my first indoor poppy grow

0720171245.jpg I'm looking forward to next year now.. I should have a lot of different looking blooms with all of the cross pollination that's goin on thanks to mason bees and beetles that keep bouncing from flower to flower
Papaver S does not readily cross pollinate, not that it wont happen but its uncommon. many of the flowers even polinate before the sepals fall.
Yeah I've read that , I've also read they do.. So it's one of those things I'll find out first had.
The papaver glaucum I removed the sepals and staimens (castrated it. Lol)and manually pollinated it with drama queen pollen.. Two Japanese guys did this with p.somniferum and p.setigerum in 1944 to make pharmasudical poppies(high morphine) I have the pdf file on it if anyone would like to read it..