my first indoor poppy grow

There are a few good vendor's I don't want to name alot because I don't want to come off as spamming.. but bouncing bear botanicals has some potently beautiful poppies.. look up exjordanary botanicals.. his site has a different name but if you look this up it sould give you links to his current site.. he has top notch flowers, abit more pricey though.. or just go to you local grocery store and buy a bottle of McCormick poppy seeds. The organic gourmet kind in a glass bottle with green cap.. those a grow good poppies for pain relief and are quite beautiful as well.. I don't encourage or condone opiate abuse .. this information is only for true pain sufferers ..
I just binge-read this thread from beginning to end. Thank you everyone for the education. I was able to identify two variety of poppy seeds that I've collected while out on pizza delivery(yeah, I'm the pizza man). Never done them indoors but I've got a couple out in the backyard as we speak and I've done them every other year. I just have an eye for such things.

While out on delivery I've seen two different households that have poppy's growing in their front yard and mixed in with other florals. One of which, the bulbs get like the size of ping pong balls. That's an Asian family that I see working in that yard. The other is specimen that I've collected(after hours) is a Hindi family. Regardless, they grow great in this area.
I just binge-read this thread from beginning to end. Thank you everyone for the education. I was able to identify two variety of poppy seeds that I've collected while out on pizza delivery(yeah, I'm the pizza man). Never done them indoors but I've got a couple out in the backyard as we speak and I've done them every other year. I just have an eye for such things.

While out on delivery I've seen two different households that have poppy's growing in their front yard and mixed in with other florals. One of which, the bulbs get like the size of ping pong balls. That's an Asian family that I see working in that yard. The other is specimen that I've collected(after hours) is a Hindi family. Regardless, they grow great in this area.

How do you make this consumable?.
I crush up entire dried pods minus the seed, then use the coffeemaker for tea.

Effects lasted 12 hours, looking forward to doing this again come harvest. Adding ginger to the finished product will reduce the most common side effect, nausea.
IMG_20180529_201427.jpg these whites are thickening up, some are starting to bolt, couple more weeks and I should be able to tell if they're china or Persian or peony..
TheIMG_20180529_201156.jpg best bed going as of now..I made three rows , one of Lorans grape, one of lilac pom-pom and one of Izmir bush poppy. The right side I broadcasted the seeds instead of rows, I have five verities on that's side..
I also made a late raised bed.. this has two rows, one row of McCormick poppy seeds(none have sprouted yet)and one row of drama queen( they sprouted)from last seasons flowersIMG_20180529_201239.jpg
IMG_20180529_201248.jpg a pic of the drama queen sprouts..
opc here with with a public service announcement

opioid use can lead to trying statistically irreversible situations like heroin

I was on pain pills, thought about why people "like" heroin and contemplated growing poppies, but who hasn't
opc here with with a public service announcement

opioid use can lead to trying statistically irreversible situations like heroin

I was on pain pills, thought about why people "like" heroin and contemplated growing poppies, but who hasn't
Im aware of the risk... I have degenerative disc disease and two bulging discs and one partially herniated disc (again) had a lamectimy(sorry for spelling) but lifting and doing shit I shouldn't caused it to blowout on me.. anyway I'm not here to encourage opiate use.. just providing pics of powerfully beautiful plants..
I got a felony drug charge so the doctors won't prescribe pain killers to me,, even more so now since the c.d.c. made changes and doctors I'm my area are dropping pain cases left and right.. alot of legitimate patients who are truly suffering from pain are no longer getting pain meds.. so here's an option..
These are just starting to pop buds.. soon they'll bolt and hook.. I have 13 plants in this three gallon pot.IMG_20180606_185040.jpg
These are the nutmeg spice company seedlings. They have a more green look to their leaves the the other verities i have going..IMG_20180606_184621.jpg going to have to thin these out to about one plant per six inches.. I wasn't sure about the germination ratio to these so I went a little heavy handed sprinkling them it the rows. Same for the next pic..IMG_20180606_184634.jpg
This last pic is McCormick poppy seedlings..IMG_20180606_184923.jpg
There are a few good vendor's I don't want to name alot because I don't want to come off as spamming.. but bouncing bear botanicals has some potently beautiful poppies.. look up exjordanary botanicals.. his site has a different name but if you look this up it sould give you links to his current site.. he has top notch flowers, abit more pricey though.. or just go to you local grocery store and buy a bottle of McCormick poppy seeds. The organic gourmet kind in a glass bottle with green cap.. those a grow good poppies for pain relief and are quite beautiful as well.. I don't encourage or condone opiate abuse .. this information is only for true pain sufferers ..
Question about this. who are "true pain sufferers"? I'm not asking this to start an arguement or anything, genuinely curious. I'm an ironworker/welder, and have a very physical job. For example, I average climbing about 70-90 stories every workday, and walk about 8 miles a day, on top of manually lifting up to about 100lbs+ or whatever we have to do. Basically a lot of really, really, physically intense work. I've got burns on my ankles the size of silver dollars from slag falling in my boots, broken fingers, some fucked up discs in my back, all that jazz that comes with this job. and im young. Is that true pain? I have never considered going to the dr to get any pain meds (I am also very very very cautious around any pharmaceutical drug and do not fuck with opiates). But If I could grow my own remedy, because cannabis doesn't really treat my pain anymore, that would be nice. I understand that this is getting into what I do not fuck with, but I feel that this is a bit different.

Sorry, i'm incredibly new to this, so please forgive my ignorance. I understand that many people have far, far worse daily pain from chronic illness, disease, disability, all kinds of stuff, so if what I experience isnt actually what this is aimed towards treating, I'd appreciate hearing so. My feelings will not be hurt, haha. Thanks. I'm gonna go back and keep reading this thread all the way through.