Ordering Seeds..USA safety? illegal?

good then close this thread.. cause it's DAMN annoying.
Only person that is annoying is your ass....trust me..... you started it and you wont let it go.... who started the insults btw?
That would be you.
I hope you get a life and stop tryin to talk shit at every opportunity. Im almost about to leave this place just cuz you wont stfu... and would that mean youve defeated me? No, it just means there are plenty other forums where I dont have to be tormented by some idiot that is tryin to climb up the social ladder in a forum by runnin his mouth constantly...
Im sure you are probably depressed, havent gotten pussy in ages (or maybe you have but it hasnt been good) and most likely have been made fun of your whole life. You have been bothersome to the point of exhaustion, so as I keep asking, please fuck off and do everyone a favor and shut your shit talking mouth.
Only person that is annoying is your ass....trust me..... you started it and you wont let it go.... who started the insults btw?
That would be you.
I hope you get a life and stop tryin to talk shit at every opportunity. Im almost about to leave this place just cuz you wont stfu... and would that mean youve defeated me? No, it just means there are plenty other forums where I dont have to be tormented by some idiot that is tryin to climb up the social ladder in a forum by runnin his mouth constantly...
Im sure you are probably depressed, havent gotten pussy in ages (or maybe you have but it hasnt been good) and most likely have been made fun of your whole life. You have been bothersome to the point of exhaustion, so as I keep asking, please fuck off and do everyone a favor and shut your shit talking mouth.

Are you serious? Bye bye.
Dont tell him personal info about yourself... meaning by your school... who knows what he would do to use it against you ... contacting your college or something.
u know what and ur really pissin me off to the point that if ur little faggot ass dont show im gonna send your faggot ass picture to some of my boys at northwestern and hope they recognize you....shouldnt be to many long unwashed haired dorks there....im sure u stick out...
what does that matter are u gonna be there or not

Because I have already told you my age, height, weight, where I go to school, Where I train (sometimes), posted the picture like you wanted, and you haven't told me shit. You think I am just going to meet up with you? lol. Your probably some crackhead that will shank me with a rusty pipe or something.
u know what and ur really pissin me off to the point that if ur little faggot ass dont show im gonna send your faggot ass picture to some of my boys at northwestern and hope they recognize you....shouldnt be to many long unwashed haired dorks there....im sure u stick out...

And its really really creepy that you saved my picture.
well there you go i smell pussy...shut the fuck up now or meet me there on saturday...were i goto school has nothin to do with it...u told me ur a 3rd class brown belt and got mui thai skills...i told u i dont....the only skills i got is high school wrestling... i'll tell ya that......

why u scared were supose to be at your gym???have your dojo master protect you or whatever you call his ass......or all those boys ur talkin about
Dude you can call me a pussy all you want. I have a life, A full time job, and I go to school. You probably live in your mom's basement, stealing money from her wallet to buy crack. You mean nothing to me.
come on ur 6'2 195 pounds and workout everyday.......and your a brown belt in Jui Jitsu...you sound badder then chuck norris if ya ask me why u so scared???
u know what...im gonna to that gym anyways...and im willing to bet if i bring that picture there no one there is gonna even recongize you....
yeah by the way you talk to people on here...you sound like you got a really busy life........really important guy......why u wastein time talkin to us losers???
yeah and u dont look anything like a guy who works out everyday........i can see your wrists there skinny as fuck...if you punched me you'd fuckin break em....
The only two people I have ever butted heads with are you two, and it's funny cause you actually know each other. I have never called anyone here a loser. I just don't need some creep internet stalker trying to ruin my life lol.