Pickle's First Grow (Sorta)


Well-Known Member
Hmmm that's interesting, I do see what looks like to be a little hair right there. I'm starting to wonder if you got a hold of an auto flower strain from your bag seed?

Auto flower plants don't need to drop to 12-12 to show sex. I believe you can run them straight 16-8 through the whole grow and they don't get to tall either like 18" or so if that.

Here is a thread I've been watching because I'm interested in the auto flower strains. It might be worth a look to ya. There are multiple variety's and lots of pictures.


Great job tho man and keep up the good work.

I'll be lurking around.


Active Member
Hmmm that's interesting, I do see what looks like to be a little hair right there. I'm starting to wonder if you got a hold of an auto flower strain from your bag seed?

Auto flower plants don't need to drop to 12-12 to show sex. I believe you can run them straight 16-8 through the whole grow and they don't get to tall either like 18" or so if that.

Here is a thread I've been watching because I'm interested in the auto flower strains. It might be worth a look to ya. There are multiple variety's and lots of pictures.


Great job tho man and keep up the good work.

I'll be lurking around.
Thanks bro, all info is mucho appreciated, I highly doubt its a autostrain, I read around here a few places that some show pre-flowers at 5-8 weeks'ish. The other reason I doubt that an auto was in the bag seed was these plants are 24+" tall, also the hairs started appearing shortly after nodes started to alternate. There are roughly 4 in the garden that have started showing hairs, but its bag seed hard to tell what it is.

The lanky girl that I have named stink foot #1, because the bag it came from when you smoked it smelled like someone didn't do there sock laundry, and when you rub the stem it smells JUST like it did in the bag, its the only one of the 8 seeds from that bag I planted that has the smell like that, mind you there are like 6-8 differnt bag seeds in the mix going on here, that I hand picked from good smoke over the years, hard to say what's what.

I just put numbers on the cellophane instead of any indicator of what kinda herb it was from, except for delores, and stinky foot. Its funny cuz 2-3 ppl that smoked herb that smelt like feet, said the same thing,... " hey man did that shit smell like dirty feet to you?"

It was good smoke though, just had a very distinct odor. Stinky foot #1 has hairs on every node now though, I'll try to get some pictures if i go by there tonight, monday for sure.

I would dig it if they were auto's though, save me the hassle of getting these rooms divided so i can have a veg and a 12/12 side.

After this grow, I think I'm going to order barneys farm LSD seeds, I was torn between that or ata tundra (sp?) I seen around somewhere. I just wish I remembered what mutant came from, I know I only saved 2 seeds outta what I had, and I wish I woulda took pictures of the seeds they were overly huge with a very prominate ridge on the side.

I'm kinda rambling here, don't mind me.

There is another one among the mix that I'm not sure about it, its so short, looks kinda spindly but it smells really good and is all kinds of purple but hard to tell under the HPS light pictures. I thought alot of the purpling i had at the begining was due to lower temps when I started, but this one has gotten darker and darker. Its the one in the first batch of todays pictures, in the back near the timer on the wall, short lil bastard. That one also has the start of hairs, but the nodes aren't alternating and it looks like its just stuck not growing, i'll leave it and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
That's cool man. You know what 's going on with your grow more than I do.
I've just never herd of being able to sex your plants before 12-12. I guess I'll have to some research on that subject.

Grow on my man.



Active Member
That's cool man. You know what 's going on with your grow more than I do.
I've just never herd of being able to sex your plants before 12-12. I guess I'll have to some research on that subject.

Grow on my man.

I appreciate ya looking in man, yeah I'm acctually looking for the links i was reading about preflower, because I always thought there was only two ways to do it, clone for sexing, or hit the lights.

I believe I read from seed most will show some form of preflower at 5-6 weeks from seed, depending on strain. I didn't see anyting about poor conditions or excellent conditions making any difference, just when the plant matures it does it's thing, that was my take on it.

The alternating node spacing is very prominate on the ones that have shown any preflowers on mine, which is the sign of a mature plant from I read.

It took quite a bit of browsing around reading to find the info I was looking for, try to put some links up later.

