#1 Flaw in your entire argument is - The Government should work for the people, not the other way around.
first off, regarding the financial crisis, you blame the people! Just like they want you to do! Predatory lending was a major factor, the ones who are at fault by a factor of 99% or more is the financial Institutions and the FED. To keep it short: the financial institutions are the ones who ran the greedy scams and the fed enabled them, participated, and encouraged them, period.
On your lobbyist comments...you say it takes people paying attention, voting, and playing the game....laughable....you even admit that this will NEVER happen and "THINGS WONT CHANGE"....Theres an inherit flaw in the system when a million dollars can get you whatever the hell you want regardless of the outcome on society, the people, and the earth. Its happening all over this world, free democracy or not, money corrupts, money should be OUT of politics...When our elected officials need millions of dollars to GET ELECTED...Thats a problem! When Special interest and corporations control the vote, Thats a problem.
You say we should - HOLD OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE - by Voting! Really?! Do you really believe that people can hold elected officials accountable by who they vote in? Give me a fucking break. Again, Government works for us, we don't work for them.
I didn't entirely "blame the people," you read that, because I wrote it, and that's the text to which you're replying. That's a flaw in argumentative strategy. In debate, when you fail to address arguments made, it is judged "negatively" for the exchange.
More importantly, it wasn't as if the lenders held their clients at gun point to sign the papers. Who was working for who?
I want to know what assurances you have, what gracious blind faith that you possess, for you to actually think that right now, there is any way that is a model that is going away anytime soon. There are few desirable, REAL WORLD methods to make a "lobbyist free" governance possible, they will fail because they are completely authoritarian in nature and will incite even further unrest... I admire your idealism, but reality is not with your opinion, or your concern. It will be what it remains. And if you can't see how that's for the better, I don't know what else to tell you.
Unfortunately, the main problem, and hindrance, to people actually having power over their elected leaders is that they display none, and ask for little obedience. Instead, people knowingly remain oblivious to their undertakings, except for the occasional mentions in the press, as if there were only enough information to report, in about two pages.
I just think that there are better, more appropriate ways towards effective change.
Your response is well thought out and rational, but it fails at this point.
I assure you there was very little "carelessness" at so called "financial institutions". This was well planned and executed with full knowledge of the outcome. There are many good books documenting this process. There are litterally hundreds of well known, well regarded experts that were screaming their collective heads off about this exact situation that was innevitable. Yet when it all comes crashing down everyone accepts the "no one could have possibly forseen this" aliby.
It is unrelented, free-market capitalism at its worst and was driven by the most collectively useless human instinct - GREED.
Lobbyists: Useless drains for souls. Litterally the tool that has been undermining the middle class for the better part of a century, thus destroying the entire economy that was built around it.
Lobbyists spent a collective 3.5 billion on how many elected members? 435. SO thats about 8 million dollars a peice, if distrubted evenly. And thats just the federal level. They control -not influence- all levels of government.
The economy will not recover untill the interests of the middle class are put first again. Our economy runs on consumption and its the middle class that does the consuming.
Well, the answer I think is to turn our country into something like Holy Mountain a la Jodoworksy...
The problem is that we ARE still consuming. People are buying all sorts of goofy shit, for extravagent prices. Filling the pockets of companies filling the suitcases of money to be given by lobbyists in order to fill the pockets of politicians. What to do? What's the plan for changing the paradigm?
I envision the "solution" proposed as a situation that will probably require that the politicians themselves will write the laws. I don't know how that makes sense in your world, but to me that sounds like a really bad idea. That's dangerous, I think. That is why I believe if ordinary people knew how to organize, and approach not just politics, but politicians, via voting,
demonstrations, pointed activisim, not vague objectives, there would BE change, tangible change.