Mesh modding is a way of making a air chopping pump out of a standard pump. It is used instead of a needle valve pump. The reason is to chop larger bubbles into smaller bubbles. It is used usually in conjunction with a venturi valve that draws in air. The air is then chopped into many very, very small bubbles. The air not the pump drops the flow and pressure. It would only make sense though that the needle wheels and mesh mod pumps are less efficient at producing water volume and pressure than a standard pump impeller. These systems are more geared for NTF and DWC systems, or other ssytems where a high DO is desired in the reservoir or in running water from a resrvoir. High DI in a high pressure or medium prssure reservoir is not of any benefit. The water just needs enough DO to not support anaerobic bacteria (oxygen hating). The spraying action in a medium or high pressure aero mist assures a very high DO nutrient solution is delivered to the aero roots.
Again, not trying to be an *ss hole, but this is also a topic that would be more appropriattely covered in a new thread as mentioned above.
You weren't being an asshole, and you're right as always but I have to explain one thing before we drop this.
The reason I am getting what really does seriously appear to be more flow and pressure both out of my modded pumps (when not using a venturi) is because their impellers weren't as large as they could have been given the space available in the volute.
I don't have a pic to show what I did and can't give you one, but I stacked these, sewed them on the impeller, then trimmed it as round and fitted as I could get it with hardly any rubbing. After a little use it wasn't rubbing at all any more, and they're still going. It's only been a few weeks though, and I can tell they run warmer to be fair.
Which as you can imagine would and did change things completely, so it's completely dependent on pump. It's got to be less efficient and drawing more watts, nothing is free, and still probably not going to work on a high pressure app as well as a properly engineered pump. It's probably a failure waiting to happen if you don't add a bypass to bleed some pressure off and keep enough water going to cool it in case it got backed up in a high pressure app.
It doesn't quite apply in this thread, but it sorta does because everyone could find a use for some water movement from a broken pump you didn't think you could use again, or for aeration somewhere, for an emergency at the worst time or something... Who knows, we aren't all just doing the same stuff and we like to tinker.