My First Grow and Journal

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Hey OB. Hve you got that Mylar yet? It's a must, I have just done mine and the difference is amazing, I couldn't believe how darker the room got outside of my grow area, I must have been losing about 40% of my light, now its more like 5%.

I just put a pic on my journal.
Talking of pics, why are we waiting lalala lala la, LOL Just messiing wid ya. I can't wait to see how yours are doing.

PS. You need to watch the temps when you put the mylar up. Mine shot over 90f in a heartbeat, If you look where the fan is, it.s blowing away the hot air that is coming from the light and keeping the temp down to 78. Close to perfect I'd say.
I am still going to get an extractor at some point though.


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OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
idk why, have you gone to the thread tools at the top and tried to subscribe... your on mine that way.

Yeah I did mylar about a week and a half ago- new pics show it, and i agree huge difference.

I can really notice the difference when the door is open to my room cause it bleems out from all sides, when i close it i can only imagine how bright it is inside there.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Sorry, I got more pics though.

First ones Heather the Mom (her last night as a mom before being a telephone pole- cutting her for clones)

Second is one of my star girls Helga
Third is Helga's centerfold porn
Fourth is one of my other star girls Holy
Fifth is Holly's fully body shot
Sixth is Holly's Centerfold Upclose porn shot
Seven is the other Mother, who will continue to veg for quite awhile longer, until I need more clones.

Sorry for only 7 pics, half of them mysteriously messed up when i loaded them to my computer. The other half tomorrow or soon.

My hps blew out today! for no reason, its pretty new, so the plants when about 4 hours more dark then they should have. Switching back to the MH tomorrow- so for at least a week plants will be under the MH light. I planned on switching to MH anyway at week 6-8 to induce more crystalling. Should I just leave the MH on for 2 weeks now, from weeks 5-7, then go back to HPS for last two weeks?

Totally messed up my light schedule and planning...

Thanks, Hope you guys like em, more to come.


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Well-Known Member
Nice porn ob! Wish I could give ya a answer on the lights... Im not sure what using the mh in a 12 n12 will do... Hopfully youll be ok... Im sure someone here will have a answer..

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
well people like lacy do MH through the whole grow, so it will work, better than just incandecents- its really all I can do- till HTG ships me a new one and i havent even called them yet- will do monday morning ASAP.

Lets hope the HPS gets here soon!

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Great pics OB. I love that shot of Holly, thats some cola. are they smelling much?
Sorry to hear about your bulb. I know when I got my HPS I just handled it like a normal bulb, you should use a piece of cloth or something. I wouldn't mind but I have handled high power fluorecents (floodlights) for years and know better than that.


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I was super careful with the bulb, used cloth and everything, never touched it out of the box. I really cant think of what caused it. I know misting can be bad, but i havent done that in over 2 weeks, so... it must have been a free accident.

I should be finding out soon how long it will take to replace, and how much money...? I am kinda hoping they replace it, but it could have been my fault? dont see how, but it could have been... Its been on for about 5 weeks.

And no they really arent smelling too much at all- when you get your nose in em they do, but other than that no much at all. They smelt more during this couple weeks of veg where i had an unusually sweet skunky smell. Since then its all been pretty controllable.

And those cola's are getting quite dense, and the side buds are really just as good- those CFLS for side lighting are where its at. Highly recommend a few cheap cfls for side lighting.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
First pic is Andrea, A thirsty plant- drinks the most water even though she isnt the biggest.

Second pic is Andrea's Cola

Third pic is Fran

Fourth pic is Fran Upclose

Fifth pic is Frans Cola

Sixth pic is Heidi

Seventh pic is Heidi upclose

Eighth pic is Pat

Ninth pic is Pat's full body centerfold

Tenth is Pat's upclose shot.

Hope you enjoy. Get the kleenex out cause they are only gonna get better, I am so excited, they are coming right along. This is easily my favorite part of the grow, everyday brings new growth- new crystals, and the feeling of finally being rewarded for what you have put in after all these years of smoking and months of growing and learning.

Thanks again, without RIU these would be struggling in front of window sills, likely dead by now.



Well-Known Member
you are bout to have a ton of bud there!!!!! those cola when they fill out will be pretty sick!! looks like you have a bit of heat stress going on though...

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
yeah there is some heat stress, i knew it, and you saying it made me just realize it was more obvious then i was willing to admit. First thing tomorrow morning I will try to fix it. I really need to get a venting set up- but I may mickey mouse something till I get around to it, but tomorrow morning temps will be lower guarenteed! I didnt realize my temps shot up so much when I sealed my box.

Took 16 clones by the way, hope they root. I only really need 6, If I have more it will be ok for veg- but I want 6 perpetually in flower.

Which of the pics is the heat burn most clear in...

and what are the chances this hermies them down the line...


Well-Known Member
last pic to the right top row, is where I notice the most.. If you remember in my journal I had some real heat issues and think that may have caused the one herme I had. but you are further along than I was at that point. you may be ok. but I would still keep a close eye on em... How are you exhasthing when the cab is closed? and do ya have enough fresh air comming through?

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Answers are bad... Not so much as exhausting more just a fan running 24/7...

Should be fresh air, certainly not the best- but to this point its all i've had.

Is this unacceptable...

I feel that I will probably have to drop some cash and fix this right huh?


Well-Known Member
yea I would think so.. I put a ass load of work into my exhaust and it deffinatly paid off!! your plants dont look like they like the heat. and the exchange of air will help get those temps down.. also co2 will help with the stress. there are cheap and easy ways to do it to.. check out the grow faq on co2 there are several really good articles there.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Alright, I will try and get some CPU fans in at the very least... C02 will have to wait till next grow. I wanna see what I can do without it. So far so good really. Just a little something should do to get my temps down. They are only reaching low 90's occasionally. And I think it can be corrected with a slight light raise and CPU fans...

am I wrong? Do I gotta get the full squirrel tubing and exhaust set up? I understand it has some benefit- but is it unquestionable?


Well-Known Member
prolly not, I think the idea ya posted in barking thread was good. You can check picaso journal and ragincajun. they both have cab grows also.. I do my co2 for about 3 bucks a week and it makes a give it some thought.easy to


Well-Known Member
i would think with venting of the lights, some good intake air going into the box, and a good exhaust exiting the hot air out of the box, you will prob be around ideal temps man. atleast i hope so, thats exactly what ill be doing to my mini cab on my next grow. a cooltube would def help as well.