need help......:(


Well-Known Member
need to know more. i can tell you the plant is stretched. what kind of lights are u using? nutes?
hay mate yer plants stretched as i hav a buding plant in the same tent n lights up higher 4 dat ......and for mate made me up a barrel of the stuff he uses dont no name but i noe a's red n b,s blue


Well-Known Member
you need to get a light 2 inches above the top of that plant and slow down the stretching. give it a good watering and keep on schedule for feeding. drop a light over it. it will probably fix it right up


Well-Known Member
wow thats some super stretch you got going on there lol. What type of soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
I hope your using the right kind of lights before you move it closer. But i'll assume your using cfl's and in that case just move it closer because the stretching on that plant is insane.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Chalk it up to experience and start over, you can even re-use the soil, although if that is pure coco I would add some pearlite to it so it doesn't stay super-wet. Over-watering was probably your last mistake, but like everyone else agrees keep those lights closer next time