Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

Understood. The question stands. When does a child realize they are transgender. In the current fact pattern, it is less than 6. How about 2?
When they decide on Barbie or GI Joe. If your daughter plays with Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers, she might be a lesbian.
Interesting logic from a guy with a tick in his profile pic and his handle.

Thanks for stopping by, tick. You blood sucking, Lyme disease spreading scourge on humanity.
Tick? I guess you've never been outside, huh? And everything with four legs is a dog I suppose? Honestly, your posts read very Ricky-esque. When I read them, I imagine Ricky's voice...It's uncanny.
Ricky is a pretend character and your Canuck buddy must really relate to that character to use that pic as a thumbnail

The self-entitled generation people just can't fathom it when someone tries to speak logically against their perspectives. I presume you made this thread to collect other opinions on the subject that you seem so certain about. But maybe you're not so certain about it and that's why you are bringing up the subject. I'm not cheerleading you. I'm giving you my opinion about it. I mean, yeah, I understand that this subsection has been controlled by you and a few of the regular "guys" (or whatever you identify as) for awhile and you've all turned it into your own mutual admiration society. In here, you can always be right and find vindication. Is this the real world for you? If so, then maybe the politics section of RIU should become your kids' home-school. Great minds....
Dumbasses like you don't know what logic is and can't understand it when other people laugh at their feeble attempts at creating a logical argument, pigeon.
We're you born here or did you get in on one of those Einstein visas?

Why? Where is here? Why do you assume you’re the center of this forum? How can I become as cool as you and your buddies on here? Do I have to spend every waking moment on here? You didn’t win this one. Facts.
Why? Where is here? Why do you assume you’re the center of this forum? How can I become as cool as you and your buddies on here? Do I have to spend every waking moment on here? You didn’t win this one. Facts.
Why are you obsessing on this thread? Why are you using a pirated account? They are watching your sock like a cockroach under a magnifying glass.
Jesus Christ, you’ve smoked yourself retarded. Now I feel bad for you.
Nope, haven't smoked a thing in over a month. You came on this thread acting like a typical antisocial sock with an account that was completely dormant for 8 years. The first posts were on April 14th 2021, you are being monitored, the people who admin this site aren't stupid, even if you are.
Dumbasses like you don't know what logic is and can't understand it when other people laugh at their feeble attempts at creating a logical argument, pigeon.
You're not a good parent because you've given up your responsibility to do the right thing for your kid (and for society at large) and all you can do is reach out to your inner circle of supporters, here, to try and clear your conscience about it. Your relatives have tried to point it out and I'm sure others who are close to you have tried as well. You're obviously angry at the dissension -even though you've reached out for the comments. The people who are cheering you on, here, aren't doing you or your kid any favors. It's likely there's going to be a lot of misery in your home over this....maybe sooner than you think. I wish the best for your innocent kid. You and your wife are the guilty ones, after all. You both need more help than your kid does. All you have in response is a bunch of immature name-calling that I'm sure your pals will snicker about, but it won't fend off the reality of the life you are in the process of ruining. That's what should matter most, but here you are, instead.

You're not a good parent because you've given up your responsibility to do the right thing for your kid (and for society at large) and all you can do is reach out to your inner circle of supporters, here, to try and clear your conscience about it. Your relatives have tried to point it out and I'm sure others who are close to you have tried as well. You're obviously angry at the dissension -even though you've reached out for the comments. The people who are cheering you on, here, aren't doing you or your kid any favors. It's likely there's going to be a lot of misery in your home over this....maybe sooner than you think. I wish the best for your innocent kid. You and your wife are the guilty ones, after all. You both need more help than your kid does. All you have in response is a bunch of immature name-calling that I'm sure your pals will snicker about, but it won't fend off the reality of the life you are in the process of ruining. That's what should matter most, but here you are, instead.
You're so full of shit it's coming out of yer mouth. You don't give a fuck about his kid so stop pretending you do, you are just a bigot and a fool. Now why don't you get off his thread, since you're pretty well useless.