Now Democrats Call To Delay Obamacare.

When Romney initiated RomneyCare in Massachusetts, Republicans called him the next greatest leader. When Obama initiated the same plan, he was a Marxist Socialist Commie Bastard.

Which is it?

It isnt a which, it is politics... I am an independent now because both parties suck...
Show me a progressive who doesn't want something for free as long as it is funded by someone else!

Im considered a progressive. My father is a millionaire, he didn't pay for my college, and I have never taken a dime from him. I now make quite a bit of money and have successfully made a life for myself without a handout. But that is purely anecdotal. What you are referring to are the people politicized by the media, giving a bad rap to social programs like Welfare. If properly managed, would be a wonderful thing for this society and economy. Much like the 680 billion defense budget is a little out of hand, with little control.

Make you a deal, you cut the defense budget by half, and we look at cutting some social programs a little, in favor of rebuilding infrastructure and developing new energy technology.
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) — so fond of accusing the Obama administration of foisting socialism on an unwilling America — has apparently been the recipient of about a quarter of million bucks in government handouts

When Romney initiated RomneyCare in Massachusetts, Republicans called him the next greatest leader. When Obama initiated the same plan, he was a Marxist Socialist Commie Bastard.

Which is it?

WTF does this thread have to do with Michelle Bachman or Mitt Romney!

It's all about the democrats wanting to delay Obamacare, like the House wanted all along.
They shutdown government because they refused requests to delay the individual mandate, now their are looking like fools.
Great posts see4. Most republicans are about the same. I work with a guy, retired air force, 17 months from full retirement. He bitches every day about obama and obamecare, his wife works for humana, from home, as a call in nurse and she is retiring in 11 months. He complains obamacare is nothing but a hand out the same as welfare. But he cant wait to get his social security! He explains it away as he paid into so he deserves it. I do agree the social programs are abused but there are alot of people who weren't as fortunate as some of us and truely need the help. But everyone who has worked has paid into social programs. And I am pretty sure if he draws SS from 63 to 85 he will have got paid a lot more than what he put in.
WTF does this thread have to do with Michelle Bachman or Mitt Romney!

It's all about the democrats wanting to delay Obamacare, like the House wanted all along.
They shutdown government because they refused requests to delay the individual mandate, now their are looking like fools.

It has everything to do with Mitt Romney. Don't lose sight, this demonized Obamacare plan is Mitt Romney's plan. This was an original Republican idea. But because a Democrat decided to do it during his tenure rather than create fictitious wars to boost defense spending and line pockets of his butt buddies, its all of a sudden a socialist idea, summoned from the depths of hell.
Great posts see4. Most republicans are about the same. I work with a guy, retired air force, 17 months from full retirement. He bitches every day about obama and obamecare, his wife works for humana, from home, as a call in nurse and she is retiring in 11 months. He complains obamacare is nothing but a hand out the same as welfare. But he cant wait to get his social security! He explains it away as he paid into so he deserves it. I do agree the social programs are abused but there are alot of people who weren't as fortunate as some of us and truely need the help. But everyone who has worked has paid into social programs. And I am pretty sure if he draws SS from 63 to 85 he will have got paid a lot more than what he put in.

Thanks man. And yea, Im all for reforming these programs, and focusing on infrastructure and putting people back to work. But cutting the government at the knees while maintaining status quota with defense spending is NOT the answer.

Republicans are all about cutting the government, but one mention of military cuts and they spazz out.
The republicans wanted to defund obamacare and get rid of it all together not delay it. My belief is that they should get rid of all of the lobbyist. I know there are good ones but most dont have the deep pockets like big pharma and big oil. And if the republicans/teabaggers wanted to get rid of obamacare and take political control back from the dems they should have passed obamacare/affordable care act and bitched about it the whole time and said you will see, this is bad. If it fails they have the "I told you so" card and if it is a success they could say " we had our doubts but this is a good thing" and embrace it. Sounds like a win win situation they were in but their hatred for obama blinded them from a great opportunity.
That is the bitch about this. Because a black man put it into action Republicans dont want it. Even though it is essentially a Republican plant from 15 yrs ago. Watch bill mahr a little bit and take a break from fox news if you want a little bit of truth.


Because this is totally about racial prejudice right?

