My OUTDOORY is Flowering Again!!! Early Resin Production or what!!!

nice size buds u want huge ass buds grow dnas chocelope can get 10feet high and the sama wide kept mine short and got a few 2oz tops 8 feet high and 2liter pop botel top nugs


Well-Known Member
nice size buds u want huge ass buds grow dnas chocelope can get 10feet high and the sama wide kept mine short and got a few 2oz tops 8 feet high and 2liter pop botel top nugs
yeah, mate, have u read my whole thread?? this plant is only 3 months old, grew it 3 weeks in a tent, then put her outside for summer weather..
have a good read mate, might surprize you more than you think


Well-Known Member

she's way bigger than i thought, you know when you hang your erb up, and you're like, fuck, i better hang another line, this shit is heavy! i won't weigh nothing till its dry, i don't want it leaving the room (bugs and whatnot), all up, 12 nice size heads, 4 that are the largest. i'm real happy, i was checkin inside the nugs with my 30x scope, and its completley amber resin, and i mean, dense as shit resin, the nugs themselves seem to be medium density, and are all coated in huge amounts of stinkin filthy sticky red resin, has to be skunkiest plant i have ever grown, and not to mention i think the largest heads i have ever grown!!

here you go guys, enjoy!!!...



Well-Known Member
Dude, you grow fuckin good pot! Those nugs look huge. How big is that Coke bottle, is that a litre? I'm not a trim expert, but that looks really neat to me.

I also noticed those fat branches you got. Looks like you grew a tree. Were they like that growing the same plant indoors too?

Nice job, man. You're in the right line of work. ;-)

Edit: Ok, I just noticed that the Coke bottle is 2 litres.


Well-Known Member
Dam man you got 10 fucking spears right there, AWESOME!!!
lol thanx man, yeah they filled out nicely!!, was gonna trim down the heads to make it easier, fuck it! they look nice full size i reckon!

Dude, you grow fuckin good pot! Those nugs look huge. How big is that Coke bottle, is that a litre? I'm not a trim expert, but that looks really neat to me.

I also noticed those fat branches you got. Looks like you grew a tree. Were they like that growing the same plant indoors too?

Nice job, man. You're in the right line of work. ;-)

Edit: Ok, I just noticed that the Coke bottle is 2 litres.
ha! thanx again man, yeah 2 litre bottle was a good comparison!!, don't know how much i'll get as yet, but maybe atleast 2 ounces, hard to say, been a while since i've grown some outdoor like this,

as for growing like this indoors, well, kinda, it had more colour i'd say indoor, and grew alot more dense (my first grow anywayz) it was nothing like my second grow, as i think the heat in summer gave me some some issues. but i don't see why it wouldnt grow like that, if you didnt give your indoors any hormones to stop stretching, i do that in the tent to restrict cola height and node length, because the lamp will only penetrate as far as 10-12 inches at it's most potential.
this strain seems to do a big stretch outdoors during flowering, creating heaps of budsites


Well-Known Member
thanx man, yeah a mate rekons more than 2.... we'll see, always looks huge fresh, anyone subbing up for my other 2 girls ?? they are into 2nd week flowering, and already making shitload of budsites, and already trichomes!!, just like my harvested lady, looking very healthy, and has recovered extremely well from the chicken attack!!! (which happened before flowering)

here is a pic of them a few days ago..... better pics to come


this is 2 plants here!!, at either end of a very large 40 litre pot in a potting mix 70/30 perlite mix

like i said people i try to grow outdoors all year round!! from cuts of my indoor, and i'm germinating a seed a we speak, start her in the tent for a few days when she sprouts


Well-Known Member
...but i don't see why it wouldnt grow like that, if you didnt give your indoors any hormones to stop stretching, i do that in the tent to restrict cola height and node length, because the lamp will only penetrate as far as 10-12 inches at it's most potential.
this strain seems to do a big stretch outdoors during flowering, creating heaps of budsites
I didn't know there were hormones that can hold back stretching. I really need something like that in my indoor grow as well, because my plant just climbed all the way up to my lights in about 3 days last week! Lots of empty space between nodes, too. Here's a pic from last Wednesday:

She's still stretching, too. Do the hormones have any drawbacks like maybe limiting bud size?

