Pickle's First Grow (Sorta)


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This morning wasn't feasible, so I'm waiting to head over there tonight and hopefully get that flap door and a ceiling on room A. I'm really intersted in seeing how the little bit of big bloom I added went. I started off with two capfull's to 5 gallons of water. I know not an exact measurement, but by the feeding sched i read on foxfarm, and around the web, 1TBS per gallon water, the cap has to be a little over, but still putting it under full strenth by their chart, with such low numbers on NPK I don't see me burning them with poor measuring.

After a few days after I see how changing the PH of the water and adding big bloom does, I will up the dosage.

Clones, I will take cuttings from females before the flip, I will be switching up Room A to 12/12 as soon as its enclosed and ready for prime time. I am hoping for this by the next sunday. Which will put mutant at 8 weeks of veg time, and have clones vegging/rooting in Room B, which also has to be finished, then the staging area can be setup. That is the plan but we'll see how Rooms A & B go first, I might end up having to take out the divider gotta see how it goes. Hopeing for a 400w MH for Room B by the second week of May.

Room A Dimentions 4 1/2' x 4 1/4' x 7'


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I really like what I'm seeing as far as the progress after adding Fox Farm Big Bloom. I haven't up'd the dosage to full strenth, but already seems to be doing them good. Lots of new neon green growth.

Room A has poly up on four walls, the ceiling isn't finished yet, as temp has become an issue close to lights off. The highest I've seen so far is 81.6, not liking that to much, this is with two fans blowing in the room as well. The staging area and Room B stay a nice 71-74 with the flap closed on Room A.

I have a couple options being the staging area doesn't have any light or anything setup yet, I could put a ceiling on Room B, just a bunch of flouro's in that room right now, and seal that room up for light, and just leave Room B with no ceiling for now. That is an option, and cheaper than buying a portable A/C or pricey exhaust fans. I think heat is going to be a pretty big issue come the next month or so when it starts getting hot outside, thats just a prediction, we'll see when we get there.

I have 2 I believe to be 100% male I was going to kill off last night but still didn't have the heart to cut them down yet. I planted the last lanky plant that looked female last night, and finished the velcro flap door.

Everything has really taken off now that they have seemed to recover from any tranplanting last week.

You can see the lanky sativa dominate (I think) female in the back, thing has surpased mutant as far as height, gonna have to LST this thing or buds are going end up burning. There are so many pre-flowers on this one it almost looks like its at the start of 12/12, I'll have to get some good pictures if I think about it.

In the middle you can see Delores, and all the nice green side growth spurting out the sides.

Mutant in the back left, hard to see but has gotten really bushy in the last couple days, looks like it just wants to flower.

Clones are rooting slowly it seems, but none are dying or even wilting they are standing up at attention, forgot to snap pictures will try to hook that up tonight.



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I tried to seal up Room B, but ran outta velcro. Also tip, never trust a the cut on a 10x10 sheet of poly learned that the first time around, had to make a semi straight cut myself. Here's are pictures everyone likes pictures. Mostly just them taken out that I have been meaning to do.




Well-Known Member
I feel ya on the heat problems. I went through the same thing but I'm trying to remedy the the situation before the summer heat arrives. Looking good bro, Keep it up and you'll have some buds in no time.


Active Member
I feel ya on the heat problems. I went through the same thing but I'm trying to remedy the the situation before the summer heat arrives. Looking good bro, Keep it up and you'll have some buds in no time.
Thanks Dropa, yeah heat sucks, I've gotten mine down to 78.4 and of the light cycle, not horrible, but i'd like 72-75F. I think I will need a dehumidifier also, 43-60% RH right now. Yeah buds should be comming soon, just need a light tight room to get them going, I ended up sealing up Room B, instead of enclosing Room A for now. Should be starting 12/12 VERY soon. I can't wait to see how tall the lanky one gets being its almost 3ft now.

I'll give an update on the cloning situation as soon as I get back to the rooms. I seen some roots forming on one, but the rest are buried in hydroton, so i didn't want to disturb them by pulling them out to check. All the cuttings I took were pretty small, but they were more for testing than anything. I dont' expect a high success rate on those, but the more the merrier if they do.


