Produce weed in 43 days

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New Member
THIS---couldnt have put it better myself. Its crazy the size egos some of these "vets" as one poster put have and how easy it is for them to go crazy and ragg on everyone that doesnt run to them and ask them their ? and decide to ask somebody new (the proffessor) and then all hell breaks loose... friggin childish
like 2 peas in a pod, absolutly clueless.


Active Member
Hey Gonzo, why dont you add something productive to this thread instead of constant bitching? We were all backed off on the professor when you jumped in with both feet spraying mud everywhere. Now he is back to serious personal attacks and you cant shut up...

Professor I am seriously disappointed. You appear to have either a drug addiction or some mental problem. I dont know what else would cause such huge mood swings and personality changes over a short period of time.

You apologize then you bash someone again. Maybe we could get your wife back on to see if you are an abusive drunk who apologizes later eh?

Your attacks of people who have a good basis of grow knowledge is to lord your experience over them. It shows a huge sense of vulnerability. Your statements are contradictory ER: you have only one goal in life and that is to provide knowledge and yet at least twice in this thread you have said you wont give it all away for free. You state that you are leaving multiple times only to return as if you never left.

You state that you do not exaggerate in the same thread as you state quite clearly that you have THOUSANDS of grows under your belt. Something that is mathematically impossible.

Unfortunately, any real knowledge or experience you may impart is so tangled up in all the other stuff you create as to be lost in the noise.

There are dozens of dedicated growers here willing to share their experiences for free, in detail without bullshit and I certainly would rather learn from them then deal with your pompous ass.
this filth thats spewing out of your keyboard is nothing but personal attacks so why dont you just.... chill out dude. this whole thread has been nothing but full of attacks.. now your calling him an abusive drunk and attacking him and his wife and shit..low blow.. and where did the abusive drunk thing come from???

days to daze

Active Member
guys guys ... go look at your girls .. roll a fatty and then re-read this thread... i dont think ive ever read more than 3 threads without some form of bitching in ... is there any need? does it make you feel like a man? come on..... im going to go look at some grows .. i wont be returning to this thread.. how about you all do the same..


New Member
Hey Gonzo, why dont you add something productive to this thread instead of constant bitching? We were all backed off on the professor when you jumped in with both feet spraying mud everywhere. Now he is back to serious personal attacks and you cant shut up...

Professor I am seriously disappointed. You appear to have either a drug addiction or some mental problem. I dont know what else would cause such huge mood swings and personality changes over a short period of time.

You apologize then you bash someone again. Maybe we could get your wife back on to see if you are an abusive drunk who apologizes later eh?

Your attacks of people who have a good basis of grow knowledge is to lord your experience over them. It shows a huge sense of vulnerability. Your statements are contradictory ER: you have only one goal in life and that is to provide knowledge and yet at least twice in this thread you have said you wont give it all away for free. You state that you are leaving multiple times only to return as if you never left.

You state that you do not exaggerate in the same thread as you state quite clearly that you have THOUSANDS of grows under your belt. Something that is mathematically impossible.

Unfortunately, any real knowledge or experience you may impart is so tangled up in all the other stuff you create as to be lost in the noise.

There are dozens of dedicated growers here willing to share their experiences for free, in detail without bullshit and I certainly would rather learn from them then deal with your pompous ass.
im sure he is counting each plant as a grow you idiot.


Well-Known Member
this filth thats spewing out of your keyboard is nothing but personal attacks so why dont you just.... chill out dude. this whole thread has been nothing but full of attacks.. now your calling him an abusive drunk and attacking him and his wife and shit..low blow.. and where did the abusive drunk thing come from???
He attacks then apologizes then attacks again... Typical abusive behavior.

And yes yes, because you cant see his attacks, look back 1 page to post #554... Oh all right, I will quote it for you...

Prof MJ - I get so tired of dipshits like you who have dick for experience but suddenly become experts when someone more knowledgeable shows up.
So I have to wonder what is going on in his head...


Well-Known Member
lol. the 'drama' you speak of is what Ive been reading for the past god knows how many pages. No drama from me as I actually want to learn from the man, as many others dont. So go tell the 200+ people to take the drama out, that way instead of 50+ pages of bullshit like we have here we could have 25 pages of great, detailed information on growing MJ from an expert.

relax and light one
I thought fdd and some of the other big dogs were a little hard on PM at first and it might of made him clam up a little at first, but this is exactly where this thread belongs--- newbie central.I threw a couple test questions out there and got very generic answers.fdd could have closed this down or deleted a bunch of shit but we would still have 30+ pages of useless shit.If you want real answers go read Al B fuct for hydro and Uncle Ben for dirt, or FDD for outdoor. the only thing missing from this thread is a good ole fashion ass whipping from Uncle ben, someone give him a pm and point him over here.:twisted:This guy might have some great info but he sure is beatin around the bush with lameduck answers.If fdd closed every pissing match or lameduck post in newbie central there would be ALOT less posts in it fo sho.As for all the newbies with under 100 posts that ran there mouths on this thread, do some more reading here and for gods sake use the search button before you start shit with the mods or any poster with 1000+ posts. All the info you need to grow dank sticky buds has been here waiting for you,you just gotta pull your heads out of your asses and go find it.As for PM if you are as good as you think you are, bragging gets you nowhere around here. Good info and lots of pics is all we want, most of us know that hydro if done right is faster than dirt, co2 is good for plants, clones are quicker than seed, ect..ect.this is basic shit that DOES belong in this section.Please tell me you have more to offer than that,otherwise your just wasting our time and yours.Gonzo, i'm not calling you out but your post was a good starting point for my little rant.peace. p.s.i am in no way trying to be an ass kisser to you fdd,you can be an asshole sometimes, but i guess thats what we need around here. Someone to read between the lines and weed out the bullshitters.fdd knew this was bullshit back on page 2 or 3.


Well-Known Member
could just the people with an actual brain post in here please. this is getting quite ridiculous now. If the people want to learn from the professor of bullshit just go to his site and ask the questions.

You'll quickly find out that every question you ask will lead back to an NFT SoG, and to buy his DVD to figure out how to do it right. His sole purpose for being in this thread is to sell his expertise, so i feel duty bound to test that self-proclaimed expertise. IMO he's failed drastically to back up any claims to being the professor of pot.


Well-Known Member
could just the people with an actual brain post in here please. this is getting quite ridiculous now. If the people want to learn from the professor of bullshit just go to his site and ask the questions.

You'll quickly find out that every question you ask will lead back to an NFT SoG, and to buy his DVD to figure out how to do it right. His sole purpose for being in this thread is to sell his expertise, so i feel duty bound to test that self-proclaimed expertise. IMO he's failed drastically to back up any claims to being the professor of pot.
I wanted to give him a chance. When I stepped back I gave him 3-5 posts before he was attacking again. I was not disappointed by being disappointed.


Well-Known Member
gonzo.. lol, as your handle implies you are quite confused as to what is happening here.

nobody is questioning strains can flower in 43 days.

what is in question is Dana's right to sell himself as the professor of pot when he wouldn't know a degree if it slapped him in the face.


Well-Known Member
Your honor? I would like to have gonzo's whole opening statement stricken from the record... / my cousin vinny...

Gonzo? Have you read the thread? Do you have critical thinking skills? Who in this thread is worshiping FDD?

Nobody is saying that he cant grow weed in 43 days.... there are multiple posts in this thread that point out certain strains can be done in this short period of time. Prof MJ stated the exact same thing recently in this thread. WE ALL CAN GROW DANK IN 43 DAYS!!! That really is not a point of dispute in this thread.
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