NooB Advice


Well-Known Member
Now don't go getting all mystical on me, dammit. You've spent the whole thread warning against believing hype or any other claims that can't be verified, so don't start going off into metaphyics now bud. The "spiritual quality" may or may not exist, but until it can be documented and proven to increase plant growth any discussion of it belongs over in the philosophy forum. Don't get me wrong, I find a certain Zen quality in growing myself, but I have yet to see any proof that there is anything spiritual in nature that will effect my plants growth. :)
not getting mystical LOL but I acknowledge that connecting to them can be spiritual though I do not believe it makes em grow any better or bigger

So no Ed you are not in the wrong thread :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

What soil would you recommend to use with nothing but Jack's Classic. All of my clones still get the magnesium deficiency with the happy frog because it has too much Calcium :(


Well-Known Member
Hi Im,

You are working too hard at this. Jack's all purpose has no Mg (as I'm sure you know) so just supplement it with 1 tsp/gallon of epsom salt once a month or so.

Ca does antagonize Mg uptake but it takes an excess and FFHF is really mild in comparison to many other things that have no issues. Are you sure you have diagnosed it correctly?


Well-Known Member
OIC. That is still happening. That was solved by upping the Nitrogen (30-10-10) over the NovaGrow you were using. (I actually like the floraNova line it does work good in soil-less ops, not just hydro)

To answer your question, yes. If you are getting the def early, feed em fast. If they are well rooted, they can take it. Clones are not seedlings. They are mature plant genetics, just small.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member

What soil would you recommend to use with nothing but Jack's Classic. All of my clones still get the magnesium deficiency with the happy frog because it has too much Calcium :(

For my next grow I am going soilless, I am looking at either ProMix or Sunshine Mix (will most likely try them both)

Jack's Bloom does have MAG

Total Nitrogen (N).......................................10% 5% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 5% Nitrate Nitrogen Available Phosphate (P2O5).......................30% Soluble Potash (K2O).................................20% Magnesium (Mg).........................................0.5% 0.50% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg) Boron (B)....................................................0.02% Copper (Cu)................................................0.05% 0.05% Chelated Copper (Cu) Iron (Fe)......................................................0.10% 0.10% Chelated Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn).........................................0.05% 0.05% Chelated Manganese (Mn) Molybdenum (Mo).......................................0.0009% Zinc (Zn)......................................................0.05% 0.05% Chelated Zinc (Zn)

But some strains will need/want more so best to be prepared to supplement it, it's why I have added DynaGro to my feeding lineup along with Jack's

and once again thanks Doog for helpin out while I was sleepin :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

I'm a bit confused by the whole soilless grow thing. Does it work just like a soil grow except that you are using a soilless medium in the pots, or does it work like a hydro/aero grow that requires pumps and other mechanical devices to keep the medium and root mass moist and aerated? And what exactly are the real advantages? I know it allows you to completely control the nutrients your plants are getting since the medium is totally devoid of nutes and is PH neutral, but what sort of adjustments to watering and care are needed when compared to a normal soil grow?


Well-Known Member

I'm a bit confused by the whole soilless grow thing. Does it work just like a soil grow except that you are using a soilless medium in the pots, or does it work like a hydro/aero grow that requires pumps and other mechanical devices to keep the medium and root mass moist and aerated? And what exactly are the real advantages? I know it allows you to completely control the nutrients your plants are getting since the medium is totally devoid of nutes and is PH neutral, but what sort of adjustments to watering and care are needed when compared to a normal soil grow?
Can go either way, but I would just treat it like a soil grow and hand water and feed

the benefit besides total control are fewer problems, since no nutes in it don't get lockouts from adding nutes that improperly interact with nutes in soil, no worry of killing off myco's, way fewer bug problems

But my bottom line is total control :bigjoint:

watering and feeding is very similar, difference would be depending on the speciffic medium that it will dry out faster


Well-Known Member
hey riddle, iv decided to make a lil flower boxso i can make a plant go hermi(for seeds) so im not having to do the maticulus work of taking care of clones constantly. but im kinda wanting to take a clone off the straine tht is flowering right now. i know you can take a clone durring flowering, n that it will take much longer to root, but wont the lil tiny buds start to mold from me misting over and over? and shud i do any thing different from cloning in vegg? n for making it go hermi, turning lights on for a while everynight will do the trick right? lol im jus tryn to make sure im doin it all right cuz i dont wanna loose out on the buds tht will eventually grow on tht branch if it doesnt take root ya kno.


Well-Known Member
nevermind on that last post, i found a lil side branch tht wusnt real mature n jus fluffy pistils haha peace out bro


Well-Known Member
Soilless is great. If you wanna try something fun get a brick of Coco ($2) too and run a pot of it along side the sunshine or promix. I bet you like it.

I prefer coco over peat-based mediums for several reasons:

1. PH - The PH control is awesome. Very little flux like you get with peat. This is not as important if you are hand watering larger pots like normal soil setups but when using it as a medium in a flood table, PH control is a big deal.

