Now what do I/we do?

I've spent a good portion of the last 5 years of my life here it seems, railing against Trump, an all encompassing Dark Energy force that was extremely draining, but gave me a purpose, too scream & too shout, to raise the alarm & hopefully bring about some awareness as to what a danger Trump actually was.
Now it's over, finally (Thank fucking God :) )
So now what to do?
Has this forum served it's purpose for me, simply a place to vent, no longer needed?
I just know what I'm gonna do right now at this moment, which is to smoke a bowl of this killer Purple Haze I just grew, sip a glass of Irish whiskey & start the preperation for my celebratory dinner (Calamari with fresh linguini smothered with a spicy Tuscan sauce & a fresh loaf of garlic/olive Ciabatta bread & a bottle of Pinot Grigio)
Then I'm going to take it real easy & relax for a little while & dream of a World without Trump fucking with my head (very nice, indeed :) )
Stay safe/wear a mask/Peace out & for one last time, FUCK TRUMP!!!!! :) :) :)
Impeach Trump and force the GOP to carry his water going into the Georgia election, he will try to divide the republicans so he can cling desperately to power and will throw them under the bus to do so. Moscow Mitch wants those two senate seats so fucking bad he can taste it and Stacey Abraham's is busy on the ground in Georgia right now! Donald had better not get in Mitch's way, but if he convicted him the base would freak out on him and some might stay home, if he acquits him, say for the Stormy Daniels crime, it will be proven in a court of law soon after and Donald will be in prison, so no damage done, gains in fact for the democrats. Donald is their weak link, concentrate on him and he will betray them out of hand, if he is desperate enough, Donald is a paradox, he is their greatest strength and yet their greatest weakness at the same time.
What do you say to your buddy who just got his ass kicked in front of everyone? The entire world saw this beat down happen. That’s the dilemma the republicans are facing. All I see on TV are republicans trying to save face for Trump. It’s pretty fucking funny to see. :lol: :lol:
I'll bet Donald is either shocked and frozen with fear or scheming, he has been kinda quiet. Perhaps Mitch made the call or Meadows explained the Georgia senate election is at stake and if it came down to senate control or loyalty to him, it would be a no brainer, fuck the base, we just got elected. Donald might actually comprehend this situation and will fight, it will mean being muzzled by the republicans until he ends up in jail, it will mean losing control of the base and that is a power he will never give up, even from prison. Donald will fight and he will divide the republicans before the Georgia election on Jan 5th, the democrats can help this along and force the issue, or sit back and watch Donald dig and Mitch try and fill back in the hole. They will do whatever gets them Georgia and that will mostly mean feet on the ground, organization, resources and getting everybody you missed the last time around. The big picture has an effect, but all politics is local they say, Joe is helping to win Georgia for the democrats and Donald will try to lose it for the republicans.

Nancy is wise in the ways of the house and hill, Joe is wise in the ways of the senate, if he has a majority he won't have to deal with Mitch. If Impeaching Donald in the next month or even two weeks will help get Georgia and fuck over Mitch, I can assure you it will be done. Joe will have clean hands and won't say much, it's those house democrats...
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Dave Chappelle just slapped America in the Face last night on SNL.
No Kumbaya shit.
Now White America is getting a sense of what's it like to be Black in America.
Feeeling Helpless/Hopeless?
Ask a Black man/woman how to deal with it & buy them an ice cream :)

My wife thinks that Aunt Jemima/Uncle Ben were/are a racist trope.
I never thought of them that way
What do you think?

Even Nazis conceded defeat FFS! They had to do Hitler to do it though, history echoes, it does not often repeat. This one took America four years and might cost the same number of lives before it is over.

Churchill had his flaws and critics, then and today, but he did know how to lead.

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Even Nazis conceded defeat FFS! They had to do Hitler to do it though, history echoes, it does not often repeat. This one took America four years and might cost the same number of lives before it is over.

Churchill had his flaws and critics, then and today, but he did know how to lead.

Trump & his followers will never, ever fucking ever, conceed defeat.
It's not in his /they're nature.
It will always be someone else's fault, the "illegal" votes/the "China Virus"/the "Deep State"
Oh fucking well
Deal with it Trump & your supporters.
The Reality is that YOU FUCKING LOST & that's a fact.
Just as enemies and adversaries are two different things, so the are strategies and tactics, in this kind of social/political fight.
Strategies are about gaining a fundamental understanding of the issues and beginning to address the grievances to the extent you reasonably can, through policy and inclusion. Tactics in this arena is traditional win any way you honorably and legally can, politics as usual, dirty tricks and all. You must get and retain power if you want the future to turn out the way you want it, elections sculpt the landscape of future.

