Netanyahu Says it’s Anti-Semitism to Accuse Israel of War Crimes

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With UN report, will Israeli settlers be prosecuted for ‘war crimes’?

On January 31, 2013, a three-member UN panel cited Israel as in violation of the human rights of Palestinians and the sovereignty of the Palestinian nation.

Though a legal case was made for the immediate forcible removal of all Israeli citizens from the West Bank, citing the authority of the nations that are signatory to the Geneva Convention and/or members of the International Criminal Court, the real meaning of today’s findings is unclear.

Typically, the United Nations Security Council, a body that has, historically, protected Israel from compliance with international law through American vetoes, is the deciding body in breaches of the Geneva Convention.

Geneva Convention

However, today’s report cites “grave breaches” of the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949), particularly involving forced deportation, collective punishment and systematic violation of human rights. Precedent established for tribunals involving Rwanda and Yugoslavia have established universal jurisdiction under the ICC under procedures that are not subject to the political “wranglings” of UNSC politics.

Thus, the establishment today of “grave breaches” combined with the newly recognized status of the Palestinian State, if precedent is followed, opens the door for war crimes prosecutions, something otherwise impossible previously.

Secretary General’s Statement

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stated that he was in complete agreement with commission findings and reiterated his previous statement that “all settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, is illegal under international law.”

The Secretary General made it clear that the commission’s findings that Israeli settlements contravened the Fourth Geneva Convention forbidding the transfer of civilian populations into occupied territories.

And this is a very interesting development for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, because the ministry is very concerned about the kind of criticism that is growing around the world regarding Israel, the apartheid system, the abuse of Palestinian human rights, the mass use of violence against innocent civilians. And that is, of course, something that is being manifested also with the boycott movement, the boycott, divestment, sanction movement, or BDS. And this conference was supposed to be about something else.
It was supposed to be about anti-Semitism.

Now, usually the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at least in the past several years, tried to make it very clear that they don’t accuse everyone who criticizes Israel of anti-Semitism, because this sort of argument tends to backfire. Most of the people who express such criticism against Israel on basis of Israel’s violations of human rights are people who are defenders of human rights and would also defend the rights of Jews against attacks based on their race or religion.

Basically they’re saying that those who criticize Israel, those who accuse Israel of crimes are in fact anti-Semites. So this is–I think in many ways it shows that the Israeli ministry is running out of excuses, running out of ideas.This was a very high-level conference. Many very important speakers were invited. The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, gave the opening speech, and in the speech he said that there are three vilifications. And he listed those three. He said the first one was that Israel is accused of committing war crimes. The second one: Israel is accused of not wanting peace. And the third one: Israel is guilty of violating the human rights of Palestinians.

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, gave the opening speech, and in the speech he said that there are three vilifications. And he listed those three. He said the first one was that Israel is accused of committing war crimes. The second one: Israel is accused of not wanting peace. And the third one: Israel is guilty of violating the human rights of Palestinians.

So these three accusations are not vilifications at all. In fact, they are well-documented and well-proven accusations based on international organizations, as well as on many Israeli organizations that say the very same thing. I think most Israelis would actually agree that the Israeli government is not really interested in peace, and yet they continue to vote for it. The fact that the Israeli army committed war crimes has been well established by, for example, the Goldstone Commission, which was actually headed by a Jewish Zionist. The fact that Israel is guilty of violating human rights is even periodically repeated by the U.S. Department of State.

It completely undermines the entire meaning of the word anti-Semitic. :clap:
It completely undermines the entire meaning of the word anti-Semitic. :clap:

How dare they...

Wouldn't want to have people mistake neonazis for activists who give a shit about Palestine.

Well I'm glad your out to make sure you resent antizionists aren't referred to by the word you wish to reserve for yourself. I wouldn't want people thinking I am antisemitic just because I'm antizionist.

Zionism is compatible with antisemitism.
I don't hate someone for just being jewish. You should know that you have visited my group. I hate him because he is scum. A zionist pig. So why are you defending him? You in love with this war monger? How does it fit your reconqusta ? I'm sure you should be preparing for your next La Raza (The Race) meeting..
hey cannabineer, seeing as how neo-nazi OP posted this anti-semitic tripe in his neo-nazi group already, hows about we just delete it as spam?
UN report accuses Israel of child torture

Geneva: A United Nations human rights watchdog has accused Israel’s police and military of abuses against Palestinian children ranging from torture to threats of death and sexual assault in prisons.