2. DRAINAGE and PACK: It drains better than anything else I've used. I won't say it is "impossible" to overwater because I've seen people do some really fucked-up things to their ladies but you have the medium-moisture thing figured out. It does not ever really compact, even over a 12-16 week cycle, which allows for great root expansion.

3. $$ - It's cheap. Don't bother with the "premixed" stuff from Roots Organic or Bio-bizz. All they do is mix in 20% perlite for "improved drainage". As i discussed above this is totally unnecessary. The brick stuff is all you need.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Doog

I will most likely try coco at some point and perhaps use it in a mix, I also want to add a bit of sand to the mix, can't wait to get this new house!!

on another note I am setting up yet another computer, this time to be a jukebox, and I'm having a blast doing it (ripping my cd colection into it). I found this totally free software that I am loving, very rich featured and excellelant sound quality, if anybody else is interested in something like this here is where I got it


hey whats up riddle and friends!
as you may or may not remember i tackled a over heat and over water situation a while ago. i got my water and heat situated and have pics to prove it! I decided to put them in the window so they have natural light and fresh air. 3 of the from the seed showed sex 2 fems and 1 male. I ditched the dude and checked his roots (beautiful roots top to bottom.) they are freking shooting sky high now.
by the way i think i might be getting a job at the new local hydro store and moving in with a MMJ user who needs a caretaker! life is beautiful :) even though my old lady (of 4 yrs) and i broke up a week ago. :joint:


I agree...the only way to really learn what your doing is just to grow...You can read misinformation all day and get misled...Over six grows over the past few years ive learned more than hours of post reading...Everyone has their opinions on what works. Ive used ebb and flow... deep water coulture...and passive systems...Now im using coco coir with cannaboost and pk 13-14 and small amount of rhizotonic...1000 watt hps/mh with 2 120 oz co2 tanks...infraredmylar with an air cooled reflector...Yielding 60
Grams plus with autoflowering strains...Just posted my first pics check em out..


Well-Known Member
Riddle and all,

Finally got some pictures of my grow to share. It's now into week 7 of flowering so it's pretty much too late to fix this grow, but maybe you can give me some input so I can fix this if I see it on the future. The major issue is the spotting on the fan leaves- I can't tell if it's a PH problem, nute issue, or what.

Most of the pictures are of the first batch of six, but there are a couple that show the pair of blueberries I just moved into flower and another that shows the two that are still vegging. Notice how much healthier they look then my first set? :)



Well-Known Member
Riddle and all,

Finally got some pictures of my grow to share. It's now into week 7 of flowering so it's pretty much too late to fix this grow, but maybe you can give me some input so I can fix this if I see it on the future. The major issue is the spotting on the fan leaves- I can't tell if it's a PH problem, nute issue, or what.

Most of the pictures are of the first batch of six, but there are a couple that show the pair of blueberries I just moved into flower and another that shows the two that are still vegging. Notice how much healthier they look then my first set? :)
Hi Ed

start by saying the new plants are looking very good :bigjoint:

the others pics are are bit hard to see (up close and with the lighting) but for sure I see a Mag def and a phosphorus issue, possibly some nute burn but those are not clear

From everything I have read and learned FF has an issue with Mag so no surprise there

Will cross my fingers for no bugs this time, I've got a feeling the neem oil may have contributed to what we're seing?
Wow. So a man (or woman) posts something to help out noobs like me with growin and you bash him for it? We could sit here and argue fundamentals and details of growing all day but that's not what the thread was for in case u didn't read the first post. I'll be honest, I don't know crap about growing and half ofthe acronyms used for tools are mysteries to me. But this thread actually helped me cope with my ignorance and let me understand everyone started the same, clueless. Thanks, riddleme, this blog was uplifting and very helpful. Nvm the haters bro, let them hate


Well-Known Member

The mites and neem over reaction contributed to stunting their growth and cost them a lot of leaves, but the spotting on the leaves didn't start until a few weeks ago. My guess is that it's a problem with the nute mixture, but since FF nutes use multiple products on every watering trying to figure out exactly what to adjust has been totally trial and error, and so far error is winning. On the plus side my blueberries aren't going to have to flower with FF nutes- I've got myself a bottle of dyna grow (general, not the bloom booster) and a tub of jacks classic bloom booster, so I should be good to go. I may continue to use the FF veg nutes until they are gone, but I think the others are going to end up gathering dust. You do a half strength mixture of dyna grow and jacks usually, don't you? I know you discussed it earlier, but I'm not sure what pages that dicussion was on.


Well-Known Member
heyy riddle =)
i jus wanted to stop by n thank you greatly once again lol
and show you that u deffinatly are helping people learn! this plant has gotten far beyond my expectations =)
i doubt ya remember, but you n AM I NORML saved this lil girls life a few months ago lol
just wanted ta let ya know everything is appreciated, and deffinatly not a waste! i wish i could return the favor, the only way i cud think wus shown u sum pics of the progress iv made since joining the thread :) haha