Punch a Panhandler in the Face Day

Not at all, I'm not ashamed of where I'm from. I'm done gettin into it with you, in real life your scary ass would never catch a fade. Out
Not at all, I'm not ashamed of where I'm from. I'm done gettin into it with you, in real life your scary ass would never catch a fade. Out
Nobody said you were ashamed. I know I'm good at confusing people as to what the original issue is, so I'll remind you.

Yet you still seem to have this attitude that people owe(d) you something because you financially fucked yourself.

But now that we've determined you're afraid to talk to me, I'll let you run away back to Inglewood to hang out with pride in your low-income neighborhood. