Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

In case I missed it, how does a newborn infant display their transgenderness?
They can’t, but probably the earliest signs are their choice of toys, just a guess but we knew one of our daughters was gay way before she did.
Edit: she played with boys more than girls, dressed like a boy, pulled her hair back tight or wore it short. Eventually she realized she was attracted to girls physically instead of boys. Didn’t come out til she was 18, probably from fear of rejection.
They don't? When can a child become transgender?
You understand the difference between transgender and transvestite right? You have to be 18 or so before they’ll do surgery or prescribe hormones. Transvestites and some gays just dress opposite.
yawn, you put a lot into that response. It’s kind of pitiful you spend so much time trying to school some rando dude on the internet. You actually sat there researching my account trying to find something to make a comeback with. Laughable. And to top it off, your response is my account doesn’t have enough activity. I’m embarrassed for you. You also seem to have this obsession with Trump. It’s weird. It’s your go to if you‘re losing an argument, I’m sure. It’ll definitely be in your response to this. You’re a joke. I look forward to a better stab at me. Fool. Clown
Welcome, Lazarus!

Did it take you long to find another old account with a lame password?

Wow, so believable.

Glad I triggered you so hard you have to burn it.
Lots of name calling and vitriolic sidetracks from a few people who claim that it's all about just being loving and accepting. Why don't all you lovers practice what you preach rather than saving all your love for just your own ilk? Actually....yeah, never mind....just keep it for your own ilk.
I love you despite your dumbness, fear and hatred.
Except Fred Rogers, my favorite minister.
Fred Rogers was (from all I've read) a good man. I understand that he was Presbyterian. Not that one relates to the other.

I have a brother who embraced religion as part of recovery from alcohol dependency. He's still sober, not very religious but it helped him when he needed it. I have no issues with that. I do have issues with things the religious right are doing. But then again, I think they are neither conservative or Christian.
deflection is a tool of the disingenuous.

What you said:

Was this just a strawman and logical fallacy? I asked who said that because the only person that I know who said that was you in the post above.
Understood. The question stands. When does a child realize they are transgender. In the current fact pattern, it is less than 6. How about 2?
You gotta admit, this is pretty funny being that you just said Ricky is an ignorant fucker, then asked if he was Ricky.
Ricky is a pretend character and your Canuck buddy must really relate to that character to use that pic as a thumbnail
I love you despite your dumbness, fear and hatred.
The self-entitled generation people just can't fathom it when someone tries to speak logically against their perspectives. I presume you made this thread to collect other opinions on the subject that you seem so certain about. But maybe you're not so certain about it and that's why you are bringing up the subject. I'm not cheerleading you. I'm giving you my opinion about it. I mean, yeah, I understand that this subsection has been controlled by you and a few of the regular "guys" (or whatever you identify as) for awhile and you've all turned it into your own mutual admiration society. In here, you can always be right and find vindication. Is this the real world for you? If so, then maybe the politics section of RIU should become your kids' home-school. Great minds....
Understood. The question stands. When does a child realize they are transgender. In the current fact pattern, it is less than 6. How about 2?
