skippy pb

Well-Known Member
thats the last thing Im worried about, maybe he just thinks pins looks stupid
Yeah but when your running for office is your personal opinion of something patriotic that important? After the incident with his pastor "thrashing" America, if you will. I for one this Obama needs to show all the patriotism he can. He may be a good guy and can have great morals and such, but i think not to wear the pin is just poor decision making.

Its just a pin for christsake, and how many people would look at him and see an American flag pin and say "hmm this man is supporting are country... theres no way in hell im gunna vote for him."

But thats just my 2 cents


Active Member
Yeah but when your running for office is your personal opinion of something patriotic that important? After the incident with his pastor "thrashing" America, if you will. I for one this Obama needs to show all the patriotism he can. He may be a good guy and can have great morals and such, but i think not to wear the pin is just poor decision making.

Its just a pin for christsake, and how many people would look at him and see an American flag pin and say "hmm this man is supporting are country... theres no way in hell im gunna vote for him."

But thats just my 2 cents
But that's the thing, why does he need to prove his patriotism? Why has it become the standard to start out in this country as a hater, and work your way up the ladder from there? This country is based so cruelly on material possessions and self-image, that when you go past those objects, and refuse them, you've become an enemy, its ridiculous. Its rather sad how pathetic the majority is in this country.


New Member
But that's the thing, why does he need to prove his patriotism? Why has it become the standard to start out in this country as a hater, and work your way up the ladder from there? This country is based so cruelly on material possessions and self-image, that when you go past those objects, and refuse them, you've become an enemy, its ridiculous. Its rather sad how pathetic the majority is in this country.
Amen brother!


New Member
Speaking as "A Typical White Guy," I'm very proud of the fact that my country has a front runner in the presidential race that is African-American. No one would be prouder than I if we were to elect a Black president. No one would be more disappointed if that Black president were to be Obama.

It's not the race of the man ... its his ideas that are all screwed up. And that will keep me from voting for him.
Would the next Black candidate please step forward. :hump:



Active Member
obama not wearing a flag doesn't have to do with his stance on anything except his stance on not being a part of the Fucked up situation of politics in this country. if you've noticed he's also not taking money from lobyists which is another longstanding political tradition in this country.... OBAMA '08!


Active Member
also if you really consider where that whol "God Damn America" thing came from.... try to think about what it would be like if you got fire hoses turned on you when you tried to get voting rights, or piss in the same bathroom as someone who was white. I mean all Americans have "certain inalienable rights" and if yours were denied in such a way, would you not react the same way?


Well-Known Member
Your priorities are fucked if that's the worst thing you can find about him.

If you're responding to Muneeee, I'd ask that you put things in perspective and show some respect to a disabled Vet who has served his country, have you served? In your opinion his priorities may be fucked but they're his and he owns them. I too don't think a flag pin is an issue, but I would argue whether or not is is/is not. If it's an issue to him then he's entitled. Engage in debate with him as to why but don't simply go off and say his priorities a fucked. Just my .02

If you're not addressing Muneeee then my apologies.


New Member
lol You guys ahd to walk 15 miles in the snow everyday too huh ;) just messin with you
Actually, my first three years of high school. I walked two miles each way, the last year we moved closer, and I bought my first car, a 46 merc. That car was a toad, but I was mobile, and my independence had began. I paid 50 bucks for the car and 150.00 for the insurance. My dad wouldn't let me drive the car without insurance, smart man. Earned the money from working two jobs @ 75 cents an hour, the going wage for high school kids.


New Member
also if you really consider where that whol "God Damn America" thing came from.... try to think about what it would be like if you got fire hoses turned on you when you tried to get voting rights, or piss in the same bathroom as someone who was white. I mean all Americans have "certain inalienable rights" and if yours were denied in such a way, would you not react the same way?
Yes, I guess those types of experiences would make you stone-blind to the fact that we have a viable black candidate and a female candidate running for president. Stone-blind to the fact that we have a Black woman serving a Secretary of State. Stone-blind to the fact that we have a Black Caucus in Congress. Stone-blind to the fact that the wealthiest woman in America is Black. "God Damn America," my ass! :roll:



New Member
Yes, I guess those types of experiences would make you stone-blind to the fact that we have a viable black candidate and a female candidate running for president. Stone-blind to the fact that we have a Black woman serving a Secretary of State. Stone-blind to the fact that we have a Black Caucus in Congress. Stone-blind to the fact that the wealthiest woman in America is Black. "God Damn America," my ass! :roll:

It's been good to you eh Vi? I wonder how good it has been to others, like the Viet-Namese, The Iraqis, the poor kids in the ghetto? The God-damn America isn't about the America people, but the elites and the people running it. I guess you feel as though you are one of those eh? Well if so then God-damn you.


Well-Known Member
If you're responding to Muneeee, I'd ask that you put things in perspective and show some respect to a disabled Vet who has served his country, have you served? In your opinion his priorities may be fucked but they're his and he owns them. I too don't think a flag pin is an issue, but I would argue whether or not is is/is not. If it's an issue to him then he's entitled. Engage in debate with him as to why but don't simply go off and say his priorities a fucked. Just my .02

If you're not addressing Muneeee then my apologies.
I serve God. I won't break God's rules to defend my country's. Sorry but that's just me. But, your right, G. No offense to anybody. Especially a vet.


Well-Known Member
RON PAUL 08!!!!

tell me who would lead the country better than him? vote for who you believe in and not for who you think will win the electection... i would rather fight a losing battle(for freedom) and die, than fight for fascism and be a slave!!!!!

maybe thats the little Irish blood i have in me!