Ordering Seeds..USA safety? illegal?

man after checking out the state laws on NORML, i am actually glad to live in Ohio! they are pretty damn harsh elsewhere, even in states you think would tolerate it greater. We actually got something almost right here!

i took at those laws to.. Ohio actually has a decriminalization of weed.. basically seeds may be illegal but all they'll do is give you a civil citation and a 100 dollar fine considering its way under the 20g limit (because its not even weed YET)

a civil citation is code speak for the same violation you would get if a cop cited you for jaywalking
I live in Texas and I order over the net all of the time and have never had a problem.I order from Highgrade-seeds.Good seeds and service .I am by no way plugging his site,I just prefer doing buisness with someone that will work with you .:hump:
docs on this site a lot I sent a thread to him and he replied the next day and he does send this way.send him a pm you cant beat talking to the guy.


seriously? this is ALMOST as retarded as that post of the kid saying he's going to grow weed and change the ENTIRE world with the money he gets.


I will never get this 5 minutes back.
Thanks for that info everyone.
Does anyone have the answers to my initial questions?

(1) Is posessing marijuana/hemp seeds in the USA illegal? If so what is the penalty for marijuana/hemp seed posession? Court? Fine? Jail? None of the above?

(2) When you place a cash USD order in the mail to a seedbanks mail address, is the seedbanks address an address tracked by the USA gov? Are these mail envelopes opened?

(3) When the seedbank sends their package to the buyer is the seedbanks address printed on the package and is that address tracked by the USA gov? Ever opened?

(4) Do you provide the seedbanks your real name and address when placing an order so that the order is sent to you at your home? Do you use an alias name and alternate address? Any suggestions for remaining anonymous? Is it necessary?

Thanks for your wisdom in advance!

Possesing seeds is illegal in the US. Just like everything else seems to be now days. Jail or a fine or community service. All depends on the state. Look up your local laws.

I don't work in customs so I don't know if they are tracked. I'd imagine so. Just to be safe. Anything that comes from out of the country..be it an ebay auction or a car is searched by customs...well not EVERYTHING but things from amsterdam and the carribean and canada are. Seeds are legal there.

A majority of the time your seeds arrive. They might get confiscated by customs. But the packages are always plain looking and very need to know kind of information on the outside. Only the basics. IF they do search your package...they usually are sewn into the liners of ipod sleeves etc. Very stealthy. But when you order things that are illegal and they don't show up. You aint getting your money back. You take all the risk.

Prepaid credit cards with fake names. Link up to a free hotspot and order from there so they don't have your ip. Use a fake house if you can. If it comes to your door you can always just say naw thats for the house next door. He must have put the wrong address. Only do that if no one is home. He will leave the package and you pick it up.

All of your questions could have been answered using google or the search button. But I am glad to help as much as possible.

Good luck and god speed.
man after checking out the state laws on NORML, i am actually glad to live in Ohio! they are pretty damn harsh elsewhere, even in states you think would tolerate it greater. We actually got something almost right here!
where i live even one plant will get you a 20 years now thats gay
if you have a college campus nearby try using their internet, the community college i go to has free wifi that doesnt require a log in to access, just a couple years ago some sick bastard used to catch the bus to campus and just sit around and use the internet to run a kiddie porn site, took em months to find out who he was
No worries friend. Order from herbies, there is a possibility that customs can intercept your package, but cannabis seeds contain no thc... Hince legal. Customs will only take the seeds as to prevent "invasive species" from reaching u.s. soil. At least thats what customs officer told me when I called the Chicago customs office.
No worries friend. Order from herbies, there is a possibility that customs can intercept your package, but cannabis seeds contain no thc... Hince legal. Customs will only take the seeds as to prevent "invasive species" from reaching u.s. soil. At least thats what customs officer told me when I called the Chicago customs office.
Customs office isnt who you want to talk to about legality issues.]
Seeds, and all parts pertaining to a marijuana plant (stems, leaves, etc) are federally illegal in the U.S.A.

Even hemp seeds have traces of THC in the hulls, unless they are shelled and cleaned.
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