Old School gaming

Did you play the other Half Life Mods?
Half Life is where it all began...Team Fortress, DOD etc.... Memories.... LOL
Love the Crowbar

Action Half-Life, Science and Industry and V mod, anyone else played those? I used to play nothing but Pyro on the first team fortress, no one ever played pyro back then and the engineers were cheap as hell with those damn EMP grenades, that was some BS.
Dude okay, Wizard, I will straight up consider you a gaming GOD if you figure out what is up with that lone tree. I went through that game a million times, still could, no problem. Just can't figure out what is up with that tree!!!
Dude okay, Wizard, I will straight up consider you a gaming GOD if you figure out what is up with that lone tree. I went through that game a million times, still could, no problem. Just can't figure out what is up with that tree!!!

Didn't take too long to find the answer, the crimson armor is at the base of that tree but you can only get it if you give the old man the old woman's sketch.

If you like old RPGs check this site out, they have a ton of shrines for different RPGs including Sword of Vermillion.

Didn't take too long to find the answer, the crimson armor is at the base of that tree but you can only get it if you give the old man the old woman's sketch.

If you like old RPGs check this site out, they have a ton of shrines for different RPGs including Sword of Vermillion.


Actually, the sketch exchanges gives you the dragon shield. There is no crimson armor at that tree. Before or after that point.
Teleport to Keltwick and give the old man the sketch. Then talk to him. He likes what he sees, and gives you a sketch of himself. Talk to him again, and he'll tell you about that single tree in the middle of no place. Walk over to it; a chest will now appear. It contains Crimson Armor; sadly, it is weaker than Gold Armor. Maybe you can pick it up after your quest is over and keep it for a souvenir. Teleport back to Helwig and give the man's sketch to the old woman. Talk to her and she'll promise to write a letter to the man. She'll then give you the Dragon Shield.

Ahhhhhhh.... I always grabbed the dragon shield...

This makes no sense because that tree is WAY far away from that old man LOL!!!!
oh, and the dark sword, first cursed weopon in the game, is very worth picking up. It's tough to get to it though... but... at that point in the game, you don't really need much healing.
My friend gave me some N64 games he found in storage, one of them was Operation Winback. I used to rent that game all the time back in the day, that game is awesome and ahead of it's time gameplay wise. Gotta love Koei.

reminds me of jet force gemini, another game that was ahead of its time.

starts at 2 mins

reminds me of jet force gemini, another game that was ahead of its time.

I've got that game, it's awesome, you every play Mischief Makers?


I'm going to have to buy another copy, my sister borrowed it and lost it.
I've got that game, it's awesome, you every play Mischief Makers?


I'm going to have to buy another copy, my sister borrowed it and lost it.

I missed out on Mischief Makers but I clearly remember seeing the box in Blockbuster tons of times when I would rent games. Looks like it would have driven a 7 year old me into a violent rage!
That Operation Winback looks awesome! I never got a chance to play it. How does it rate compared to Goldeneye?

You can't beat golden eye lol. Winback is a very good game for the single player experience, the multiplayer is a bit weak though.
I know somewhere in 120 posts, the game 'Double Dragon' must have been mentioned. Man, I just loved that soooo much.

as well as 'R-Type'. and 'Stryder'.
I know somewhere in 120 posts, the game 'Double Dragon' must have been mentioned. Man, I just loved that soooo much.

as well as 'R-Type'. and 'Stryder'.

I don't think double Dragon was mentioned yet, I love part one, part two is great because it's two player, and three.... three is fucking hard. lol

Me and my cousin used to play Battle Toads Double Dragon on the genesis all summer long, I've still got my original copy from back in the day.
