Produce weed in 43 days

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Well-Known Member
Gonzo, I made a total profit of $200 from that seminar, only because somebody paid with a cashiers check. I lost the damned check so made zip. Just rolling in it.
what seminar? what are you talking about? he was talking about the 200 people on this thread. slow down and read his post again. he was talking to me.

i have a feeling this is all pointless. plus these questions are all already answered 1000 times out on the forum.


New Member
so basically ur just doin a sog
u just gotta have a fast strain to do what u say
sounds like common sense to me


Active Member
I'll pose a question to you, where do you get the vast majority of your yield? I will propose it is from the top third of the plant. My opinion is if so, why grow the bottom two thirds. with 1000W you could light a 3x3 ebb and flo which could host 25 to 30 plants. If you place a slab of Rock Wool on the bottom and place cubes with your clones on top you would have room for root growth. Here's what I would do, Place clones in 4x4 inch rockwool cubes every six inches. Start with small clones and go directly into flower. Sativas will get out of hand and take much longer, a pure Indica will finish in 6 to 7 weeks max. Don't ever water, make the roots chase the water, this will increase your yield. Provide 1400 ppm C02 and use a good nute. Drain every two weeks. Don't forget secondary minerals as hard ones drop out in hydro systems. My choice is House and Garden for nutes and watch your ph, follow their feeding and ppm and ec won't be an issue. Keep bottom leaves trimmed and stake each plant so they don't block light from others. You'll end up with 36 nice cola's in a short time frame and over time your yield will be much higher.

Indica's are more narcotic and will help with your pain more than a Sativa.

That would be my choice, quicker, cleaner, faster. Try it and see. Let me know the system you have and I'll give you my input.

thanks for the reply! Im growing in soil at the moment. I have 1 1000w and a 600w both MH/HPS bulbs/also a 6500 T-5 fluro. I am in soil (Pro-Mix) now b/c its more forgiving then the other setups but An ebb&flow I can manage, I am still new to growing but am a fast and good learner. Are ebb&flow systems relativly easy to operate and not too advanced for somebody who is still new? I use Hesi nutes and have a good ph tds meter and use RO water for the soil. If it will help decide a good strain, I have RSD and Plantar Facitis, bunions, and absolutly NO arch in either of my feet. Standing for more than 30 mins has me writhing in pain and reaching for the cursed orange pharm bottle:( Any suggestions on an Indica that would suit my situation? Also until I can get a good ebb&flow set up, what would be your suggestion on my soil grow? As I said I would rather grow a couple big plants and yield more than a bunch of smaller ones, unless you think there is a better alternative. Ive got all the room i need, 7 by 10 flower room and a 8 by 8 veg room. Intake/outflow venting and inline fan. Co2 I have but not set up or dialed in so am using the Co2 pucks and the Boost Bucket at the moment but will have my 20lb tank and emitter system up soon. I know i dont have the fanciest setup but im not in it to grow and sell pounds etc. I just want a steady supply of good meds to help with my pain and to help me get myself off these narcotics that have been my blessing but also curse for the past 9 yrs. thanks again for your help!!


Active Member
what seminar? what are you talking about? he was talking about the 200 people on this thread. slow down and read his post again. he was talking to me.

i have a feeling this is all pointless. plus these questions are all already answered 1000 times out on the forum.
dude, how is this all pointless? if I or somebody else who is starting out asks a ?, even if its been "asnswered a 1000x" in the other forums, and gets it answered then everyhting is great. How is it pointless if somebody in the end gets theyre ? answered and it helps them to grow better meds for their pain condition??? Idk what youre problem is but you need to go elsewhere b/c you add absolutly nothing to this thread. I bet if we went back and counted all your posts you have 100+ of the negative ones in here. Im here to learn dude gimme a freaking break christ...


Well-Known Member
I can't believe this thread has made it soo far. If the "Professor MJ" has some useful info that we could be enlightened on, let him start his own thread and post his info in the appropriate place on the forum. Why this thread has been allowed to go on soo long with soo little info is crazy to me.

I mean god damn dude, if you have something you wanna tell us, then tell us. I've learned 10x the amount of info in a thread that had only 3 posts. SHARE SOME INFO. POST A THREAD IN THE INDOOR GROWING SECTION titled "STRAINS WITH SHORTEST FLOWERING TIMES" and tell us what strain would be possible to get a 43 day harvest. I mean, I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm sure it is. BUT YOU HAVE A TERRIBLE WAY OF SHARING INFO. Look at how people present knowledge in the site, ignore the supid haters comments, and make a thread that is useful. FUCK! FUCK FUCK!