In a report on Israel’s record, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child expressed its ‘‘deepest concern about the reported practice of torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian children arrested, prosecuted and detained by the military and the police’’.

The committee said soldiers arrested Palestinian youngsters regularly during night-time sweeps, tying their hands painfully and blindfolding them, and often transferring them to detention centres without informing their parents.

It also said that arrested Palestinian children were subjected systematically to physical and verbal abuse, threatened with death, physical violence, and sexual assault against themselves or members of their family, as well as having access restricted to toilets, food and water.

‘‘These crimes are perpetrated from the time of arrest, during transfer and interrogation, to obtain a confession but also on an arbitrary basis as testified by several Israeli soldiers as well as during pre-trial detention,’’ said the committee.

It had obtained its information from other UN rights bodies, military sources and Israeli and Palestinian rights groups.

Israel did not cooperate with requests for information on the issue, it said.

Besides spotlighting abuses in Palestinian territories, it also expressed grave concern at the number of Palestinian youngsters who have been held in Israeli jails.

It said that an estimated 7000 children aged from 12 to 17 years, but sometimes as young as nine, have been arrested, interrogated and detained since 2002 - an average of two per day.

Most were taken in after being accused of throwing stones at Israeli forces and settlers, an offence which can carry a 20-year penalty.

In April this year, 236 children were in military detention centres, with dozens aged between 12 and 15, the report said, drawing on data from UNICEF and Israeli rights group B’tselem.

A spokesman for Israel’s foreign ministry rejected the findings of the report, which he said were ‘‘not based on any direct investigation on the ground’’.

‘‘In this case, we are not talking about any kind of investigation,’’ he said
Yeah, you'd know...wouldn't you, [DELETED] Red?

if you've noticed, i have ceased to call him stormfront red since the arrival of the actual stormfronters: shotgun420, slavenomore, and nietzchekeen.

before their group was deleted, they actually talked about how they like this site better than stormfront.

just gonna have to go back to basics with trolling red: baby caskets, nobel prize winning colleagues, the racial resentment, etc.

shouldn't be that hard.
if you've noticed, i have ceased to call him stormfront red since the arrival of the actual stormfronters: shotgun420, slavenomore, and nietzchekeen.

before their group was deleted, they actually talked about how they like this site better than stormfront.

just gonna have to go back to basics with trolling red: baby caskets, nobel prize winning colleagues, the racial resentment, etc.

shouldn't be that hard.
Well he simply couldn't be expected to just allow those "negro preachers" to bus their congregations to vote after Sunday Services.

How could he stand for that?
Well he simply couldn't be expected to just allow those "negro preachers" to bus their congregations to vote after Sunday Services. How could he stand for that?
Bad enough that BuckHead puts words in my mouth because he can't argue against what I do say, now his retarded cousin misquotes BuckHead misquoting me. Dumb and dumberer.
One does not have to be an anti-Semite to be critical of actions of the Israeli government. There are plenty of Jewish organizations that also disagree with Netanyahu, whose actions have helped to create a feeling of hostility in the world towards Israel. In my opinion Israeli actions in the West Bank and Gaza have everything to do with the precarious position Israel finds itself in today, as far as it's standing in the world. They can cry anti-Semitic in response to criticism, but that really doesn't get them anywhere. Positive actions on the ground is the only weapon that Israel can use to silence it's critics, and put anti Semitism in it's rightful place, which is the trash.
Buck I guess you never heard the story of the little boy who cried wolf.

You can keep crying antisemitism and labeling people you disagree with but sooner or later when the real nazis or anti-semites come knocking no ones gonna care.
Buck I guess you never heard the story of the little boy who cried wolf.

You can keep crying antisemitism and labeling people you disagree with but sooner or later when the real nazis or anti-semites come knocking no ones gonna care.
Buck isn't even a Jew, he's a fake Jew.

He was Chosen by a Chosen Person (settled for, whatever) not born into it (ie without "G-d" personally choosing him to be awesome).
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