Produce weed in 43 days

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with there only being a handfull of true growers on this site the rest of you stupid hippies need to stfu and quite spending so much time patting each other on on the back for weak a$$ grows
I must apologize honestly and truly. I assure you there is no sarcasm in that either. But really I didnt mean to be so abrasive from jump. This had heat building up then i jumped in there like a match...but on a realistic level, and please anybody feel free to jump in here and i mean anybody. Plants need electrolytes....ok, no really....I can assure you that if you are familar with growing landrace sativa's...then i am honestly amazed. I do feel priveledged to be amongst such rare growers. So my respects to you sir. But i must say that i have grown mostly sativas that touched 9ft so i would be shocked to hear of a landrace sativa grower saying 9ft is unheard of for a strain. and i am bein honest here, really not tryin to sound like a dick or anything. What i meant by my previous reply was only that you appear to be text book answering you know. This guy makes a statement and your giving a reply based on book smarts. Look at your post brother to back it up i am bein non aggressive hear, im only pointing this out. Your avoiding the direct questions and trying stay with arguement. He says 4" and shows a pic, then you gotta debate something else. He agrees on that, then you bring another thing up....I'm just saying that every answer for cannabis doesnt come out of the grow bible. Those books your quoting were written by growers like you and I my friend...
wait hold up....i thought i dont even know who's saying what anymore about what, might have been the blue widow from dinafem :) but i respectfully back out of all this......later
you stated you give ALL your meds away for free. i'm a med patient. i have 2 pinched nerves in my back and 13 screws in my knee. i could use some meds, please. you claim to grow 10 pounds a pull. i don't think sending me an ounce or 2 would bring you any discomfort. it would certainly help me with my pain. thanks. :)

i live in co, parker and 225, have my card and will bring it, let me know where i can get free meds...ill come to you, just let me know when and where...
I've never had cutting to bud-ready clone take less than 3 weeks, plus my current strain of 45 days flowering stage. 60-70 days is pretty darn fast in my book, so 43 sounds a little unbelievable, ( but awe-inspiring.... that would certainly be great ). What is the breed?
I've never had cutting to bud-ready clone take less than 3 weeks, plus my current strain of 45 days flowering stage. 60-70 days is pretty darn fast in my book, so 43 sounds a little unbelievable, ( but awe-inspiring.... that would certainly be great ). What is the breed?

any heavily Afghani influenced strain should set you right. even some of the crosses will have indica pheno's. careful though as you might think they're runts. best to just get a straight out afghani strain so they all grow the same.
I will try and respond to some of the shit flying around, forgive me if I missed a real question as I start skipping through now. People hating on others now, why don't you keep the hate focused on me, I'm used to it, it's ok.

So here we go, might need to do this in a couple post. Homebrew, hello, I once gave brewing a go and truly loved it, better than store bought. The bitch about the Brix meter and cannabis is getting that drop. I use bothe stems and leaf material for a cross sampling. I then put it in a blender and blend the shit out of it then I have made a custom bench press with flat plates to sqeeze the piss out of it to get the tiny drop of fluid. It's a lot of work at first but once you have it figured out it is a wonderful tool. BongKong, you're to right, if you are using a sugar suppliment it won't give you an accurate reading. As a rule I don't use additives because I want what Mother Nature intended not a sweetened knock off. I have found strains across the board that have the tastes and smells and more important the effects I like. So without sugar suppliments it is a fantastic tool, you can add your sugar at the end and use the old school ways of knowing when to harvest.

AK, to right. If you don't believe me or think I'm full of shit just let it ride and find your own source of info. Experience being the best source.

Fdd, you've been lipping off throughout this thread for some reason, if you're such a good grower why the hell do you need free weed? Just go to your garden and get some, sounds like you should have a truck load.

43 days for full harvest was asked, sorry forgot who. Obviously growing in this mannor reguires the maintinance of a Mother, and a cloning opp. When I speak of 43 days that is assuming you are starting with a clone, regardless if you are buying or cloning yourself. When I responded in the beginning I didn't intend on this happening, just meant to say "YES you can grow in that time frame". So let me clarify, with the right strain I grow from clone to harvest in as little as 43 days. I often grow a variety of strains that will obviously reguire an assortment of flowering lenghts. I enjoy Sativa's and will plan acoardingly, I always have a ton of plants going and have differant time alotted for each. However, I keep a rotation of 6 systems that are all in thw 45 day range going. This allows me to harvest every week thus spreading the workload out and gives me a nonstop supply of fresh herb.

I do NOT try and stretch my plants, quite the contrary, I have my lights as close as I can to prevent that from happening. I start with clones 2 to 3 inches tall and harvest 3 to 4 foot plants that EASILY produce an average of 3 ounces. Those who say it can't be done are just flat wrong. I chill my plant water so thet act like little water pumps which allows my lights to be very close, generally within inches. By growing the same strain in each batch I get a more uniform hieght so I don't have a single plant forcing me to raise the lights higher. Remember for each foot you raise your light you lose half the amount of light reaching the plant. A 1000 W light becomes 500E at an additional foot which becomes 250w when 2 feet are added. Critical to maintain your light source as close as you can.