I have the same limitations as you indoors. My fluorescent lights don't penetrate that far. I also don't want her branches to touch the lights, because that causes heat stress. So I want to grow short plants too. Any particular product you'd recommend, boss?


Well-Known Member
I didn't know there were hormones that can hold back stretching. I really need something like that in my indoor grow as well, because my plant just climbed all the way up to my lights in about 3 days last week! Lots of empty space between nodes, too. Here's a pic from last Wednesday:

She's still stretching, too. Do the hormones have any drawbacks like maybe limiting bud size?

I have the same limitations as you indoors. My fluorescent lights don't penetrate that far. I also don't want her branches to touch the lights, because that causes heat stress. So I want to grow short plants too. Any particular product you'd recommend, boss?
Looks like to me to be honest either lower your light right about the tops of those plants if your using flourescent lights they dont have the heat like most light do they can almost be touching man. or upgrade to a bigger light so it doesnt have to be that close to the plants..i wouldnt recommend a additive to add to your plants to resist there growing. this is all IMO and hope you find what your looking.



Well-Known Member
I didn't know there were hormones that can hold back stretching. I really need something like that in my indoor grow as well, because my plant just climbed all the way up to my lights in about 3 days last week! Lots of empty space between nodes, too. Here's a pic from last Wednesday:

She's still stretching, too. Do the hormones have any drawbacks like maybe limiting bud size?

I have the same limitations as you indoors. My fluorescent lights don't penetrate that far. I also don't want her branches to touch the lights, because that causes heat stress. So I want to grow short plants too. Any particular product you'd recommend, boss?

yeah man, same goes with my opinion, with the hormones i use, i predetermine to use them , i have a very set plan with my grow, and 80% is personal smoke for myself and my girl :)

put the lights closer, or surround the plants with the lights, rather that have them above, when i was much younger i grew a few plants under little flouros like that, and i just had them next to them, more bushy, less stretch, nothing eventuated from them, as i had no clue back then what i was doing.

the hormones i use are PGR's from cycoflower, have a read on their homepage, u either like PGR's or you don't, but they have to be used correctly or they can be extremely good for your ladies, or really bad, depending on how strong / mature your plant is, i have seen small plants with PGR's introduced, and i did not find it to be benaficial to them, more so for larger plants to cover a smaller area with more light penetration.

keep it up mate, maybe try tying them down

here's an update of my new 2 girls, nice and healthy indeed, sorry bout shitty pics, started raining!!! outdoories looooooooove the rain!!!



Well-Known Member
Dam man you got 10 fucking spears right there, AWESOME!!!
actually 11 spears ;) not including the one i've already smoked that i took off a week earlier :) the pic didnt show it well, but there is a double header there ;) here's a better pic, starting to shrink down a bit now!



Well-Known Member
yeah man, same goes with my opinion, with the hormones i use, i predetermine to use them , i have a very set plan with my grow, and 80% is personal smoke for myself and my girl :)

put the lights closer, or surround the plants with the lights, rather that have them above, when i was much younger i grew a few plants under little flouros like that, and i just had them next to them, more bushy, less stretch, nothing eventuated from them, as i had no clue back then what i was doing.

the hormones i use are PGR's from cycoflower, have a read on their homepage, u either like PGR's or you don't, but they have to be used correctly or they can be extremely good for your ladies, or really bad, depending on how strong / mature your plant is, i have seen small plants with PGR's introduced, and i did not find it to be benaficial to them, more so for larger plants to cover a smaller area with more light penetration.

keep it up mate, maybe try tying them down

here's an update of my new 2 girls, nice and healthy indeed, sorry bout shitty pics, started raining!!! outdoories looooooooove the rain!!
Thanks guys. I bet your house smells great, flowamasta! I envy you for being able to grow those without trouble from the law or whatever.

Just to clarify about the hormones. I wasn't going to use them on this plant, I'm planning for my next grow. So do you consider my plant to be little? I thought it was big for an indoor plant. By big do you mean a sativa that would normally grow maybe 2-3 meters or so outdoors? My plant is just shy of 1 meter high. That's as tall as I want to grow my next plant MAX. I should have posted a different picture. Here's one from a few days ago that shows my cabinet. (Hope you don't mind.)

