Produce weed in 43 days

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prof MJ,

i dont know if you are still reading this thread. but if you are i have a question.

Brix meters work by putting the grape juice of a grape on a vine on the sensor. how do you measure the sugars of the MJ buds, or what do you do with the brix meter to read those sugar levels. regardless of what other people say, seeing that dive of sugars make sense to me, since THC is made from converting sugars, and will continue to do so after the chop.

your help would be greatly appreciated.
I have only been growing 3 years but I learned everything here on riu with a little research and a few questions, and I put out an lb/month, every month, of dank. FDD is prolly the most respected grower here. You must be cracking up fdd...and these are the people we are trying to protect. Fook em
well i am only trying to see how a brix meter would work on cannabis. since there is ideally no liquid that you could put in the meter. who knows, there could be some truth in it.
Ah, now I understand. Fdd please allow me to say I'm terribly sorry for insulting you and accept the "hand slap" and points against me with full understanding. How unprofessional of me to get upset simply for the nonstop insults and bashing I have received. I will try to remember and turn the other cheek from now until the mighty sword of justice further penalizes me. I certainly understand that welcoming someone with over four decades experience would be something to avoid at a place trying to help growers.

Let me say this before being banned. It is the same everywhere, anytime somebody with even a tiny bit of noteriety or knowledge appears it is seen as something bad. I would suggest to you that it should be policy to welcome and accept those that can help others. I am a person that holds his core values very close. I do not lie about growing information or anything else for that matter. Mutual respect is very important but that doesn't meen I cannot defend myself.

I am not out to sell any of you anything, I really don't care about that as hard as that concept seems to be for many of you. I don't give a rats ass about your cash nor am I trying to sell you anything. I don't even have a product for sale right now nor have I ever. The only money I have ever made has been from consulting and my clients are always pleased.

If I were strictly trying to get money and pump myself up I would have been all over telling you about working with Pink Floyd, The Eagles, Elton John and more as the newspaper article link stated but I haven't. Certainly could have put on some pictures that would have given me an edge but have stayed strictly to cannabis.

I have had a wonderful exciting life and have been very wealthy and could care less about money at this stage of my life, nor the noteriety after performing in front of tens of thousands of people. I simply want to help change these laws and teach others how to grow. I have spent a lifetime learning about this plant and have a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to share but have had nothing but attitude and slander thrown at me. If you knew me, or even of me, you would know I'm just a laid back person with a sense of humor and a desire to help. A shame that it seems to scare some.

Fdd, I'm sure you will use this as your chance to ban the evil professor so I will simply say there are other avenues to find help from me to those seeking knowledge. FREE OF CHARGE. I am more than happy to help, for no other reason than helping. Don't need to have those that feel challendged slam me all day though. So do it quick so nobody knows what this is about is ego and very little about knowing how to grow. If it's not the way others do it, it must be wrrong.

What a shame.
wait PRof MJ, plese answer my question about the Brix meter.

i would love to know how to use it, i am very curious. im always looking to learn something new. :-)
also regardless if FDD is a respected grower, sometimes people are WRONG! everyone has before. why not take in everyones methods, and run your own experiments on them, see what works and what works for you. that is the only true way to find that out. if you dont agree with something, no need to bash it. that is there method. im sure a long time ago, some of the methods we use today, were bashed the same way at first.

also FDD, you grow wonderful plants, but why disregard information that could be helpful. i try and absorb everything i read, then i determine if that is a method or technique i want to do or not. i personally think LST is dumb, in the process of tying your plant down and in a circle around a pot. but that is my opinion, i dont bash people for using that method. we are stoners, not alcoholics. why cant we all just get along, and be like the hippies of the 60's and share knowledge and wisdom, rather than bash it. so what if Prof MJ makes a bunch of money by sharing what he knows. i would do it if i had the knowledge. Commercial growers are willing to pay it, then so be it.

sorry, just a little rant.

:peace: and love EP
Pineapple, it is a wonderful tool but it is very difficult to get that drop. Monitor your levels every couple of days to check where your at. If you fall below 10% than something is not right. Check your food levels, Ph, C02, oxygen and such. Healthy cannabis that's being treated right will fall between those levels. It's a good way to see it's receiving what it needs. At the point of maturity the sugar level will dive dramaticaly, mark the point of the beginning of this decline and begin your flush. Ideally the plant will be harvested 36 hours from point of decline. After that point the cannabinoids will start to go south and you will begin to lose potency. As was stated this will not be accurate if using a sugar suppliment though. If you ever read any of my columns you'll know I believe "LESS IS MORE" and most are a waste of money. Grow the right strains correctly and there isn't any need to add sugar, it isn't candy it's cannabinas. Good luck hope that helps. ProfMj
ah i see. ok that helps a lot. sorry to pester you, but what process to you use to get that drop. that is mainly what i am confused on. thank you againg for your reply.
I respect ProfMJ like I respect all living human beings. He knows more about cultivating cannabis than myself. Maybe if the personal attacks and slander were to stop, he would enlighten us with his knowledge. Then after hearing his explanation we could proceed with constructive criticism or agreement. Flaming people because they "claim" to produce weed in 43 days or for anything else that we all strive for is ridiculous.