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Welp found out another thing I never knew if you hang a oscilating fan upside down on the cheapo I bought, it falls outta the gear, and luckly the cord inside kept it from falling on something. that woulda been bad, was only there a sec to fix it, hopefully pictures tonight, and 12/12.


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As you can see the clones are starting to root, pretty happy about that. I'd have to look back to see when I started them but I think it's been about 7-10 days roughly. Gonna give them a bit to establish then plant 2 each in some FFOF and a bubble bucket..

Built a scrog frame also, so I can have my hand at that soon as well, here's a picture of that.

The Male's.... These 3 showed for sure signs of hermie or male'ness, not bad so far. A few still have not shown yet. Didn't have my digital or I woulda took pictures of preflower, but pretty much looked like a male to me from every picture I seen, at that stage.

Room A is set to 12/12 lets hope for the best. There is one or two possibly that might be male/hermie, they will see the axe as soon as I see them, but all looks well so far. I didn't take pictures like I wanted cuz I forgot my digital, my phone cam sucks.

Whats Left In Room B. Still on 18/6.

Up'd the dose of big bloom, to double what I started with which was very weak, and ph'd the run off water and it was about 6'ish.

I'll continue to feed them my mix untill I see any signs of problems.
Untill next time....


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I can't wait till lights on and see how things went with 12 hours of dark, and the extra dose of nutes. Going to pick up some more nutes for budding tonight. I decided on going with all Fox Farm stuff, FFOF has done me well, and Big Bloom seems to be doing well. Going to keep close to their schedule, of course looking to see what the girls say. http://foxfarmfertilizer.com/soilfeed.pdf

Trying to think of everything I want to pick up tonight, I always forget something. Probably going to pick up Tiger Bloom, and some Open Sesame. Well thats it for nutes, I need another temp gauge for Room B, and a fan to put in there, its running hot, but The ones on that side are still up in the air on males, my habs, and clones in there. The clones seemed to like the heat the other night so I let it roll another day, nothing wilted, but they sure did dry up fast.

I'm really debating on putting high legs on the scrog screen and bending down my two tall girls, but I don't think the screen is big enough for both of them, and not sure how well it would work and I would hate to have a mishap this late in the game. They are going to be way to tall as it is, I was looking a bit last night to see how high I might have to put the screen with out putting to much tention on stem to break it. The stinky lanky girl, is just way to tall, probably close to 30" tall from the top of the pot, I'll try to take pictures with something in the room for measurement.

I"m working on a design half-ass'edly for the flouro's in Room B. I really want to get some better lights in there, flouro's did there job as seedlings but it just doesn't cut it for veg growth, HPS made them jump when I was rotating them.

On a side note, I am not happy with the 4x4x7, its cramped in there with a 8 week veg time. I'm sure it will be way differnt once clones go into the room, this is why I didn't hardwall the middle of the two rooms, so I could add a 600 or whatever and bring it to 8x4x7.

I'm just rambling now, untill lights on....


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Well I picked up tiger bloom and open seaseme, but couldn't feed them any being that the pots were still pretty heavy from the last water, hopefully they will be dry enough to add tonight.

I said fuck it and put the scrog scren I fab'd up in there, I know it will probably not fill the screen, I had to do something about height, it was really late to scrog this one, and also the holes are a little on the small side, I"ll snip the holes bigger if needed, not happy with how it looks all bent sideways like that, I felt so bad doing it, and regretted it afterwards, but I had to do something about the height on that plant it was getting a little to big, and now that they switched to 12/12 they are suppose to stretch more, yeah ..... pictures below.
It will probably look shitty for a couple of days untill light straightens her out, I've never tried this wiht

I'm not sure what I do with mutant , its going to be HUGE, I will not veg for 8 weeks anymore, I should have topped and I probably would have been alright. Its looking tight in there now, we'll see.


Will post more info later.


Active Member
Forgot to take the digital camera again this time, oh well there should be a huge difference in pictures tonight when the lights come on, I added Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom and Open Sesaeme to the water and watered them all last night. Found another male, and yanked it even though it smelled realllllllllllly good. Thats a total of 4 males out of 15 so far, with a confirmed 5 girls, the rest are still up in the air.

I did half reccomended strenth of all nutes yet, I didn't PH the runoff this time but everything looks really good.

The ones under the scrog screen look alot better, the screen isn't going to fill I'm sure but it will keep that lanky girl from reaching 9ft tall. I was a little worried, but it looks very good I wish I woulda snapped a picture, but I just didn't have the time.

