Poisoning our water: The Fluoride Lie


Well-Known Member
I pay comcast every month, but it's not for the news i get from it, it's for WEEDS :)

and all the other entertaining shows. but not the news, plus you get the news for free anyway.... I'm not sure how cable companies come into play here. i didn't know that only 3% of americans fought the revolutionary war, yet another thing that school doesn't want us to know.... and there most certainly are more than 3 % now..... kinda like the gun law shit..... they won't be able to take guns away, there is definately too many of us willing to fight to keep them. and it should be that way with everything, but like you said milf, people are SCARED to do so. it's sad, sad but true.......

so how do we get people to wake the fuck up?
I download or youtube anything on tv I wanted to see.

Cable companies and the like come into play BIG time. These companies are owned and controlled by the same people controlling everything else. Comcast is currently working on introducing cable boxes that have a camera- and will watch you. They say it'll be beneficial because the tv will be able to tell who's in the room and adjust programming to whom it is.. they also speak about how this will let them track what you usually watch so it can make personalized ADS. This shyt is insane.. then comcast tries to cover up.. 'oh.. its not really a camera. it just takes pictures and turns it into numbers that we can understand..' Well comcast.. that's how all digital cameras work... ugh.. shyt makes me sick.. Once these images become 'comcast property' they will def. be handing this shyt off behind the scenes just like google, yahoo, and at&t do already.

People are scared... oh boy are they scared.. I remember this news clip I had seen online, I forget who it was or whatever.. but they were talking about 'suicide terrorists' and the lady just came out and said "there are no beliefs worth dying for". I couldn't believe the blatant programming.. no beliefs worth dying for?! Someone fucking throw her in Guantanamo or something, she doesn't deserve the minuscule illusion of freedom she has.

Honestly, I think this is the way to start the movement. Notice.. a lot of laws are enacted because of parents complaining. Politicians are always putting children in front of whatever agenda they want to push. Push back with the same thing. I know NO parent who would purposefully endanger their childs BRAIN. I know NO honestly researched doctor or dentist who would push this agenda. The thing is, most of the people actively making this control possible are usually honest, good intentioned people.. they're just following and assuming others are as good as them... I honestly think the water is the way to start. Everything else aside- it's a real eye opener to imagine 'what kind of people does it take to do this?'... all of a sudden.. the world once trusted doesn't seem so safe..

I was watching the movie apocalypto the other day.. and it really made me think. We've had just plain wicked people throughout history, thousands and thousands of years. Evil people, massacring, lying, cheating, stealing- ready to rip the head off a newborn child. How naive of us is it to think this type of evil mentality ever disappeared...


Well-Known Member
but don't alot of the military smoke? wont some of the military be on our side? we don't need them all, just some... it's all about heart. in our revolution we fought and defeated the most powerful nation in the world, so why can't we do it again?


Well-Known Member
Here's what happens when people try and make changes: they bring out the national guard. Now with these Patriot act laws, they can shoot on sight if ordered to as it would be considered domestic terrorism. Then they divide and conquer. They single out the ringleaders and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law, which in "war time" and with the patriot act in full swing would mean the death sentence. They are prepared to ramp up all protection of the existing government to the highest priority, even to using attack helicoptor gunships, cluster bombs and napalm, (the patriot act you see), we are the terrorists. A revolution in this country must begin with a coup. We must have the military on our side.
Since the country is controlled by the military-industrial complex, that is highly unlikely.
I agree. But this is the problem.. I believe if there is a major uprising here, and they start bringing in the military and such to suppress it- the concious of some of the military will get to them.. we must remember, most of the military is there because its a job, it pays well, so they do whatever. But when they put these people in conflict between their families, their states, their 'way of life'- some will revolt... however.. they've got this covered.. keep the boys out of country, and if anything needs doing in the states- we've got Canada's army ready to help with and 'domestic problems'... shyt makes me fuckin sick...

Remember.. there's more of us than them- they can't kill us all. They NEED a lower class to survive... that's the difference.. as the lower class- we don't NEED them the way they surely need us...


Well-Known Member
I download or youtube anything on tv I wanted to see.

Cable companies and the like come into play BIG time. These companies are owned and controlled by the same people controlling everything else. Comcast is currently working on introducing cable boxes that have a camera- and will watch you. They say it'll be beneficial because the tv will be able to tell who's in the room and adjust programming to whom it is.. they also speak about how this will let them track what you usually watch so it can make personalized ADS. This shyt is insane.. then comcast tries to cover up.. 'oh.. its not really a camera. it just takes pictures and turns it into numbers that we can understand..' Well comcast.. that's how all digital cameras work... ugh.. shyt makes me sick.. Once these images become 'comcast property' they will def. be handing this shyt off behind the scenes just like google, yahoo, and at&t do already.