Here is a great pamphlet about a Racist Rehabilitation clinic near you. Please don't take my word for it, there is a nice black man inside that is quoted "This place is just what I needed!". Page 3.
The republicans wanted to defund obamacare and get rid of it all together not delay it. My belief is that they should get rid of all of the lobbyist. I know there are good ones but most dont have the deep pockets like big pharma and big oil. And if the republicans/teabaggers wanted to get rid of obamacare and take political control back from the dems they should have passed obamacare/affordable care act and bitched about it the whole time and said you will see, this is bad. If it fails they have the "I told you so" card and if it is a success they could say " we had our doubts but this is a good thing" and embrace it. Sounds like a win win situation they were in but their hatred for obama blinded them from a great opportunity.

They are following the playbook from 1993
Oppose it as it has potential to give the democrats a lock on the middle class vote. They are scared to death it will succeed and they been railing against it not for 5 years, No turning back
Ted Cruz was a fucking idiot. No way were they ever going to obtain the demand to defund obamacare. It was a rediculous demand.

They should of just pushed for Removal of the individual mandate. Then they could of negotiated down to delay of mandate.

Either Ted Cruz is an idiot or he thinks the idiots of America will vote him president for his failed stand against obamacare.
Ted Cruz was a fucking idiot. No way were they ever going to obtain the demand to defund obamacare. It was a rediculous demand.

They should of just pushed for Removal of the individual mandate. Then they could of negotiated down to delay of mandate.

Either Ted Cruz is an idiot or he thinks the idiots of America will vote him president for his failed stand against obamacare.

Ted Cruz is just folowing the playbook of bachmann and palin

his seat in his district is secure and his vitriole and rhetoric brought in a fucking boatload of money for him from out of state to keep it that way
Just like voting to defund obamacare 40000 times? WTF do the republicans think that obama will strike down his signature plan bwaaa haaahaaa haaa.

Ted Cruz was a fucking idiot. No way were they ever going to obtain the demand to defund obamacare. It was a rediculous demand.

They should of just pushed for Removal of the individual mandate. Then they could of negotiated down to delay of mandate.

Either Ted Cruz is an idiot or he thinks the idiots of America will vote him president for his failed stand against obamacare.
Here is another excerpt for you knuckle draggers....

Prof. David Cutler of Harvard recently addressed, on this blog, concerns about possibly adverse tax effects, saying, “Additional data from Massachusetts, where a state law was the precursor to the Affordable Care Act, suggests that the fears are overblown” and “at this point the evidence overwhelmingly suggests no need for major worry.”

Here is some more juice for your soul.....

"Tax credits to make it easier for the middle class to afford insurance will become available for people with income between 100 percent and 400 percent of the poverty line who are not eligible for other affordable coverage."

"Americans who earn less than 133 percent of the poverty level (approximately $14,000 for an individual and $29,000 for a family of four) will be eligible to enroll in Medicaid."

A recent poll asked people whether they had a generally favorable or unfavorable view of the health plan. Responses split 41 percent and 41 percent between favoring and not favoring. Another 18 percent said they were undecided.

Small businesses qualify for tax credits if they pay for at least half of the workers' health insurance. A small business is defined as having fewer than 25 full-time workers paid average annual wages below $50,000.

The plan creates a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute "to conduct research to provide information about the best available evidence to help patients and their health care providers make more informed decisions."

For individuals who make more than $200,000 or couples that make more than $250,000, the plan increases Medicare taxes on wages in 2013 by 0.9 percent and imposes a 3.8 percent tax on investment income.
The republicans wanted to defund obamacare and get rid of it all together not delay it. My belief is that they should get rid of all of the lobbyist. I know there are good ones but most dont have the deep pockets like big pharma and big oil. And if the republicans/teabaggers wanted to get rid of obamacare and take political control back from the dems they should have passed obamacare/affordable care act and bitched about it the whole time and said you will see, this is bad. If it fails they have the "I told you so" card and if it is a success they could say " we had our doubts but this is a good thing" and embrace it. Sounds like a win win situation they were in but their hatred for obama blinded them from a great opportunity.

Not correct, the right initially wanted to defund Obama but later tried to negotiate by a house bill to delay the individual mandate for one year, the democrats refused to budge and the government continued it's shut down.
See that last note: families making more than $250k a year get a slightly higher tax, specifically on investment INCOME. Yea. Im happy to pay it. Why? Because the more people like me contributing, the more people worse off have the opportunity to get themselves out. Without that tax, people less fortunate don't stand a chance.

Did I work hard for my money, you damn right. Do I think its the right thing to do to help society get back on its feet? Yep, sure do.

Republicans aren't patriots. If they were, they would be demanding we do something about job creation and social well being, instead of cutting the government off at the knees.