The heat problem has reared its ugly head, it was around 84.5F when I opened up the room 2 hours after lights on, it was hot outside today. If anyone has some good reccomendations on how to keep the room cool it would be appreciated, I have looked at 4" and 6" inline fans and others and I am trying not to fork out the 150$ - 180$ for them, but I think I'll end up needing a portable A/C unit for the room juding how hot it gets in the house on a 80F day outside.

More thoughts in a moment after I take my vitamin W.


Active Member
I just relized its been two months since mutant has broke soil. It has been overall quite a good experience but with a few snags here and there, the male to female ratio was greater than expected or even hoped for so far.

The cloner has done very well considering conditions and how cheaply I put it together. So far I have had a 100% rooting on everything I clipped. I am impressed how well 30 mins on / 30 mins off has worked.

I was very anxious about taking my tall girl and bendin her down under the small scrog screen, as a test being its a new grow from seed I know nothing about her, and new to scrog, I understand the concept but it was really hard to start man handling the plant like that, but after a day or so under lights I was happy with what I had done. I cut the legs so the whole things rests 30" above the floor, I didn't want to go any shorter as the plant I put under it was kinda tall, with the pot it was at least 3.5 feet tall. Shoulda planned training out a little better, but I didn't want to set any plants in stone before I knew for sure what was a girl or not.

Mutant has grown to be quite the bush, its going to be tough to keep an even canopy but I will do my best withouth putting things on top of each other. Once I get the fan issue solved it will create a little more space, because the fans I have occupy to much. I will probably move some things around tonight and see how it goes. I got a little plan in my head but I get distracted easy.

Here's till next picture update.


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Seems the clones are doing well for the most part, think I got one, in the cloner that is not going to make it, but the one I put in dirt looks ok, it will most likely have no problem.

The 5 in the back where started on 4-21-2010 and the 4 in front were roughly 3-4 days later.

So far so good it seems here are some root pictures so I can kinda time stamp them myself. Enjoy.



Active Member
Mutant is growing big , scrog is doing nicely it seems. Delores looks to be a male, which is dissapointing but i threw her/him back into the veg 18/6 cycle room b.

Pose for pickcha....



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Well buds are forming cloning is going great, and the only problem I had was a fan kinda supercropped my main top on the mutant, I tried to splint it the best it could, I didn't take a picture of that I was kinda pissed at myself, for not making sure 100% the fan was on the bucket.

Only lost one side branch and the bending of the main top, so we'll see how it goes, I'll update the picture of that in a few days after I see what its going to do. Stupid, stupid stupid...

I also took at least 2 cuttings of every female that I have flowering in Room A.

I thought they looked pretty good for roughly 10 days into flowering.

Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom seem to be helping, and Open Sesame to an extent, being it was given it only once at full strenth.

Comments please... :wall:



Well-Known Member
As always looking good pickle keep up the good work. Just curious we were talking about sexing before 12-12. How did that work out? Did they all turn out female or did you get a male out of any of em?

As for the broken branches, I wouldn't sweat it. Super cropping can be a good thing. I'll bet the lower growth will start shooting up to the top.

I broke a branch a while back and I just took a zip tie and zipped it to the broken branch and the main stem to prop it up and it was fully repaired within a week.

Grow on my man.



Active Member
THanks Dropa, yeah I got a few males, and two hermies, I got 5 females in my Room A currently, and 4 more that haven't shown pre-flower yet, I'm just leaving them in Room B with the clones. I had left the clones in the cloner kinda a little to long and ended up with 2ft roots, I put all the mutant clones into dirt, and killed the 4 hermie clones I took prior to knowing it was a hermie.

Yeah I wasn't to concerned about the broken branch, I wish it woulda happened before flowering started but what can ya do, not get as medicated and double check everything. Thats my new rule of thumb, get medicated after gardening. lol

I'm pretty excited so far, things look very good in flowering for being 10 days in, I didn't think I'd see anything flower wise for at least the first two weeks, dunno if its the strain or the Open Sesame, probably has something to do with the 8-9 week veg time they got prior to 12/12.


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Just wanted to get a picture of Mutant up real fast, just to show everyone how bushy this bastard has gotten. The stalk is the size of my thumb around.