People are scared... oh boy are they scared.. I remember this news clip I had seen online, I forget who it was or whatever.. but they were talking about 'suicide terrorists' and the lady just came out and said "there are no beliefs worth dying for". I couldn't believe the blatant programming.. no beliefs worth dying for?! Someone fucking throw her in Guantanamo or something, she doesn't deserve the minuscule illusion of freedom she has.

Honestly, I think this is the way to start the movement. Notice.. a lot of laws are enacted because of parents complaining. Politicians are always putting children in front of whatever agenda they want to push. Push back with the same thing. I know NO parent who would purposefully endanger their childs BRAIN. I know NO honestly researched doctor or dentist who would push this agenda. The thing is, most of the people actively making this control possible are usually honest, good intentioned people.. they're just following and assuming others are as good as them... I honestly think the water is the way to start. Everything else aside- it's a real eye opener to imagine 'what kind of people does it take to do this?'... all of a sudden.. the world once trusted doesn't seem so safe..

I was watching the movie apocalypto the other day.. and it really made me think. We've had just plain wicked people throughout history, thousands and thousands of years. Evil people, massacring, lying, cheating, stealing- ready to rip the head off a newborn child. How naive of us is it to think this type of evil mentality ever disappeared...
I didn't know that about the comcast camera's thats fucked up, when are they suppossed to do this? cause I'm getting that shit out of my house before then. and yeah, most of the technology we get these days is probably more or less used against us in the long run. so how do we get the word out though?i know that through our children is the best way, just like politicians do, but how do you start? how can we get parents to hear it? i know your a parent, so you have ways of doing it through going to a PTA meeting maybe? or a City hall meeting?


Well-Known Member
I didn't know that about the comcast camera's thats fucked up, when are they suppossed to do this? cause I'm getting that shit out of my house before then. and yeah, most of the technology we get these days is probably more or less used against us in the long run. so how do we get the word out though?i know that through our children is the best way, just like politicians do, but how do you start? how can we get parents to hear it? i know your a parent, so you have ways of doing it through going to a PTA meeting maybe? or a City hall meeting?
Today @ PC World Comcast's Creepy Experiment Puts Cams Inside DVRs to Watch You

I've been blasting all over all the parenting boards online. Bothering anyone I see buying that fluoride water for babies... my next move is I'm going to start writing all the local grocery stores, demanding answers on why they would sell this product obviously marketed towards children. Start passing out fliers in front of Babies R Us or something. Start writing 'letters to the editor'.. I needa brainstorm more on this.. :blsmoke: <hits bowl>

Parents talk, esp. when it concerns their children.. for each person you reach, at least 5 others are getting the info..


Well-Known Member
what exactly is the deal with the floride? they put it in water? i know i get floride when I go to the dentist ( obviously wont be happening anymore), but they are putting it in the water and then selling it as floride water? not to sounds creepy or anything, but man i wish i knew you personally milf,you know chill and smoke or somethin. I always seem to have good conversations with you.


New Member
Today @ PC World Comcast's Creepy Experiment Puts Cams Inside DVRs to Watch You

I've been blasting all over all the parenting boards online. Bothering anyone I see buying that fluoride water for babies... my next move is I'm going to start writing all the local grocery stores, demanding answers on why they would sell this product obviously marketed towards children. Start passing out fliers in front of Babies R Us or something. Start writing 'letters to the editor'.. I needa brainstorm more on this.. :blsmoke: <hits bowl>

Parents talk, esp. when it concerns their children.. for each person you reach, at least 5 others are getting the info..
Go get em girl. We need more activists. I'm not ready to give up what little freedom I have left for a short prison stay, at my age, a short stay may be life without parole. I'll defend my turf though, and join you in passive resistance.


Well-Known Member
what exactly is the deal with the floride? they put it in water? i know i get floride when I go to the dentist ( obviously wont be happening anymore), but they are putting it in the water and then selling it as floride water? not to sounds creepy or anything, but man i wish i knew you personally milf,you know chill and smoke or somethin. I always seem to have good conversations with you.
67% of the United States' public water has fluoride added to it. 52 out of the 60 largest cities in our county have fluoride added to the public water.

Fluoride is put in your toothpaste, put in your mouthwash.. takes a little digging and a little input on peoples part to search out this stuff without fluoride, but it's easily available online for almost the same price as regular toothpaste from the store.

Aquafina and other companies are now offering a 'healthy water' type brand- usually labeled with added nutrients and such, most of these have fluoride added to it as well..