Whoever said just post all the info. It would take me forever to post it all, do your homework. See that's where the value is, if I were indeed selling something, which I'm not even doing right now. I posted exactly what I do in one place or another. You want me to come grow it for you after I build and pay for your grow room? Jesus

906, I agree that most books are crap, trial and error. Find a good grower and ask questions without being stupid and wasting their time.

Skunk, you're just flat out wrong. You can grow plants that support and yield 3 ounces, you're just wrong. I do it on a nonstop basis.

My friend at Parker and 225, send me a private with your name and number and I'll be you some purp.

See ya ProfMj
with there only being a handfull of true growers on this site the rest of you stupid hippies need to stfu and quite spending so much time patting each other on on the back for weak a$$ grows

Deisel, if that was in fact directed at me let me say this, I am in fact very much a real grower not an old hippie. I have studied this plant and documented it every step of the way. I grow in a very controlled environment and expect each grow to be better than the last. All of my grow facilities are state of the art, I do not exchage air, do not bring in insects or molds and have very stirct rules for access. I have hosted Senators, Law Enforcement, and a variety of publications to see how we gow today. I am authoring the growing protocol for a national MM bill to be introduced next year.

I haven't been asked to write for two publications nor have I been qualified as an Litigation Expert Witness in Cannabis Cultivation without being challenged I assure you. D.A's try very hard to try and get you disqualified each and every trial. I have never lost a trial and have been responsable for precedent setting cases here in Colorado. You are not asked to be keynote speaker at large cannabis conventions if you don't know your shit. Certainly Hempfest Seattle, the worlds largest cannabis convention doesn't invite you to speak if you're just an "old hippie"

I have sat here and taken shit from an assortment of people most of which probably haven't been alive for as long as I've been growing. This site has had an opportunity to have one of the very best growers there is as a source of information but I must threaten the penis size of several people and I'm about tired of it. Why don't some of you with good things or serious questions speak up. If running me off is your goal so you can all assume your spot on the ladder, you've about reached your goal. I'm not going to take much more, just wanted to help but don't need this crap.

Dana (profMj) May.
Mr May,

Thanks for your contribution to legalize medical marijuana and helping set a standard for cases against the federal government. My question is, what strains have you worked with that fully mature from rooted clone in 43 days? do you have any strain advice from known breeders or seed banks? thanks for your time.

maybe if you didn't come off so stuck on yourself you wouldn't catch so much shit. you boast about stuff that you can't back up. you are not a man of your word.
Maybe if people like you would pull your heads out of your asses and realize when you had a resource on your hands you'd actually help some growers. All you have is your threatened ego because you feel threatened. All I did was respond saying you could grow in 43 days, it gets real old having young "growers" who don't know shit telling you what you can and can't do. I suspect you're a regular and feel like you won't measure up to snuff. Go ahead teacher, show emm how to do it, I've had enough. All yours. New growers, RUN from these type, they'll do nothing but give you outdated info that's ineffective. Don't forget to have them hang those buds upside down so the resin drips to the tips, right Fdd? fool
Maybe if people like you would pull your heads out of your asses and realize when you had a resource on your hands you'd actually help some growers. All you have is your threatened ego because you feel threatened. All I did was respond saying you could grow in 43 days, it gets real old having young "growers" who don't know shit telling you what you can and can't do. I suspect you're a regular and feel like you won't measure up to snuff. Go ahead teacher, show emm how to do it, I've had enough. All yours. New growers, RUN from these type, they'll do nothing but give you outdated info that's ineffective. Don't forget to have them hang those buds upside down so the resin drips to the tips, right Fdd? fool

an infraction and a video for you. enjoy, my friend.

Dang you guys suck this guy seems ligit, why not ask ligit questions or just keep it moving (fdd2blk) Just because your a decent grower why you got to fuck shit up for the ones that want to learn. Your punk ass dont say shit good at all, you just a lil fag that sub to this thread just to throw hate and not put any good info I bet you wait all day to talk shit fuckin loser. Imagine if Al b fuct was new here you probly try to shut him down too just cuz you got the lil bullshit info to grow your pussy plants you think you cant learn shit all you haters go some where else with the PC wankster shit. Dame man live and let live if he lying so what, say what you got to say then keep if movin or pop off, which you cant and wont do so you subing to this page is your only way of venting you fuckin pussy. lol dame you really got to me son lmao. Good luck to all and Professor MJ dont give up on the normal ppl we hear you thanks for the info its being copied and pasted im a noob so your way advance for me but you say good vital shit I havent heard in a while.
an infraction and a video for you. enjoy, my friend.

Your a dick head I dont belive thats yours. First you ask for some meds cuz your hurting now you show your buddys grow lol your a lame son, you on here just to hate go somewhere else FOOL! LOL
f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5. Ahhhhh drama. So what's so hard to believe that he can get weed in 43 days?

So fdd2blk is this fake or not?
since you posted it a while back and said it works. ????????????????????????????
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