New Member
Anyone that is creep enough to save pictures of people online to their hard drive, too look at and get off on. Is someone I definitely do not want to meet. Your probably a felon. or a meth addict.
well im done talkin to ur ass......its obvious ur pussin out...if u change ur mind let me know.......otherwise dont fuckin contact me enless it says..."i'll be there"
man i actually feel bad for you now...dont go and kill yourself or nothin.... just learn how to not be such a faggot and people will like you one day......
lol take a pic of ur friends at ur house laughing.....i bet 100 bucks ur there by urself watchin gay porn lubeing up somthing with KY getting ready to stick it in ur ass.
alright im done wasteing time on you.........have fun with your pathetic life.........you've already proved that your a loser........ u started it with the...."im 6 foot whatever 195 pounds and i'll kick ur ass". u called me out i answered....u told me a place i said i'll be there.....now ur pussying out and just saying stupid stuff....i love pussy thank you...somethin i bet everyone could tell u know nothing about.....have fun starting more internet crap...and pretending to be a bad ass......
ur not gonna get one more response from me its over..
AND FOR ANY READERS...WHO ACTUALLY FALL FOR THIS GUYS PATHETIC ATTEMPTS AT TURNING THIS AROUND ON ME......PLEASE GO BACK AND READ ALL THE POSTS.....even though the fag edited them all....but whatever whoever takes this guys side can go fuck themselves to........i dont got the time for this shit........
Both you guys are idiots.
I think the best idea for that would be to go to home depot, get some seeds that feel around the same size, nicely open the envelope, switch the seeds out... reseal... add with a few other things in a box and send away...How likely are seeds to get nabbed if sending a few to a buddy in another state?
I think the best idea for that would be to go to home depot, get some seeds that feel around the same size, nicely open the envelope, switch the seeds out... reseal... add with a few other things in a box and send away...
Very unlikely I think.