Well-Known Member
dude, how is this all pointless? if I or somebody else who is starting out asks a ?, even if its been "asnswered a 1000x" in the other forums, and gets it answered then everyhting is great. How is it pointless if somebody in the end gets theyre ? answered and it helps them to grow better meds for their pain condition??? Idk what youre problem is but you need to go elsewhere b/c you add absolutly nothing to this thread. I bet if we went back and counted all your posts you have 100+ of the negative ones in here. Im here to learn dude gimme a freaking break christ...

it's pointless because, ....

never mind. :wall:


Well-Known Member
lol. the 'drama' you speak of is what Ive been reading for the past god knows how many pages. No drama from me as I actually want to learn from the man, as many others dont. So go tell the 200+ people to take the drama out, that way instead of 50+ pages of bullshit like we have here we could have 25 pages of great, detailed information on growing MJ from an expert.

relax and light one
Gonzo, I made a total profit of $200 from that seminar, only because somebody paid with a cashiers check. I lost the damned check so made zip. Just rolling in it.
dude, how is this all pointless? if I or somebody else who is starting out asks a ?, even if its been "asnswered a 1000x" in the other forums, and gets it answered then everyhting is great. How is it pointless if somebody in the end gets theyre ? answered and it helps them to grow better meds for their pain condition??? Idk what youre problem is but you need to go elsewhere b/c you add absolutly nothing to this thread. I bet if we went back and counted all your posts you have 100+ of the negative ones in here. Im here to learn dude gimme a freaking break christ...

read what you wrote. then read his reply to you and tell me how it was helpful. or even made sense. :neutral:


Active Member
Dont bother anymore FDD. You have nothing to learn hear, Ive seen your girsl so change nothing. Dont waste your timebongsmilie
ok so we all know that he can grow. nobody is debating that. isnt this Newbie Central? wtf is wrong with you egotisical lunatic cry babies??? What are you contrbuting by posting shit like this? Do you get off by talking shit or talking down to people who dont have the experience that you do? obviosuly you do or you aweosme kickass growers of the universe wouldnt be in the newbie forum.. go find some porn or some other form of entertainment goddamn I just wanna leran how to fucking grow for christ sakes


Well-Known Member
ok so we all know that he can grow. nobody is debating that. isnt this Newbie Central? wtf is wrong with you egotisical lunatic cry babies??? What are you contrbuting by posting shit like this? Do you get off by talking shit or talking down to people who dont have the experience that you do? obviosuly you do or you aweosme kickass growers of the universe wouldnt be in the newbie forum.. go find some porn or some other form of entertainment goddamn I just wanna leran how to fucking grow for christ sakes
your insults will not be tolerated. :fire:


Active Member
ok so we all know that he can grow. nobody is debating that. isnt this Newbie Central? wtf is wrong with you egotisical lunatic cry babies??? What are you contrbuting by posting shit like this? Do you get off by talking shit or talking down to people who dont have the experience that you do? obviosuly you do or you aweosme kickass growers of the universe wouldnt be in the newbie forum.. go find some porn or some other form of entertainment goddamn I just wanna leran how to fucking grow for christ sakes

Come on. If you really want to learn, ask some of the proven vets on here how to grow. The people that have worked hard with lots of real threads. Why dont you ask proven Vets?


Active Member
show me an insult in the last 5 pages. once again, we all agreed to stop. you haven't. you are swearing at everyone and you need to stop.
ok dude listen. 1st im not swearing AT anyone, nor am i insulting anyone. Im just angry b/c this is the newbie forum and it seems as thoe there are people posting in this thread for the SOLE purpose to talk bad/down/ whatever you wanna call it to other posters and the OP. 2nd. Just b/c you dont directly insult people doesnt mean that your actually not. I can read the whole thread and only find 2 or 3 posts that your actually saying something constructive or nice even. I know your a vet and have wrote some really awesome threads here and thats something I appreciate very much, I just dont understand why this thread cant be like one of your threads or anyone else for that matter? 97% of the posts are just beating down on the guy. I guess i just had to high of an expectation coming in to the beginners forum looking to learn..

And I apologize for my cursing, though it wasnt directed at anyone, just a way to express feelings. Like the poster a few above me saying FUCK FUCK FUCK give us the fucking info and make a fucking thread blah blah blah. Same exact thing. were expressing our feelings about a particlar subject.


Active Member
Come on. If you really want to learn, ask some of the proven vets on here how to grow. The people that have worked hard with lots of real threads. Why dont you ask proven Vets?
b/c from reading this thread it doesnt seem that the vets are too friendly to be honest. plain and simple. I came into this thread to ask ?s b/c after realizing who prof mj actually was I wanted to talk to a man who is the 1st in history to take on the dea and have his shit given back to him among other acheivemnts. To me thats pretty dang impressive and i would classify him as a vet also, thus why Im asking him ?s. Why, do I have to ask one of the vets who have moderated here before or who are long time posters? How is dana may not a 'proven' vet? my god dude you can google his name and he pops up, i think he is 'proven' himself worthy to be asked ?s.


Active Member
I bet I can google my name and it will pop up. God damn dude money and the lawyers beat the dea.Ask away man. I'll be here watchin him beat around the bush, you'll end up buying his DVD and I'll laugh, Fdd will laugh and everyone else here that posted against bs will laugh. O well though not my paper so I aint trippin. Although you could have given it to me. Ask away pimpin. Ill save you $200 and you can thank me later.
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