Oscar flap 'ludicrous' and get rid of Black History Month

red w. blue

Well-Known Member
No, you don't have the right to deny people equal rights, says it right there in the 14th amendment

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
I'm not a state. and you seem to be in a state of DENYal and what you say is ludicrous.


Well-Known Member
Your just spinning, its about a person owning a PRIVATE BUSINESS having the right to refuse service to someone. Have you not seen a sign saying "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" I have seen this sign in more than 2 black establishments one of these was a BBQ place called the white pig. My uncle always got his BBQ from there he would call it in the day before and we would pick it up from the window, the sign was by the door, I asked my uncle about it one day and he laughed and said that it wasn't for whites that it was for some blacks he didn't want there. A week or two later we went there went in and he introduced me to the owner who seemed very nice, we ate there, it had two small tables and five chairs. The BBQ was on very large bun piled high the slaw and fries were also very good. At lest five years later after my uncle died I ate there and spent an hour + talking with him about my uncle who he to care a lot about, he also remembered my name I am sorry that I have now forgotten his.

A private business would be like a club with an exclusive membership. Under most circumstances, they can discriminate. Businesses open to the public are public businesses.

Its really hard to prove it but regardless of the sign, no public business can legally discriminate based upon race or gender. It would take a completely ignorant statement of proof from the owner to bring the authorities down on a small business for race or gender based discrimination. It happens though. In Oregon, we had a pretty ignorant couple that made wedding cakes tell a gay couple that they would not make a wedding cake for them because they did not support gay marriage. They took the bakers to court. Still, it might have stayed a small deal until the bakers posted personally identifiable information about the gay couple on some anti-gay internet websites and the couple started receiving threats. This was done in defiance of the judge's gag order put in place to prevent just that action. The shit hit the fan when the bakers were hit with extra damages in excess of $100k. I don't know why people have to throw their belief system into other people's faces. If they didn't want to sell the cake to a gay couple all they had to do was say they were overbooked. Or better yet, sell that damn cake and move on.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
LOL. Or spit in the batter. Yeah, don't get too nasty or the health department will get involved but yeah, sell a crummy tasting cake if you don't want repeat business. But why did the bakers make such a fuss about it?
Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Some people are just more hard headed.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious, because it seems to be central to your argument, is a business operating on privately owned property (not leased, like a strip mall) automatically defined as "public". Would it not still be a "private" business? I've never heard private businesses referred to as public, just because they actually serve the public. I've only ever seen government entities labeled public and corporations that offer stock.

Are you sure it isn't more accurately called a private business that just so happens to offer products/services to the public. Unless the public owns stock in the business, it seems like it is private. Privately owned vs publicly traded comes to mind.
Good question. Not trying to start an argument here because it would simply be too boring, like arguing with @Rob Roy. Just posting an answer. The legalese is "privately owned place of public accommodation". So, not somebody's home and not a private club with an exclusive membership even if its a business. At least that's how I understand it.

What Do the Anti-Discrimination Laws Say?

At the heart of the debate is a system of anti-discrimination laws enacted by federal, state and local governments. The entire United States is covered by the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination by privately owned places of public accommodation on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. Places of “public accommodation” include hotels, restaurants, theaters, banks, health clubs and stores. Nonprofit organizations such as churches are generally exempt from the law.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Some people are just more hard headed.
I know, being polite is so old fashioned. I go by the saying that what I think of you is none of your business. I break that rule a lot here but not so much face to face.


Well-Known Member
Good question. Not trying to start an argument here because it would simply be too boring, like arguing with @Rob Roy. Just posting an answer. The legalese is "privately owned place of public accommodation". So, not somebody's home and not a private club with an exclusive membership even if its a business. At least that's how I understand it.

What Do the Anti-Discrimination Laws Say?

At the heart of the debate is a system of anti-discrimination laws enacted by federal, state and local governments. The entire United States is covered by the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination by privately owned places of public accommodation on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. Places of “public accommodation” include hotels, restaurants, theaters, banks, health clubs and stores. Nonprofit organizations such as churches are generally exempt from the law.
Excellent, thank you.

red w. blue

Well-Known Member
A private business would be like a club with an exclusive membership. Under most circumstances, they can discriminate. Businesses open to the public are public businesses.
Said in a legal way it would be a private business that is open to the public.

Its really hard to prove it but regardless of the sign, no public business can legally discriminate based upon race or gender. It would take a completely ignorant statement of proof from the owner to bring the authorities down on a small business for race or gender based discrimination. It happens though.
You forgot religion. I will be nice and tell you that me discriminating because of race wouldn't happen and if you understand that then you will know that all I have said would be correct. I know the law and can walk the edges.
My wife had wanted to buy me a car because she like to ride my bronco, vet or wagon and she owed me after a long time I gave in and in 09 picked out a new G8 GXP the car would be in my name and the loan in hers and I would cosign the loan. The contract guy tried to sell me on a extended warranty I said no. Well they cooked up a scheme where my name was on the bill of sale and only her name was on the contract as I would note the warranty and cost, the salesman wanted me talk to the head of the shop about my car while I did this they got my wife to sign the contract. By the time got I over being pissed and looked at the contract 3 or 4 min. I knew they were fucked. See for a contract to be valid she would have had gotten something of value. A month later a judge found in camera the contract to be invalid. It took 3 months to get title without paying sales tax as the state thought I should pay. So that's how I got a 09 G8 GXP free. My point is when I fight I win.
Some day I may tell of how I kicked the cities ass that I live in


Well-Known Member
I'm curious, because it seems to be central to your argument, is a business operating on privately owned property (not leased, like a strip mall) automatically defined as "public". Would it not still be a "private" business?
nice attempt to subtly support racial segregation, but sadly for your klanman dreams and wishes of denying service to blacks and other minorities, a business is only private if the owners define it that way, regardless of location.

you may go back to shaving your head and bleaching your whites now.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
OK, I have to admit.....So fucking what!
Who really cares? The whole "academy awards" it's self is foolish crap that serves to feed the ego's of morons. The whole thing is a bought and paid for system - just like out government!