(Warning most of the time I'm typing these things I"m very medicated, they made sense when " I " typed it.)


Well-Known Member
It's all good brah, I'll be hanging out to see how this sexing thing goes for ya. Also I would love to see those links to back up your claims.

Grow on my man.



Active Member
Here's some shots of a few I pulled out of the hps area. Looking pretty good so far.
The last picture is one that has really turned purple, looks pretty lanky and stunted but I"ll let it grow out. Looks like some of my pictures are not my pictures in this thread now. weird.



Active Member
Check this out pickle. I was browsing the forums and found this thread. I appears you were right about showing pre flowers in veg. Hmmmm I guess I learn something new everyday.



Cool dropa, I posted a link but after the website upgrade some things on my journal are kinda funky. From what I noticed they tend to happen after the plant matures, starts to alternate nodes, and side branching becomes more prevalent.

I will say this about switching light cycles from 24/0 to 20/4 and then 18/6, the side branching started stretching way more with 18/6. I guess stretching isn't really the best word, but they get way longer and jut out the sides of the bush with more dark, and better light getting through. This is just from what I have noticed. I noticed it right away after going to 20/4, but I always believed the more dark in the cycle the more stem growth, and increasing the space between nodes.

Also on the putting fan leaves into the cloner, the ones that were in hydroton dryed up pretty much the next day, I didnt' take a picture, but the one i just put through a collar, into the cloner wasn't wilted, I just pulled it outta there anyways but i was pretty surprised it didnt' wilt, shoulda took a picture.

I really need to not smoke before I start my gardening each day I tend to do things and forget to take a couple snaps shots. lol

My habanero's are doing quite well, all things considered, its getting close to preping the outside garden from them, being they are getting large the should do well outside this year, I dont' think I've started any this large at the begining of the year. I also have been hardening them under the HPS every other day or so, when they go outside the sun won't kill'em.

Here's a picture of the hab's and everything back under lights last night.



Active Member
Well Delores isn't really maturing as quickly as the rest of these. A little background on her, just for the hell of it I feel like typing this morning.

This was grown by a friend outside in really poor lighting, there was alot of shade most of the day, anyways this was one seed planted alone outside, and grew to quite a bush, I think i have a picture of it, and I will post it also. So this girl was grown outside, as a single mystery seed. I kept telling him once I seen hairs on it he was lucky it was female, I never got to see it upclose growing, but seen a few pictures. He brought by a bud, and it was pretty good, being that I was smoking one, and it went out half way through, and it took a minute to relize it. ;)

His mother passed away around this time, and she had been going through cancer treatment, for her two operations, we were smoking and having a moment and found a seed and I told him that I would keep the two I got out of the bud he brought over, and if it grew I would name the plant after his mom, and try to keep her going.

This orignal plant he grew made a few seeds throughout the whole thing, it musta hermie'd somewhere down the road he never noticed, that was my only logical conclusion. So out of the two seeds i kept and planted one sprouted and I think i said something about it at the start of this journal. After all the reading I've done over the years, I believe this will be hermie from seed.

The photo's below are the original plant i got the seed from and a bud from it. It was fed nothing but tap water when he grew it also.

Well now that I got the plant going, and being its really bushy from the get go, I have been doing a little training on this to get those branches out further than the orignal, and see what happens. The plant harvested orignally even with the poor lighting in the spot it was in was 11oz wet.

I cut one fan leaf on the near the bottom, and started to push the other ones over and kinda rest them on the set under it, hopefully someone can understand my ramblings and pictures and make out what the hell I'm talking bout. I'll put my newer pictures in the next post so its easier to read these are original outside, and some bud pics.




Well-Known Member
Looking good pickle and keep up the nice work.

This is my first indoor grow and I've had my share of problems over the course of this adventure. This round was just mainly for the experience and to get all the quirks and kinks figured out in time for my second go round. I started out with 4 plants from some quality bag seed growing in a dwc but unfortunately for me 3 turned out to be male and now I'm just down to 1. I just started the 3rd week in flower and I got some clones started for round two and there really starting to put on the roots now.

