my first indoor poppy grow

Last season I bought. India fringed poppy seeds, Tasmanian, pepper box. And wizard of Oz. From the white buffalo trading co. None of the seeds were viable. My women bought me Drama queens and Tasmanians ( two of my recent plantings ). Neither of the two packs popped and sprouted. So I asked her, did you get these from W.B.T.C. and she said yes. So I told her about last
So to anyone who might stop by their site.BUYER BEWARE!!!!
But far as the other recent seeds
from another place( K.T.rose. ) all have sprouted. The Black peony, the Persian whites and Izmir Bush poppy. Damb near 100% germ and sprout rate..
On a different note, I built a 9 site N.F.T. system and as a test I'm going to run the Peshawar Persian whites . I've ran them on a flood drain system and they did well for me. I just had to tweek the light cycle abit. But I'm running this system outside. I'll have pics up tomorrow
0705161114.jpgThe Bush poppies first pod, similar shape as the tazzi's but no where as big. As this one produces more pods they'll become round then the next are deformed.lol0703161103.jpgA shot at the third round of buds on the couple plants in the pot
I love how the bud shape on some plants look like the birth of a dragon lol. 0708161557.jpgHere's a very crowded pot of papaver striatums the closes relative to papaver somniforum 0708161557c.jpg
and the replanting has worked? i thought they didn't transplant well, or at least mine didn't. i got seeds a while back from bouncing bear botanical. service and product was good
The papaver striatum is more forgiving when transplanting sprouts in clumps .somniforum are abit more touchy but they to can be replanted