You can always add me on aim or msn man.. lol. :blsmoke:

Go get em girl. We need more activists. I'm not ready to give up what little freedom I have left for a short prison stay, at my age, a short stay may be life without parole. I'll defend my turf though, and join you in passive resistance.
Thanx Med.. the problem is not enough people are doing anything.. no one stands up anymore.

Sometimes you have to risk everything to secure a better future for your children.. it seems only in recent history have people forgotten this..


Well-Known Member
67% of the United States' public water has fluoride added to it. 52 out of the 60 largest cities in our county have fluoride added to the public water.

Fluoride is put in your toothpaste, put in your mouthwash.. takes a little digging and a little input on peoples part to search out this stuff without fluoride, but it's easily available online for almost the same price as regular toothpaste from the store.

Aquafina and other companies are now offering a 'healthy water' type brand- usually labeled with added nutrients and such, most of these have fluoride added to it as well..

You can always add me on aim or msn man.. lol. :blsmoke:

Thanx Med.. the problem is not enough people are doing anything.. no one stands up anymore.

Sometimes you have to risk everything to secure a better future for your children.. it seems only in recent history have people forgotten this..
i don't have either of those.... I guess I'm a little behind the times. i barely use e-mail, I like phone and personal face to face contact. I'd love to exchange e-mails though. PM me if your willing.


Well-Known Member
Besides fluoride, there are also trace amounts of prescription drugs in tap water too, about 1 ppb.


New Member
Fluoride is toxic in LARGE doses. In small amounts its harmless. In small amounts, it can reduce tooth decay in children by 65% ... and that's a lifetime benefit.

Lots of chemicals are toxic if you ingest enough of it at one sitting. For example, Aspertame was developed as a rat poison ... but most of you have ingested it in diet colas and other drinks. Hell, eat enough cannabutter and watch your face melt. ~lol~

And, its not fluoride in the water that's dumbing the kids down ... its our government monopolized school systems.



New Member
Fluoride is toxic in LARGE doses. In small amounts its harmless. In small amounts, it can reduce tooth decay in children by 65% ... and that's a lifetime benefit.

Lots of chemicals are toxic if you ingest enough of it at one sitting. For example, Aspertame was developed as a rat poison ... but most of you have ingested it in diet colas and other drinks. Hell, eat enough cannabutter and watch your face melt. ~lol~

And, its not fluoride in the water that's dumbing the kids down ... its our government monopolized school systems.

It's those damn commies, they're everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Fluoride is toxic in LARGE doses. In small amounts its harmless. In small amounts, it can reduce tooth decay in children by 65% ... and that's a lifetime benefit.

Lots of chemicals are toxic if you ingest enough of it at one sitting. For example, Aspertame was developed as a rat poison ... but most of you have ingested it in diet colas and other drinks. Hell, eat enough cannabutter and watch your face melt. ~lol~

And, its not fluoride in the water that's dumbing the kids down ... its our government monopolized school systems.

Better recheck your research my friend.. towns compared with and without fluoride, no reduction in tooth decay. And the toxic dose of fluoride is 1 ppm. Guess what they recommend to 'prevent tooth decay'? 1 ppm... check your toothpaste.. the fluoride is the reason they have to have a poison control warning on the tube and says 'do not swallow'...

The education system is just a chip at the manipulation going on in society..

I agree about the Aspertane, can't believe they approved putting that in foods as an additive... I've never liked pop or anything carbonated.. most things with caffeine I really don't like either.. eck..

Seriously, everything is fucking toxic. Time to grow everything yourself. :blsmoke:LOL..


Well-Known Member
God there is a never ending stream of conspiracy theroies, and each one gets even wackier every time....................................I know what the next response is going to be......................." Oh my god you actually believe all that research the ADA has done on the subject........they are members of the the rothchilds or bilderbergers you can't trust them.............................Great job Truthers you have exposed another great conspiracy, you guys are heroes, when are you going to start the revolution?


Well-Known Member
This is the same ADA whom has finally been forced to release the warning that infants should have very low amounts of fluoride of none at all for safety reasons.. care to delve into why..?

Fluoride.. more toxic than lead. Fact.

Fluoride is PrOveN to cause brain damage, IQ reduction, and is a carcinogen..

Fuck your teeth, we're talking brain damage and IQ reduction here.. and cancer.. (98% of the world doesn't have fluoride in the water, 67% of the public water in the U.S. has fluoride.. highest cancer rates in the world are in the U.S... hm... also, no secret U.S. citizens are NOT very high on the list of 'most intelligent citizens'.. )

Caries Trends 1992&ndash;1998 in Two Low&ndash;Fluoride Finnish Towns Formerly with and without Fluoridation
Blackwell Synergy - Commun Dent Oral Epidemiol, Volume 23 Issue 1 Page 20-24, February 1995 (Article Abstract)
Fluoride Damages Teeth, New Warning By Dentists

Follow the money trail and the history my friend..