This plant that we all love is supposed to promote peace and unity. Not anger and jealously. It is in our human nature to question. But we can achieve this by using TACT. Which alot of the people on this site are lacking.

ProfMJ, Pink Floyd is awesome. K :D

Peace and positive energy to you and everyone

:joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: joints for everyone. chillax.
what?!?! that is one of my favorite floyd songs. that is amazing. although i have a bunch of favorite floyd songs. ya i wouldve loved to have grown up and lived in the 60-80's those were the times. especially the 60's they had it right back then. great herb, great drugs, and the true thought of freedom on every hippies mind.
Thanks Nails, if you've ever heard "Time" on Dark Side than you've heard me, I'm doing the electric drums:-) Fun Days. Kinder times, much love Dana

I think I have just about every Pink Floyd Album. What I like to do when I have time to relax, I put on Pink Floyd and just smoke and smoke and smoke. Their music transcends generations and has a message for all of us. I truly believe I was born in the wrong time era. I was drawn to cultivation even at a early age. Pinto beans in party cups with dirt was the most exciting thing for me when i was young. That sounds lame but it's true. My ancestors were farmers, at least that's what my grandmother has told me. I suppose it's in my blood. I love listening to chill music smoking some herb and cultivating such a magnificent plant. A plant that people have cultivated for 1000s of years. It will continue to be cultivated and no laws created by man shall ever eradicate it from the earth. Because there will always be people like ProfMJ, FDD2blk, myself and most everyone on this forum that will continue to grow it.

On last note - what greater form of survivability of a organism is that it adapted itself to entice the most intelligent species on the plant to keep it alive.

PS - The EAGLES are also one of my favorite bands as well. Don Henley has amazing vocals. Check out my location!! I know you would get the reference

Peace and positive energy to you.

Hey Professor MJ can you tell me how you keep your climate for your moms and clones in flowering? I keep my moms at like 78dg 30% humid and my flowering ones I keep at like 83 dg and 30% humid . Can you answer on this link -- --because I want to make this link full of info from you directly so we all can look at to get your method to maybe be on your level one day. Everyone that wants to learn please join, so we can be more ahead Thanks and it will be a honor to have you there and stick around.
First, for those of you sad souls who think checking to see if this comes from the same URL is a worthy use of your time, I will save you the energy.

No, we are not planning to escape with the millions of dollars we have already made from the poor, unsuspecting ROLL IT UP community.
In the spirit of liking a good debate, I have a few questions oh critics of ‘the professor’ First, is discrediting him so important that helping a patient somewhere would not be a better use of time? Just curious.

I wonder, what exactly FDD and his ‘friends’,( who could also all be him as he is a moderator), think we have gained financially that provokes such negativity and hatred. What qualifications do you have my friend? If you are a grower and not just a talker, do you sell your medicine, and if so…how dare you, everything should be done at your own expense.
I can assure those inquiring minds, that no, we are not filthy rich and bathing in tubs of our cash flow on our yacht from our earnings at ROLL IT UP.
1. What pre-requisite exactly, oh powerful blogging boss moderator, do you deem worthy of making a living in this field?
2. What may I ask, exemplifies one from being labeled a crook? I mean, how dare someone have an idea and ….sell it. If what we were selling was all lies and schemes, wouldn’t you think we would be in hiding instead of having a public speaking engagement next week?
3. Do you think because there has been stories in the press about Dana’s ACTUAL ACHIEVMENTS, he should be subject to open ridicule by egotistical, judgemental computer nerds, while always refraining from comment.
4. Do you think it fair to openly slander someone, based on no fact whatsoever, and not allow them the courtesy of defending themselves, because perhaps, it makes you look less intelligent?
5. If FDD, let’s say you had done anything of note, and some jack ass had the audacity to attack your morality online, would you think it unfair to respond in your honor? Would you think it the right for some random person who knows nothing from a hole in the wall to cast dispursions, while standing behind bullet proof glass?
I know you think us stinking rich now, and advertising to poor patients we rob, but, were you aware that we are both patients too, and happen to be afflicted with the most painful disease known to medical science? RSD, look it up.

I am sure you will accuse me of lying about that too, because, that is an easy debate…and mature. After all, Im rubber and your glue, what ever you say bounces off of me, and sticks to you.

Did you know ‘the professor’s wife….eh hem, myself, has had a brain aneurism, and yet, due to my preexisting condition and lack of income, we cannot afford surgery as I have no medical insurance. We get to wait for my brain to explode again to have a doctor care for me. Maybe, if we keep robbing ROLL IT UP.
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