powhitetrash Grow


Well-Known Member
If I got rid of my small freezer, I'd have more room out there. I'm not using it anyway. Maybe I could trade it for an exhaust fan and filter?


Well-Known Member
On Thursday Plant A was 7 1/2" tall. She's now 7" tall but I potted her an inch deeper than she had been at the urging of my son. Plant B was 6 1/2" tall on Thursday and a few hours ago she was 8 3/4" tall. (I didn't plant her deeper than she'd been before.) Not only are these plants getting taller but they are just plain thriving.

I can't get over how quickly these girls are growing and how good they look. I thought most of the growing would happen during the day when the light is on, but that is not proving to be the case. Plant A is now 8" tall and Plant B is 9 3/4" tall. Plant B grew a full inch in only a few hours! Given that plant A was set back by planting it an inch deeper during the repot, she actually grew an inch and three quarters in the same time period. Both plants are lush and beautiful this morning.

Plant A and Plant B, respectively

And here's a progress shot for the girls. Photo on the left was taken 08-02-08 and the other was taken 08-17-08. Two weeks and a day in the flowering "room."

(Just now remembered that this isn't technically my first grow. lol I had two beautiful plants, growing right in my living room window but out of the sight of other houses in the area. The plants were probably about 14 inches deep, nice and leafy... made for a couple of beautiful house plants. I'd started them from seed, wasn't intending to grow for smoke, just cause I thought they were beautiful. I was only about 22 at the time, partied a lot back then so probably wasn't the best plant mom in the world, but they were doing great. Then one day I walked into the living room and found them both dead. The soil was wet so I knew it wasn't because I'd forgotten to water them, again. It was years later when my mother confessed to having helped in their demise by giving them a heavy dose of salt water. Bahahahahaha And here I am, growing weed with my son. I would have been mad at the time, but now that she's gone, I still remember the
mischievous glint in her eye when she told me about it and I can't help but smile. I miss Mum, however I have no doubt that were she alive today, I'd have to keep my plants and/or the salt shaker away from her. lol)

Later That Day...

Okay, I don't know who talked me into painting the grow room today... I loathe painting. But it's done now and with a minimum of ranting and raving. (Only had one mini meltdown when my son was unsuccessful in finding my screw-on electrical wiring caps.) Here's some pictures of the progress:

Right in the middle of painting.

This is acceptable.

As you can see, the light is right about at the same height it was before but I have almost another foot I can raise it up later which will increase the prospective height of the grow for more bud. :-)

Here are the Ladies In Waiting, checking out their new home and waiting for the paint to dry.

Check out this sample of a leaf from Plant A and the developing Trichomes. :-)

The girls in their remodeled home.



Well-Known Member
They are looking good! just a thought, maybe a few cfl bulbs to help get light to the lower canopy, they kinda look like they may be stretching a lil bit. more light will help and cfl are cheap as hell to put in!


Well-Known Member
I've been doing that the last few days. It's a table lamp I used to use in the wintertime to stave off depression. Seems to do the same thing for the ladies. :-)

I'm in the middle of painting/prep for the grow "room." Will photo update later today.


Well-Known Member
No one going to Seattle's Hempfest today? My middle son is going. I would have liked to but those greedy oil companies are bankrupting me. He's supposed to send me some pictures though. That will be nice. Wish they would have a Hempfest in Portland so I could go.


Well-Known Member
I had plans to be there, but had to cancel them cause of some family issues.. next year though!!! portland eh, you are close to db! that is a good thing for you! I think you two would get along great!


Well-Known Member
I don't live in Portland, but I'm nearby in WA State. Portland is plenty big, wish they would have one there too. I could get to it.


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The Enforcer
Mr. Ganja
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I am aiming for roughly $5 per month as before.
Post on other forums?? add a Growing marijuana link back to rollitup in your signature :smile:

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Money orders
That's a fair price.:blsmoke:

Sent my money order, fast service, THX Admin.:hump:
Obviously worked out fine, send'em in people.:mrgreen:

Bought the money order for 25 cents at the liquor store.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
indeed it is.. the cheese that is...

so the post was about a price change? I just sent them 60 bucks friday morning..Ill have elite for some time to come if went down.