But the big question is..........How the hell do you have the gall to quote "FAUX NEWS" on anything?

They "paraphrase" and "edit" to sensationalize a NOTHING event......They out right lie and push the owners agenda.


Pull your head out of the sand


Well-Known Member
OK, I have to admit.....So fucking what!
Who really cares? The whole "academy awards" it's self is foolish crap that serves to feed the ego's of morons. The whole thing is a bought and paid for system - just like out government!

But the big question is..........How the hell do you have the gall to quote "FAUX NEWS" on anything?

They "paraphrase" and "edit" to sensationalize a NOTHING event......They out right lie and push the owners agenda.


Pull your head out of the sand
How original...Faux News!!!

Pull your head out of your ass, the liberal cesspools that you think are legitimate are guilty of far more incidents of bias and exclusion, for a far longer timeframe.

The flaccid wailings of the weak-minded...Faux News, Booooooooooosh, Racist. Try formulating some fresh material.


Well-Known Member
How original...Faux News!!!

Pull your head out of your ass, the liberal cesspools that you think are legitimate are guilty of far more incidents of bias and exclusion, for a far longer timeframe.

The flaccid wailings of the weak-minded...Faux News, Booooooooooosh, Racist. Try formulating some fresh material.
Your entire worldview is built upon perpetual victimhood and the political establishment plays you like a fuckin' fiddle because of it

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
How original...Faux News!!!

Pull your head out of your ass, the liberal cesspools that you think are legitimate are guilty of far more incidents of bias and exclusion, for a far longer timeframe.

The flaccid wailings of the weak-minded...Faux News, Booooooooooosh, Racist. Try formulating some fresh material.
The bottom line is......They don't report news. I don't like the left leaning CBS either! I want truth! Not conjecture, NOT opinion!

I have news for you right wing idiots.....The pitchforks will be coming if you continue your GREED! The rest of you need to clear your heads and figure out it's those with the money that are IN power and YOU don't matter any more! The "middle" class is disappearing before our eye's and the plutocrats in charge only worry about who they can control next to keep the cash flow up!
It's profit at the cost of people! Oh hell, why do I bother? Those with eyes, but can not see.

BTW. If I want real world news - I listen to the BBC

Your doom and gloom, fear mongering right wing drivel.....Plays directly into the hands of the people you believe are hiding under every bush.....


Well-Known Member
The bottom line is......They don't report news. I don't like the left leaning CBS either! I want truth! Not conjecture, NOT opinion!

I have news for you right wing idiots.....The pitchforks will be coming if you continue your GREED! The rest of you need to clear your heads and figure out it's those with the money that are IN power and YOU don't matter any more! The "middle" class is disappearing before our eye's and the plutocrats in charge only worry about who they can control next to keep the cash flow up!
It's profit at the cost of people! Oh hell, why do I bother? Those with eyes, but can not see.

BTW. If I want real world news - I listen to the BBC

Your doom and gloom, fear mongering right wing drivel.....Plays directly into the hands of the people you believe are hiding under every bush.....
Actually, I am the guy hiding in the bush and it's you and the ilk like you that should be afraid.

When I want quality Sherlock Holmes programming, I watch BBC. When I want news, I don't turn to a nationalized source from a country that embraces socialism.

And by all means, bring the pitchforks, we own most of the civilian weaponry, as well as the hearts of the military personel.


Well-Known Member
Your entire worldview is built upon perpetual victimhood and the political establishment plays you like a fuckin' fiddle because of it
Victomhood? My worldview is based on victimhood?

I can't begin to tell you how laughable that is coming from one of the biggest "victims" on the interwebz. I'm not a victim, nor do I claim to be a victim. The entire democrat party's platform is built on victimhood.


Well-Known Member
Victomhood? My worldview is based on victimhood?
Climate change - "They're trying to tax me to provide for third world nations!"

Media - "The liberal lamestream media has perpetuated a liberal conspiracy forever, now it's my turn to get back at them!"

Campaign finance - "The unions have been buying elections forever, now it's my turn!"


Victim mentality with a childlike sense of entitlement, everything you project onto those you hate. It's cute.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
yes you are.

those online IQ tests you are taking are fake.

you said some people were harmed by racist governemnt practices, but they are dead. they are not. it goes on to this day.

by the way, why do you call jim crow laws racist, and then advocate daily for us to make those practices legal again?

Most of what you posted was nonsense, but I'll address your last erroneous assertion.

Jim Crow laws mandated that people couldn't associate...EVEN IF BOTH PARTIES CHOSE TO.

I've ALWAYS maintained that people that wish to associate be able to on a mutual and consensual basis. Once again, you are proven wrong. I do not advocate for forced segregation, I advocate for mutual and voluntary human interactions.

While you constantly fail to refute my points and commonly conflate them, you no doubt are more intelligent than an idiot,not much, but I'll give you that, Poopy Pants.