Old School gaming

Wizard, you remember that muppets game for NES? That was a trip to play

Yeah my cousin rented it back in the day, we got to alternate who got to pick out a game every other weekend during summer vacation at my grandmas house. He always picked weird or crappy games lol.
Not sure if this qualifies as "old school" yet, but evidently FFXI is still up and running. I can't believe that it is on xbox360 though. Would be nice if it was FTP and brought to the PS3. I played the hell out of that game with my Taru Taru black mage/white mage.
u payed for and waited in the mail for something that is free on the internet...

some people actually like to support companies that put that out there, same with music, you like an album best thing to do is buy it to support to artist. I almost never pirate my games nor use emulators because i like the company, and i want their products to support them i buy their products so they can continue making something i like....kids these days jeesh
Y'all seen they're re-releasing the original NES Ducktales in HD?


I played the shit out of that game.

Yeah I posted the trailer in the video game news section on this sub forum, I've got a boxed copy of the original lol.

I also posted the trailer for the Capcom D&D arcade collection that's coming out, me and my friend used to play the hell out of those games on an emulator back in the day. You had to emulate those games though because the only home version was a japanese import on the Sega Saturn and it goes for $100-$200 when you can find it on ebay.

I think you need a japanese Saturn to play it on too, I'm not sure if the Saturn is region locked and if there is a way to get around it or not, I don't own a Saturn.
Hi Peeps, Loving this thread, My fav old school games were (after hours of pondering...from Atari to SNES...) Resident Evil 2 on the PS1, sucked me right in being a George Romero fan. Multiplayer online game for me has got to be Unreal Tournament GOTY Edition. The original and best, Servers are still running to this day.
but overall, the best game for me of all time is definitely the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series for the PC. Non linear play, go where you like. (well almost anywhere, even this game has it limitations) Fallout 3 copied the engine (poor Ukrainian's) But the AI in STALKER is absolutely fantastic, the best AI game ive ever played. PC's Rock.