Now Democrats Call To Delay Obamacare.

Not correct, the right initially wanted to defund Obama but later tried to negotiate by a house bill to delay the individual mandate for one year, the democrats refused to budge and the government continued it's shut down.

Please stop watching Fox News. Please. I beg you.

If you stop watching Fox News for 1 month, I will mail you a check for $500.
Please stop watching Fox News. Please. I beg you.

If you stop watching Fox News for 1 month, I will mail you a check for $500.

If that's all you have is the typical FOX news BS, go whine to someone else.
Now if you want to act like a grownup and refute it with facts, be my guest, if I'm wrong I'll be the first to admit it.
See that last note: families making more than $250k a year get a slightly higher tax, specifically on investment INCOME. Yea. Im happy to pay it. Why? Because the more people like me contributing, the more people worse off have the opportunity to get themselves out. Without that tax, people less fortunate don't stand a chance.

Did I work hard for my money, you damn right. Do I think its the right thing to do to help society get back on its feet? Yep, sure do.

Republicans aren't patriots. If they were, they would be demanding we do something about job creation and social well being, instead of cutting the government off at the knees.

Well good for you, if you really make as much as you say you do, why don't you real quickly tell me what tax bracket you were in for 2012 and what kind of investment tax and the percentage you had to pay. I said quickly so you wouldn't t have time to go to google university.
If that's all you have is the typical FOX news BS, go whine to someone else.
Now if you want to act like a grownup and refute it with facts, be my guest, if I'm wrong I'll be the first to admit it.

Are you denying that House Republicans have voted 46 times to repeal Obamacare? Are you denying that majority Republicans are wasting millions in tax dollars with their filibusters and sequesters and repeal votes? Are you denying these things?
Well good for you, if you really make as much as you say you do, why don't you real quickly tell me what tax bracket you were in for 2012 and what kind of investment tax and the percentage you had to pay. I said quickly so you wouldn't t have time to go to google university.

My effective tax rate last year was 22%, my investment income was minimal, I rolled over much of my money market funds. How about you?
It takes me little time to respond, I don't need to look things up or make shit up. Why are you taking so long to respond?
Ok yea. Thats what I thought. Goodnight fella. Wish you all the best with your plumbing business.
Are you denying that House Republicans have voted 46 times to repeal Obamacare? Are you denying that majority Republicans are wasting millions in tax dollars with their filibusters and sequesters and repeal votes? Are you denying these things?

No I'm am not denying the republicans have voted many times to repeal the POS bill, and yes I am denying they are wasting tax payers dollars by attempting the repeal, they are trying to save more money by killing the idiotic bill.

Are you denying the republicans passed a bill to delay the individual mandate for one year?
Are you denying that Omama and the democrats lied about Obamacare to sell it to the American people???
No I'm am not denying the republicans have voted many times to repeal the POS bill, and yes I am denying they are wasting tax payers dollars by attempting the repeal, they are trying to save more money by killing the idiotic bill.

Are you denying the republicans passed a bill to delay the individual mandate for one year?
Are you denying that Omama and the democrats lied about Obamacare to sell it to the American people???

Im not denying that Republicans are trying everything they can to repeal Obamacare, or render it ineffective. Not denying that at all. And thus lies the problem. And you don't see it because you are clearly not a bright individual.

Yes I am denying that Obama and the democrats lied about Obamacare to sell it to the American people. What proof do you have of this? I mean like real proof, not just Weapon Of Mass Destruction Proof.

See how we can go round and round with this? For every tit, I will have a tat, but my tats are supported by facts. Sorry fella.
My effective tax rate last year was 22%, my investment income was minimal, I rolled over much of my money market funds. How about you?

I thought so, never told my what kind of investment tax or what percentage!
Rolled over money market funds, really, did you pay a capital gains tax on that, or what and at what rate?
Best comment ever:

Obsessed with nullification after being unable to prevent the law's passage. Compulsive in shutting down the government. Sick with the fever.
Yes I am denying that Obama and the democrats lied about Obamacare to sell it to the American people. What proof do you have of this? I mean like real proof, not just Weapon Of Mass Destruction Proof.

See how we can go round and round with this? For every tit, I will have a tat, but my tats are supported by facts. Sorry fella.

Did the president tell the American people they could keep their existing doctor and insurance plan, no matter what?
I thought so, never told my what kind of investment tax or what percentage!
Rolled over money market funds, really, did you pay a capital gains tax on that, or what and at what rate?

You're not very bright are you? Or maybe you're too young to know anything about taxes.

When I told you effective tax rate of 22% that included taxes on investments dumb dumb. Effective tax rate is the rate of tax I pay after all adjustments have been made, including taxes on investments, businesses and property.

But you would know this if you were over the age of 18. Or held a job.
Dude, seriously. Stop. I am running train on you right now. And Im tired and need to go to bed.

Lets just agree to disagree.
You're not very bright are you? Or maybe you're too young to know anything about taxes.

When I told you effective tax rate of 22% that included taxes on investments dumb dumb. Effective tax rate is the rate of tax I pay after all adjustments have been made, including taxes on investments, businesses and property.

But you would know this if you were over the age of 18. Or held a job.

I know exactly what an effective tax rate is, I made a fool of UncleBuck last year on that very subject.
The fact is, I asked you what kind of investment tax you paid and what was that rate, that my friend has nothing to do with effective rate until you add them up,

So one more time, what kind of investment tax did you pay and what was the rate?
I assume you will have more to say after this comment, but for now I am going to bed. When I get up and read your blither, I will try my best to respond with proper rhetoric. Goodnight man. And seriously, don't take what I have to say to heart. We are all in this together. But because your side is driving this country into the ground I have been forced to buy a shit ton of guns and grow copious amounts of pot. Good times.
I know exactly what an effective tax rate is, I made a fool of UncleBuck last year on that very subject.
The fact is, I asked you what kind of investment tax you paid and what was that rate, that my friend has nothing to do with effective rate until you add them up,

So one more time, what kind of investment tax did you pay and what was the rate?

No. You are so very very wrong. Seriously, look that shit up dude. I don't send two checks into the government every year, one for my effective tax and one for my investment tax. Actually, I send quarterly tax filings, I am a 1099 Schedule K1. Look it up killer.

I can't get into this with you right now. Youre not paying me to teach you these things. Look this shit up yourself.

But if you must know, my percentage of tax I paid on interest income and capital gains was 35%, as a percentage of my gross income. After adjustments it was boiled down to less than 50% of my effective tax rate.

Seriously, lets chat about this tomorrow.