Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)


Well-Known Member
I’m in no way giving them an excuse but I think that most bad cops are people that have been bullied in their younger years and feel that since they now have the full weight of the law enforcement gang behind them that they’re going to enact some revenge on people.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's pretty fucked up. He threatened you, implied he had a gun and you DIDN'T kill him on your own property? Admirable restraint!

Good for you for fighting for your rights.

And not killing someone for being suicidally stupid. That's good for extra karma points, lol
I most likely would have been in the clear in the eyes of the law, where it happened anyways.

It doesn't make something right just because a person will not be charged for it.


Well-Known Member
Bookmarked.. I have to read this bullshit at a better time. "Fuck the police" is like saying "fuck the laws they enforce." Which is basically like saying "fuck the rest of you and your laws, I do what the fuck I want."

Think about it OP, you and other assholes like you.. your mentality is the problem. Get a job, obey basic laws which are there to protect the innocent, respect fellow citizens, how fucking hard is that?? Want to enjoy cannabis? Do it peacefully. How fucking hard is that?

I'm not a cop, I'm not a racist, I'm not a biggot, so don't even try it civil rights crybabies. So disillusioned.. this shit disgusts me.


Well-Known Member
I thought we had one of these sort of threads going already, but I couldn't find it..

Post examples of police brutality. I see this shit on a daily basis. It's insane.

Here's one of a dude verbally exclaiming "I QUIT, I QUIT, I QUIT!" and police are still assaulting him.


This should take off quick!
You are disillusioned. It's frightening people actually think this way.


Well-Known Member
and my sister is a nurse in the er in the local hood.. she tells me all of the time about cops bringing people in with broken arms and legs and shit from "resisting" ....
she doesn't tell me too often cuz i tend to get extremely pissed off when ever i hear her tales..
Probably because they DO resist. Think about it, if in the hood the general mentality is "fuck the police," how are the hoods gonna act when they show up? Disillusioned..


Well-Known Member
my buddy ended up getting arrested for making terroristic threats and possession of a weapon, the knife.. just what he needed at the time when he was obviously already having issues in life ...
What the fuck were they supposed to do, drive away? So he can endanger himself and others? So disillusioned..

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
Bookmarked.. I have to read this bullshit at a better time. "Fuck the police" is like saying "fuck the laws they enforce." Which is basically like saying "fuck the rest of you and your laws, I do what the fuck I want."

Think about it OP, you and other assholes like you.. your mentality is the problem. Get a job, obey basic laws which are there to protect the innocent, respect fellow citizens, how fucking hard is that?? Want to enjoy cannabis? Do it peacefully. How fucking hard is that?

I'm not a cop, I'm not a racist, I'm not a biggot, so don't even try it civil rights crybabies. So disillusioned.. this shit disgusts me.
Your troll game is weak.
Please try harder.


Well-Known Member
Your troll game is weak.
Please try harder.
Perhaps my new member status leads you to belive I'm trolling. Sorry no trolling here; this is an important topic for me. This, right here, has the potential to unhinge American Society. People who are gathering behind this movement are more aggressive than any previous generation, and yes this is not new. It kills me to see decent people being mislead. Be sure to "like" that media content that's fueling this bullshit

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Four pounds of C-4 my ass. It was a homemade incendiary device dropped on the roof to force them out of the building. There was no day care, they were just squatters. The fire spread and burned down four or five blocks of row houses. The people that lost their houses got new construction and damn nice houses for their trouble. The leaders had ample opportunity to surrender and like the Davidians, they chose not to surrender.
You should probably do some research before talking bullshit. It was two pounds, though, not 4.


The point stands: Why the fuck is it ok to flush peaceful people just trying to stay alive out of a decrepit building with so much firepower? Or flush them out with serious explosives like that? The answer should be "it's not" and if that isn't your answer, you don't belong in a Country of the Free.
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Well-Known Member
You should probably do some research before talking bullshit. It was two pounds, though, not 4.

View attachment 3838888

The point stands: Why the fuck is it ok to flush peaceful people just trying to stay alive out of a decrepit building with so much firepower? Or flush them out with serious explosives like that? The answer should be "it's not" and if that isn't your answer, you don't belong in a Country of the Free.
Now there's a valid, civil point.