Anyway I just updated my journal this morning and I figured if you got the time you might want to stop by and see what I got going on.

The link is in my sig.



Active Member
Yeah Dropa, I been peeking in on your's pretty much every time I log on acctually. :) Kinda surprised you only started with 4 bagseed beans though, I think I tried to germinate like 20-25, and only 15 or so sprouted. I figured i'd get at least 3-4 females, and so far so good it looks like. I haven't seen my children in two days now, I kinda miss them. lol

Still haven't started budding yet, extra veg time isn't a bad thing, I guess. I really hate growing on a budget, but what can you do. The only thing holding back budding is the dividing wall, and I really dont' want to fab it up outta wood, so incase its needed i can just pull up the divider, I was thinking panda film, or some of this other thicker mylar I seen at the hydro shop the other day, but it was kinda pricey. Anyways, I'll update some more tonight.


Well-Known Member
Oh you've been taking peeks at me huh.:-P. Yeah I germinated about 15 seeds and took the four strongest looking one's. I didn't have room to start that many plants and veg till they showed showed their sex but it's all good now. Since then I've started a separate veg room and have 6 clones going for my next grow but apparently you already know that.:lol: Now I got problems with the leaves showing signs of heat stress or a pH imbalance or maybe even nute lockout. AHHHHHHHHHHHH I just love this little hobby of mine. I feel it's nute lockout because I didn't have that problem until I added some flora shield to my res. I'm keeping a close eye on her though and I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Your plants seem to be coming along nicely though.

I'll be keeping my eye on ya.



Active Member
Thanks Dropa, just got back from swinging by to check things, yeah shoulda went there last night, one of the smaller potted ones got toooo dry, i'm sure it will come back didn't have time to do anythign but water before the lights went out, didn't really want to water before lights out, but they wouldn't have done well when the lights come up later tonight.

Thanks for looking in man, gives me more reason to update, but it wouldnt' be the first time I talked to myself.... :)

Yeah I know how space goes, they were asses and elbows for the first month of their life. heh Sorry to hear about the problems, hopefully you get that flushed out. ;) I have been staying away from nutes for now but I won't have that luxury soon once i put some clones into the DWC buckets, I'm sure I will kill at least one, one sacrifice is for the greater good of learning. :)

I'll snap some pictures of my cuttings in the cloner, suprisinly nothing is even wilting or turning yellow I'm quite shocked to be honest, because I just was running a test batch and didn't measure the cloneEX liquid i just put three capfulls into about roughly 2-3 gallons of water. I peeked for a breif second and looked like some roots were starting but didn't want to disturb them to much and time was limited.

I am on a mission to get the seperated rooms set up TONIGHT, I need to get some on 12/12 like yesterday, but longer veg isn't a bad thing in the long run, I'll just have to tie down some stuff they are getting TALL, and they aren't even flowering yet.

I shoulda snapped a picture of that poor plant, I gonna name it droopy I think. heh it looked bad. Hab's were a bit droopy also, everything is pretty healthy and I'm sure will bounce back by tonight. Poor lil plant. heh


Active Member
Thanks, running into the occational snag here and there, but nothing to big, mostly forgetting things. lol Pefect example, make sure your staples fit the staple gun. I did get a PH meter, and added some big bloom, everything was fed big bloom last night I will be going over shortly to fab up a flap door for room A. Not sure how much will get done in a couple of hours but we'll see.

Here's an oddity was having a temp issue when i had the light on the tent frame, once I centered it and hung it on my new hangers and put up the plastic wall that side seemed to stay cooler, could be a fluke def something I will be watching. Need to pick up a couple more digital thermometers also. Pretty happy with things so far, more updates are on the way just have to sit down and gather a bunch of info together, and still brainstorming in my head for making my rooms better.

Waiting on finishing Room B completely, being that I want to put some 2x4's in that center wall more so I can have more support/ stuff to fasten to. That later this weekend.


Active Member
Btw, I picked up this ratchet rope system hanger jobby, not sure of the of the name of it, but I really dig it. Makes moving up and down a breeze, think I paid like 21$. I liked it better than chains and hooks.