The main light source is a bank of 8 T5 HO fluorescent tubes. I tilt it at a 45° angle, not horizontal as shown here. The 2 CFL's on the sides are just extra. Still, the light penetration isn't great, but I have some limitations in my house, so I can't get a hotter light. She's touching the T5's now already. And they are hot enough to cause heat stress and some burning when the buds touch them. I've tied down a couple of branches to the right already. I'll live with that this time. Still getting some nice looking buds.

Anyway, back to my question. When you use the hormones, do you only use them for really big plants much bigger than this one? I really don't like my stretchy branches with lots of empty space between nodes. (Sorry for the long post.)


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I bet your house smells great, flowamasta! I envy you for being able to grow those without trouble from the law or whatever.

Just to clarify about the hormones. I wasn't going to use them on this plant, I'm planning for my next grow. So do you consider my plant to be little? I thought it was big for an indoor plant. By big do you mean a sativa that would normally grow maybe 2-3 meters or so outdoors? My plant is just shy of 1 meter high. That's as tall as I want to grow my next plant MAX. I should have posted a different picture. Here's one from a few days ago that shows my cabinet. (Hope you don't mind.)

The main light source is a bank of 8 T5 HO fluorescent tubes. I tilt it at a 45° angle, not horizontal as shown here. The 2 CFL's on the sides are just extra. Still, the light penetration isn't great, but I have some limitations in my house, so I can't get a hotter light. She's touching the T5's now already. And they are hot enough to cause heat stress and some burning when the buds touch them. I've tied down a couple of branches to the right already. I'll live with that this time. Still getting some nice looking buds.

Anyway, back to my question. When you use the hormones, do you only use them for really big plants much bigger than this one? I really don't like my stretchy branches with lots of empty space between nodes. (Sorry for the long post.)
my house smells very skunky!! trying to keep the door closed, but not really helping, wish i had a second filter, cause i can kind of smell it outside :sad:

with your plant, i think you have an ok setup, if you are going for an average amount of herbs, i myself think flouros, led's are a waste of money, as to why i use 600 watt HPS, but i don't have much experience with them either, so i cant really knock them, i have seen some youtube videos with nice flouro grows and cfl grows, but i still think it's rather limited, BUT! if you are limited with what you can use for lighting, just keep going with what you are doing,
i would put your CFL's next to you plants, or under them, they are what's causing them to stretch to the light!, i doubt it's the flouros, if you have them that close.

and as for hormones, i would only use them on a large lady, as the dosage is critical to the mass of the plant, if you give even the slightest too much, you can stunt them for weeks, or even kill them overnight. i have seen this, even on the lowest of dosage, i believe the plant has to be large enough for the plant to absorb the hormones, next time, keep light closer to the plant, top early if you got a stretchy strain i'd say,

i aint no pro, but i listened to my teacher, very very closely, took notes, trial and error


Well-Known Member
my house smells very skunky!! trying to keep the door closed, but not really helping, wish i had a second filter, cause i can kind of smell it outside :sad:

with your plant, i think you have an ok setup, if you are going for an average amount of herbs, i myself think flouros, led's are a waste of money, as to why i use 600 watt HPS, but i don't have much experience with them either, so i cant really knock them, i have seen some youtube videos with nice flouro grows and cfl grows, but i still think it's rather limited, BUT! if you are limited with what you can use for lighting, just keep going with what you are doing,
i would put your CFL's next to you plants, or under them, they are what's causing them to stretch to the light!, i doubt it's the flouros, if you have them that close.

and as for hormones, i would only use them on a large lady, as the dosage is critical to the mass of the plant, if you give even the slightest too much, you can stunt them for weeks, or even kill them overnight. i have seen this, even on the lowest of dosage, i believe the plant has to be large enough for the plant to absorb the hormones, next time, keep light closer to the plant, top early if you got a stretchy strain i'd say,

i aint no pro, but i listened to my teacher, very very closely, took notes, trial and error
Well, compliments to your teacher then! I really value your advice.

I'll stay away from the anti-stretch hormones based on what you said. I'll think about lowering the CFL's if I can do it without burning the plant, but might just live with the way it is right now. I'm just afraid of heat stressing her.

Thanks bud.


Well-Known Member
Well, compliments to your teacher then! I really value your advice.

I'll stay away from the anti-stretch hormones based on what you said. I'll think about lowering the CFL's if I can do it without burning the plant, but might just live with the way it is right now. I'm just afraid of heat stressing her.

Thanks bud.

chuck another fan in if u can, point it at the hottest areas