Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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You know, looking at the video that BiG P provided, sure doesn't look like a huge fireball anywhere, the grass is as green around that little hole in the dirt as the day it grew, you don't see a huge swath of burned area like you do with every other plane crash into ground. Again, a miracle crash, another one time thing that will never happen again, and all on the same day. Even the Bermuda Triangle after 300 years doesn't have as much mystery as that one day in 2001.

lol dude they have recovered 95% of the fucking plane lol

dudes who live in the area saw her crash,

so you can sit here and pretend things in your make believe world but thats all it is

is make believe:lol:

im gonna stay in here to make sure you guys dont trick any other poor sap that wanders in here a little green behind the ears:bigjoint:

the airspeed when that plane crashed was 250kts or less.

planes flying at less than 10k feet are required to slow to 250kts or less. that rule goes until the planes reach 3000 feet, when planes are usually going 200 kts or less.

but as you can see there's a big tower of smoke.

now, let's pretend like fuel that's been ignited doesn't get put out that easily.


that's a overturned truck, with gasoline and diesel.

when you read the link it says

It took crews two hours to bring the fire under control.

2 hours to put out the flames of 10k liters of gasoline. a 737-800 can carry around 26,000 liters of gasoline. i'm not familiar with what plane flight 93 was, but a 737-800 is usually reserved for regional flights within the US, so it's a good comparison point, it's also one of the newer models of the plane, and the largest in the 737 family. i just used the 737-800 cuz its the one i'm most familiar with...

so it should've taken fire crews around 2 hours to bring it under control, and a bit longer to actually put it out. yet when news crews showed up there was no fire. no waterlines around the floor, no firemen working their assess off to pick up the mess, and the crater wasn't full of water. i've seen firemen going at it with a small car fire, and they used at least 10,000 gallons of water, not all of it evaporates, some of it runs off, and in the middle of a field, i would expect one muddy mess....

but yeah, i'm probably just over thinking it...:-P:-P
Heres a photo of the crash site right before cleanup.

Heres one with vehicles so you can get an idea of just how small this wreckage is.
lol dude they have recovered 95% of the fucking plane lol

dudes who live in the area saw her crash,

so you can sit here and pretend things in your make believe world but thats all it is

is make believe:lol:

im gonna stay in here to make sure you guys dont trick any other poor sap that wanders in here a little green behind the ears:bigjoint:


no they didn't. they reported they recovered the pieces of the plane. i never saw the warehouse full of parts.

the NTSB prouds itself on showing the pile of debris from the crash to the news media. they even have dedicated 'puzzle' makers that recreate the plane... look up TWA flight 800, where they dug the plane from 600+ feet of ocean... look what happened to that wreckage. they rebuilt the plane from pieces recovered from the OCEAN FLOOR.

nothing like that happened here..... but no, that doesn't raise any red flags at all...

i'm just sayin the official story ain't complete... i don't know what happened.

i know 20 something people didn't bust into the cockpit and crashed that plane. the plane would've broken up in mid-air, if it was traveling at almost cruise speed like it's reported, at 6000 feet, and it made such extreme maneuvers like go down at 90 degree angle. that much i'm certain....
I don't dispute something crashed in PA, i don't dispute all the buildings that came down, I don't dispute that something without wings hit the pentagon. But I totally dispute the government polished stories touted as truth to the masses. They recovered 95% huh? wow. Did they weigh it to come up with that percentage? And have they puzzled it back together again? You know like they do with all aircraft that crash and are recovered. i would really love to see it all put back together from pieces 2 inches long max.
I don't dispute something crashed in PA, i don't dispute all the buildings that came down, I don't dispute that something without wings hit the pentagon. But I totally dispute the government polished stories touted as truth to the masses. They recovered 95% huh? wow. Did they weigh it to come up with that percentage? And have they puzzled it back together again? You know like they do with all aircraft that crash and are recovered. i would really love to see it all put back together from pieces 2 inches long max.

dude there are even witnesses who says a plane crash into the pentagon i posted them already twice they clearly say and american airlines jjet crashed into the pentagon and it was going so fast he says it was like a cruise missle with wings

so your buddy's the 9/11 truthers decided just to use the last part of his eyewitness account where he says "it was like a cruise missle with wings"

but he really said clearly "i saw an american airlines jet blah blah blah

whatever anyway

you fell for it hook line and sinker

dude there are even witnesses who says a plane crash into the pentagon i posted them already twice they clearly say and american airlines jjet crashed into the pentagon and it was going so fast he says it was like a cruise missle with wings

so your buddy's the 9/11 truthers decided just to use the last part of his eyewitness account where he says "it was like a cruise missle with wings"

but he really said clearly "i saw an american airlines jet blah blah blah

whatever anyway

you fell for it hook line and sinker


No I actually surmised that one myself, you see the wings have the most massive and densest part of the plane on them. THE ENGINES!! These 7,300 pound monsters did not make a single hole in the pentagon walls, thefore something does not add up!
No I actually surmised that one myself, you see the wings have the most massive and densest part of the plane on them. THE ENGINES!! These 7,300 pound monsters did not make a single hole in the pentagon walls, thefore something does not add up!

:o UR FUKIN right!?!?!?!?!
Atomized? But the Gubbermint said it found DNA evidence of every single person on board. You cannot find DNA evidence in atoms. Again the official story does not add up.

The maximum speed that Boeing 757-200 could possibly fly is 600 MPH , about 1/3 the speed of the fighter jet. the fighter jet is flying into a solid 100 foot thick brick of reinforced concrete. the jets engines are not made of wood you know. Titanium will not atomize no matter how many times you smash it into a masonry structure even in excess of 1000MPH.
No I actually surmised that one myself, you see the wings have the most massive and densest part of the plane on them. THE ENGINES!! These 7,300 pound monsters did not make a single hole in the pentagon walls, thefore something does not add up!

how many times must i post the video before you clowns watch there are and were 136 witnesses who saw an american airlines jet fly right into the pentagon

thats right a whole 136 witness!!!:dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:

but yeah you right the engines didnt make holes and 136 people were lying about what they saw:dunce::dunce::dunce:


im here all day gentlmen

correction 136 saw the plane approching the pentagon

103 of those 136 saw the plane crash into the pentagon

26 siad it was an american airlines jet

7 siad it was a boing 757

39 others described it as a large jet

2 described it as a communter plane

1 described it as a coorprate jet

8 of the witnesses were pilots!!!!!!

1 was an air traffic controller

41 saw aircraft debries!!!

2 saw bodies still strapped into thier seats

0 saw a missle hit the pentagon

you guys as so gulibile for actually believing what idiot manipulators tell you on the internet:dunce:
correction 136 saw the plane approching the pentagon

103 of those 136 saw the plane crash into the pentagon

26 siad it was an american airlines jet

7 siad it was a boing 757

39 others described it as a large jet

2 described it as a communter plane

1 described it as a coorprate jet

8 of the witnesses were pilots!!!!!!

1 was an air traffic controller

41 saw aircraft debries!!!

2 saw bodies still strapped into thier seats

0 saw a missle hit the pentagon

you guys as so gulibile for actually believing what idiot manipulators tell you on the internet:dunce:

have you heard the stories?? some of them claim the thing skidded across the ground before hitting the pentagon (yet the grass is untouched), others say it never touched the ground, some say it knocked over light poles, other say it was flying too high to have hit the light poles...

and the most compelling evidence is that the VIDEO evidence that was recorded, you know, something like this:


is for some reason confiscated within minutes of this happening.... never to be seen again.....
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