Hmmmm I wonder if any of the 400 richest people in the world give any of their money away? Hmmmmmm.if I had all that money I would give it to people who need it. Your talk of envy belies your way of thinking, selfishness.
Lets see Bill Gates donated $28 BILLION
Warren Buffet gave $3.8 BILLION
George Soros? $8 Billion
Gordon Moore? $6.8 BILLION
Carlos Slim Helu? $4 billion
George Kaiser? $4 Billion
Eli Broad gave $2.6 BILLION
Azim Prenji-$2.1 Billion
I could go on and on and on until I got to that 400th person and you would find that he probably donated more money that you could make in 100 lifetimes.
But hey, as long as there are problems in the world, blame the well to do for it, and if that doesn't work blame a republican.