that soil then when you usually do during watering)

now the plant is just gonna survive off that water and whatever that is left over in the soil. and you should be fine if the soil dries up before the time of harvest do it again. Ive done this way in my last 3 grows and have had zero isues with the plant

hope that helps ya out a bit

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
thanks gotbeat most specific advice i have got so far...

I am still at week four so i got some time to consider this... but--- my plan is to just cut nutes at week 6- and then go just plain water with applejuice and molasses. I have heard this works out nutes and leaves a sweet sugary taste?

Any comments or concerns, what not, welcome


Well-Known Member
yea you got time man.

applejuice and molasses huh thats pretty intresting combo there. I member a guy awhiles back on here who did the apple juice i think he put upwards to a cup of juice end result had a hint of apple in it.

Best experiment i saw was someone who put a shot or two of Jack Daniels in his watering said when he smoked it that it tasted just like the JD

pretty cool huh

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
thats wild, yeah i am combining the both of em, since i wont have nutes for the last two weeks and apple juice and molasses have very low dose nutrient values but are mostly carbs- so they shouldnt make it taste bad, but should make it continue to grow in those last two weeks.

During that same period I am also switching to my MH... Then I will prly go one more week- 9 weeks flower- and in that last week go back to HPS- My goal is that these first two weeks of carbs and MH with induced low humidity will cause a boom in THC production and resin, then as they are milked- switching to HPS for final week will amber em out...

I have heard a couple other success stories like that on here in various ways.

Hope it works, will be curious.


Well-Known Member
yea you got time man.

applejuice and molasses huh thats pretty intresting combo there. I member a guy awhiles back on here who did the apple juice i think he put upwards to a cup of juice end result had a hint of apple in it.

Best experiment i saw was someone who put a shot or two of Jack Daniels in his watering said when he smoked it that it tasted just like the JD

pretty cool huh
JD in my weed - no thank you! I hate whiskey, has to be my least favorite. I'm down for some Makers Mark though if I am drinking it. Very interesting though, didn't harm the plant at all?


Well-Known Member
nope i remeber it being pretty nice actually

shot per gallon is what he did began doing it from the 2nd week of veg till time of harvest if i remember correctly

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I'll stick with Apple Juice and Molasses.

The Apple juice concept originated from B. THC R+D. He has lots of pictures and other people who have since tried it reporting back to some success. Heres the link:

He's a bad ass on this site for sure!

Thanks all,

Pics Soon!!! gotta do this man, i should be pumped, work is wearin me down, that, and this new kind bud... finally ditched the dirt i was smokin for nearly a couple of months.