Well-Known Member
Bookmarked.. I have to read this bullshit at a better time. "Fuck the police" is like saying "fuck the laws they enforce." Which is basically like saying "fuck the rest of you and your laws, I do what the fuck I want."

Think about it OP, you and other assholes like you.. your mentality is the problem. Get a job, obey basic laws which are there to protect the innocent, respect fellow citizens, how fucking hard is that?? Want to enjoy cannabis? Do it peacefully. How fucking hard is that?

I'm not a cop, I'm not a racist, I'm not a biggot, so don't even try it civil rights crybabies. So disillusioned.. this shit disgusts me.
Yes, fuck the laws they enforce. I have a job and peacefully enjoy cannabis while respecting other people. I also follow all other laws but they still arrested me for growing plants in my own house so yes, fuck the police and the laws they enforce.


Well-Known Member
Bookmarked.. I have to read this bullshit at a better time. "Fuck the police" is like saying "fuck the laws they enforce." Which is basically like saying "fuck the rest of you and your laws, I do what the fuck I want."

Think about it OP, you and other assholes like you.. your mentality is the problem. Get a job, obey basic laws which are there to protect the innocent, respect fellow citizens, how fucking hard is that?? Want to enjoy cannabis? Do it peacefully. How fucking hard is that?

I'm not a cop, I'm not a racist, I'm not a biggot, so don't even try it civil rights crybabies. So disillusioned.. this shit disgusts me.

And I prescribe to the "fuck your laws" mantra. I live by the golden rule, I don't need an authoritarian entity telling me how to act, I'm an adult, can make my own decisions and deal with MY consequences. FTP.


Well-Known Member
Yes, fuck the laws they enforce. I have a job and peacefully enjoy cannabis while respecting other people. I also follow all other laws but they still arrested me for growing plants in my own house so yes, fuck the police and the laws they enforce.
That sucks, sorry to hear


Well-Known Member
That sucks, sorry to hear
The glaring hole in your logic is 'accountability'. There can be no justice when those charged with dispensing it aren't held to high standards of accountability.

In this fucking country, a police shooting is immediately followed by the prosecutor's office jumping thru hoops to find loopholes for the cop's behavior. It's sickening.

Cops must be held to HIGHER standards than civilians, not allowed to GET AWAY WITH MURDER.

Do you see the difference? Or do you like being on your knees and suckling cop dick?


Ursus marijanus
The glaring hole in your logic is 'accountability'. There can be no justice when those charged with dispensing it aren't held to high standards of accountability.

In this fucking country, a police shooting is immediately followed by the prosecutor's office jumping thru hoops to find loopholes for the cop's behavior. It's sickening.

Cops must be held to HIGHER standards than civilians, not allowed to GET AWAY WITH MURDER.

Do you see the difference? Or do you like being on your knees and suckling cop dick?
The problem with accountability is: where does the buck stop? Ultimately, quis custodiet custodes? We are up against a basic dilemma in the human condition. If that is not addressed directly and soberly, I see "accountability" as an anodyne, a word to take the pain away but not an actual answer to the problem.


Well-Known Member
The problem with accountability is: where does the buck stop? Ultimately, quis custodiet custodes? We are up against a basic dilemma in the human condition. If that is not addressed directly and soberly, I see "accountability" as an anodyne, a word to take the pain away but not an actual answer to the problem.
In Germany, police are held to very high standards of behavior and accountability. They are expected to be examples of law abiding behavior and are trained accordingly. Thus, they are friendly, efficient, fair- AND TRUSTED. And strangely enough, the rate of police shootings to population or police contacts is a tiny fraction of ours, like less than 5%.

The notion that such could not happen here is bullshit, or worse, giving in to the authoritarian culture.


Ursus marijanus
In Germany, police are held to very high standards of behavior and accountability. They are expected to be examples of law abiding behavior and are trained accordingly. Thus, they are friendly, efficient, fair- AND TRUSTED. And strangely enough, the rate of police shootings to population or police contacts is a tiny fraction of ours, like less than 5%.

The notion that such could not happen here is bullshit, or worse, giving in to the authoritarian culture.
Germany has a famously authoritarian culture.

You bring up bigger cultural differences imo. Those do not translate well across national borders.