Old School gaming

Blue Wizard, do you remember Solar Warrior for Arcade???

No, I've never played it. All I remember at the arcade we had at the mall was street fighter 2, mortal kombat 2, and a handful of old games like Mrs. Pacman and Dig Dug.

Mortal Kombat 2 and Street fighter2 always had huge lines in front of them.

I usually played golden axe or final fight. I used to beat one without dieing then move to the other one and beat it without dieing, just back and forth like that until mom came and got me.
Last month I played Landstalker all the way through for the first time in 16 years. Seemed like yesterday.

I'm playing resident evil 2 on my N64. The background looks funny, Like it's flat or something? I guess it's from all the compression they had to do, still pretty amazing that it has Leon and Clair's A\B scenario's and all the cut scenes on one cart.

^ The ending totally isn't worth the 3 hours (at least that's how long it felt) to beat the game.

Reminded me of Robot Alchemic Drive, that game is awesome if you've never played it before.

of course... only the best tho. final fantasy 7 and other square rpg's 7 was the best tho!! so awesome. i cried the first time i saw aeris die, i didnt see it coming.
dude mortal kombat 2 was hard as hell in the arcade. the computer just like wigs out on you randomly. u can get nearly an infinite combo with a few characters like kitana and baraka.

EDIT: i think ive made more people walk away from UMK3 than any other game at the arcade tho, they'd get pissed when id turn into human smoke, and say im cheating.
Too bad you don't have a NES, you can get a copy of wizards and warriors for like $2 on ebay. Dragon warrior 3 on the other hand will cost you a pretty penny.

I beat wizards and warriors a couple of months ago, then I tried playing part 2 but I just couldn't get into it, part 3 is pretty good.
Just good luck finding the cords... i have a few old systems sitting around w/o proper cords. n64, genesis, snes, nes, dreamcast... i geuss the dreamcast aint even worth 10 bux used if u aint got the 2 controllers and all the original cords. they are hard to find now. i bet saturn stuff is too... Nights was an AWESOME game. Fighters mega mix too.
omg, I'm sorry that said sega SATURN. my bad... somehow I was thinking Sega CD.

Actually if I remember right that is when virtual racer came out right? Wasn't that on the saturn?

Virtua racer was on 32X and regular genesis too. i still have the 32X version... weird thing is it would play w/o the 32x attached but it would glitch out. i think i had a cord fiasco the first week i had my 32X back in the day.
Do you guys remember "RACE DRIVING" on the arcade? I need to buy that arcade system. Getting one up here though would be a nightmare.
what about Hard Driving... the old atari driving simulator. that thing was hard until u got the hang of it. or ever sega outrun! shift them gears!!

as for racing on the genesis... Super Monaco GP. ive put HOURS amd HOURS into that damn game to get to the top team! whew! that game cheats a bit too...
I played Black Hawk Down for 4 years straight. I held #23 all time in Team King of the Hill and #41 all time in Team Deathmatch for the better part of 3 years. Man, I miss those days something fierce.

I was a Sargent in AOD ( Angels of Death) for 3 of those years. AOD is still around today, clanAOD.net, at one time it was the largest online gaming clan in existence. They played everything from Nascar, SWTOR, MOHAA to BFV and many more. They still have a badass site, worth checking out if you are a gamer. Tell them Asmallvoice sent ya..lol


what about Hard Driving... the old atari driving simulator. that thing was hard until u got the hang of it. or ever sega outrun! shift them gears!!

as for racing on the genesis... Super Monaco GP. ive put HOURS amd HOURS into that damn game to get to the top team! whew! that game cheats a bit too...

Yeah hard driving. That's what it was!!
I'm playing resident evil 2 on my N64. The background looks funny, Like it's flat or something? I guess it's from all the compression they had to do, still pretty amazing that it has Leon and Clair's A\B scenario's and all the cut scenes on one cart.

Re2 good old fav of myne,,interesting little fact,the makers of Animatrix used the police station for a background in one of the vids,,i think it was call beyond,if u ever check it out itll tweak your mind a bit,,just had to share that one.