my first indoor poppy grow

@reallybigjesusfreak, I can't tell you whether or not to treat your self for pain.. that I think would cross an illegal line I'm a gardener not a doctor..lmao...
But I look at life a little different then most.. this plant has been used for thousands of years as is without chemical processing to help people with their daily lives.. and about your pain.. Pain is funny thing,, I've always had a high threshold to pain, but I'm learning of a new type of pain that comes when you realize you're body won't let you do certain things that you once could.. the pain I'm referring is mental and causing more pain.. many doctors don't take this into consideration now days..
Anyway I to am and was a hard worker, I've done carpentry for 20+ years and can kinda relate with you.. again, I can't tell you whether or not to treat yourself. It's a decision you have to make.. this thread is more of a read between the lines kind of thing and kind of contradictory at
If you do decide to grow them for your own use.. keep this in mind,, it is addictive, so keep dosing really low and only as a last resort thing so it doesn't develop into a dependency... Hope this helps .. I summarized abit because if I hadn't it would of been a
@reallybigjesusfreak, I can't tell you whether or not to treat your self for pain.. that I think would cross an illegal line I'm a gardener not a doctor..lmao...
But I look at life a little different then most.. this plant has been used for thousands of years as is without chemical processing to help people with their daily lives.. and about your pain.. Pain is funny thing,, I've always had a high threshold to pain, but I'm learning of a new type of pain that comes when you realize you're body won't let you do certain things that you once could.. the pain I'm referring is mental and causing more pain.. many doctors don't take this into consideration now days..
Anyway I to am and was a hard worker, I've done carpentry for 20+ years and can kinda relate with you.. again, I can't tell you whether or not to treat yourself. It's a decision you have to make.. this thread is more of a read between the lines kind of thing and kind of contradictory at
If you do decide to grow them for your own use.. keep this in mind,, it is addictive, so keep dosing really low and only as a last resort thing so it doesn't develop into a dependency... Hope this helps .. I summarized abit because if I hadn't it would of been a
Thanks for your response. I get what you are saying. I'm thinking that this is not a route for me, but I appreciate your insight!
Almost time .. should be starting to hook any day followed by the tiller stretching.. these could hit three to four feet

Edit:. Pic didn't load..
Thanks for your response. I get what you are saying. I'm thinking that this is not a route for me, but I appreciate your insight!
There are some legal ramifications with growing these.. I personally think it's a retarded law on these here in the states..
I grow them for their beauty and for some relief.. the amount I grow clearly isn't enough for people to think im on some other angle...
Oh yeah,, have you considered kratom?
There are some legal ramifications with growing these.. I personally think it's a retarded law on these here in the states..
I grow them for their beauty and for some relief.. the amount I grow clearly isn't enough for people to think im on some other angle...
Oh yeah,, have you considered kratom?
I have not. All I've heard about it really is that its good for coming down off opiates. I will look into it more though!
This is one of the varieties that I plucked from that front yard last year that I'm growing this year. Anyone know what variety this is?


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This is one of the varieties that I plucked from that front yard last year that I'm growing this year. Anyone know what variety this is?
I'm not sure.. that's a very common looking flowering type.. could be Tasmanian, gigantimum or Most breadseed cultivators.. I've seen some setigerums look like that as well..
Well Its winter and I'm bored.. So I figure I'll try it again. I found some of my Izmir bush poppy seeds and some that i think are pepper box or drama queen.. I got them starting in these jiffy pellets I also have a few lucky charms x more cow bell seeds in here as well1641180096624-1835213612.jpg
So, any suggestions where are the best places to get poppy seeds if I wanted to try and grow my own?
I have personally got viable papaver somniferum (and other) seeds from the following places:
You may get a "warning" on this site, been like that forever.

and these

Cool I appreciate the info! Any suggestions? I'm still fairly ignorant of different varieties when it comes to poppies.
The only one I remember is Danish Flag. You may search around on the site here for "papaver" "poppies" "opium" and see if there are any recommendations. Starting out for your first attempt, just make sure they say Papaver somniferum and go from there. Good luck!