Toxic waste that companies had to pay to dispose of- now a market to SELL this waste. =) Fucking perfect.

Earth Island Institute: Earth Island Journal - Special Feature
All of the points made can be independently verified. I'm just not going through and documenting every sentence...

Fluoride being added is a money game- coupled with control.

A letter written by Einstein's nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner, really gets the message across.. It's unbelievable that this was common scientific knowledge 50 years ago.. fluoride.. NOT GOOD..

[SIZE=+1] Quoting Einstein`s nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who had also been a prisoner of war during WWII) in a letter printed in The Catholic Mirror, Springfield, MA, January 1952: [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] "It appears that the citizens of Massachusetts are among the 'next' on the agenda of the water poisoners. [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] "There is a sinister network of subversive agents, Godless 'intellectual' parasites, working in our country today whose ramifications grow more extensive, more successful and more alarming each new year and whose true objective is to demoralize, paralyze and destroy our great Republic--from within if they can, according to their plan--for their own possession. [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] "The tragic success they have already attained in their long siege to destroy the moral fiber of American life is now one of their most potent footholds towards their own ultimate victory over us. [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] "Fluoridation of our community water systems can well become their most subtle weapon for our sure physical and mental deterioration. .. [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] "As a research chemist of established standing, I built within the past 22 years, 3 American chemical plants and licensed 6 of my 53 patents. Based on my years of practical experience in the health-food and chemical field, let me warn: fluoridation of drinking water is criminal insanity, sure national suicide. Don`t do it. [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] "Even in small quantities, sodium fluoride is a deadly poison to which no effective antidote has been found. Every exterminator knows that it is the most efficient rat-killer. ... Sodium fluoride is entirely different from organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate needed by our bodies and provided by nature, in God`s great providence and love, to build and strengthen our bones and our teeth. This organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate, derived from proper foods, is an edible organic salt, insoluble in water and assimilable by the human body, whereas the non-organic sodium fluoride used in fluoridating water is instant poison to the body and fully water soluble. [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] The body refuses to assimilate it. "Careful, bonafide laboratory experimentation by conscientious, patriotic research chemists, and actual medical experience, have both revealed that instead of preserving or promoting `dental health,` fluoridated drinking water destroys teeth, before adulthood and after, by the destructive mottling and other pathological conditions it actually causes in them, and also creates many other very grave pathological conditions in the internal organisms of bodies consuming it. How can it be called a "health" plan? What`s behind it? [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] "That any so-called "doctors" would persuade a civilized nation to add voluntarily a deadly poison to its drinking water systems is unbelievable. It is the height of criminal insanity. "No wonder Hitler and Stalin fully believed and agreed from 1939 to 1941 that, quoting from both Lenin`s Last Will and Hitler`s Mein Kampf: [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] "America we shall demoralize, divide, and destroy from within." ... [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] "Are our Civil Defense organizations and agencies awake to the perils of water poisoning by fluoridation? Its use has been recorded in other countries. Sodium fluoride water solutions are the cheapest and most effective rat killers known to chemists: colorless, odorless, tasteless; no antidote, no remedy, no hope: Instant and complete extermination of rats. ... [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] "Fluoridation of water systems can be slow national suicide, or quick national liquidation. It is criminal insanity--treason!"[/SIZE]
Yeah, I'm done. =)


Well-Known Member
yeah this is old news but good that there is people still trying to enlighten other...good job Hot&sexy MILF!!!!


New Member
Oh yeah.. def. old news.. but no one's talking about any of this..

..and they just keep drinking it.. :spew:
So by drinking the RO water that has no good minerals or vitamins in it, am I safe from this killer, flouride? I mean, I can always take a centrum daily vitamin like I do, Right? Oh what the hell, My body has been good to me so far. I've outlived over half of my highschool graduating class, and as long as VI doesn't snipe me off, I think I've got a few more years left. I'd like to live to see my grandkids graduate from college, but that is a bit optimistic I believe, 90 is pretty old.


Well-Known Member
Dudes, c'mon, oversimplifying like this only polarizes audiences on both sides and diminishes your credibility. Fluoride is not the devil - nor is it a panacea. It's a complex issue that deserves scientific inquiry. If you're really interested, try reading some scientific papers on it. "Scientific American" magazine recently ran a pretty good article on fluoridation: "Second Thoughts about Fluoride" January 2008, p. 74. http://www.waterloowatch.com/Index_files%5CSecond%20Thoughts%20About%20Fluoride,%20Scientific%20American%20Jan-08.pdf

If you actually want more than one source (always a good idea), just search for "water fluoridation" in google scholar.