After victory in WW2 the allies treated the people well, settled grievances and made strong allies out of former enemies, love & justice works too and that's how they won the peace. Just as the second world war had an effect on the aftermath and the trajectories of many lives, this social one will have it's effect too, with the political activation of tens of millions and a generation of younger people. This election revealed America in stark detail, it was not about ideology, it was about morality and the glue that binds Trumpism, racism.
Trump & his followers will never, ever fucking ever, conceed defeat.
It's not in his /they're nature.
It will always be someone else's fault, the "illegal" votes/the "China Virus"/the "Deep State"
Oh fucking well
Deal with it Trump & your supporters.
The Reality is that YOU FUCKING LOST & that's a fact.
No one said you can't bitch slap the fuckers with the facts James and it is not exactly a sin to tell the fucking truth! :lol:
So does this mean no Mount Rushmore modification ?
They will build a Trump "tower" of shame on the fucking Washington mall as a memorial, they can inscribe all the covid victims names on it, surround it with 30,000 lies engraved in granite. Make it a monument to monumental stupidity and moral failure. Any Trump or covid memorial should also include a tribute to his base and pictures of his fucking rallies, it would be a memorial to morons too. Make it rival the Washington memorial, in a way Trump did for his base, they would follow him and say fuck George, winning!
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My wife sent me this. I thought this was an appropriate thread to post it:

“a white lady who voted for 45 told me i hurt her feelings because i chose to talk to her about her vote.

a white lady who voted for 45 said that my decision to no longer greet her everyday has “affected her well-being” & started to cry real tears. ()
a white lady who voted for 45 said that she was not trying to keep any secrets BUT it was her business that she voted for 45 and she didn't want anyone to know. ()
a white lady who voted for 45 told me that we would just have to agree to disagree and i told her NO we would not.
i told her that as a black woman i could get more than my feelings hurt because of the political decisions of mediocre white ladies like her.
i told her that we do not understand each other because she hadn't said anything that made sense, actually she hadn't said anything of substance at all.
i told her i wouldn't be speaking to her in the future or waving and smiling at her as we drop our children off at school because i am done doing that. politics matter AND they are personal; my very existence as a black woman/mother is political.
white ladies who voted for 45 and the lot of you “liberal” white ladies who know and love white ladies who did and don't challenge them or call them on their shit ...
i am not here to convince you of my humanity.
i am not here to play nice when you are playing with lives and legacies.
i am not here for your white fragility and your fragile/exclusive versions of feminism.
i am not here for your denial, your guilt or your racism.
what i am here for is all of us (even you) getting and being free and i am on that quest with or without you.

stop crying. stop making this about you. stop lying. stop always talking. just stop and for a bit of time listen to, believe and follow black women.
once you know better, before you leap to the “do better” phase how about you actually BE better! cause honestly if you can't BE better at your core whatever you do will simply continue to cause more harm than good.”
Biden has a short leash. He fucks up at all and it’s trump in 2024. That’s a lot of pressure on him and dems. I hope they rise to the challenge!
Donald will be going nuts in prison, but his ghost will be around, so will the other republican assholes who sold America down the fucking river. Spend four years cutting the legs from out under the republicans, a major issue is the rural/urban divide, find out why this is so and start from there. Treat the republicans like any other terrorist organization, settle grievances to the extent that you can in rural America and get a good grip on it, you don't need them all, just some for now.

Tactics in this social fight might involve using their biggest asset against them, Donald and his desire to wiggle out of the trap and Mitch's lust for senate power, the wise would play these two off against each other before the Georgia election.
Donald will be going nuts in prison, but his ghost will be around, so will the other republican assholes who sold America down the fucking river. Spend four years cutting the legs from out under the republicans, a major issue is the rural/urban divide, find out why this is so and start from there. Treat the republicans like any other terrorist organization, settle grievances to the extent that you can in rural America and get a good grip on it, you don't need them all, just some for now.

Tactics in this social fight might involve using their biggest asset against them, Donald and his desire to wiggle out of the trap and Mitch's lust for senate power, the wise would play these two off against each other before the Georgia election.
You’re not flipping rural areas because they’re scared their guns are going to be taken. Dems have to shake that stigma and stay away from taking guns if they want to flip voters.
You’re not flipping rural areas because they’re scared their guns are going to be taken. Dems have to shake that stigma and stay away from taking guns if they want to flip voters.
That might be part of it, separate urban and rural gun laws or regulation, cities are closely packed etc, it could be sold to them, there will be no NRA. Like I said, these issues have been studied and the info is in the political science and economics departments of the universities of America. Tax incentives could move jobs to rural areas and education supported, there is a whole lot that can be done to erode republican support in rural America, that's the strategy part of the fight. These people are not enemies and retribution should be saved for the politicians who conned the poor bastards, there is healing to be done and this is part of how you do it.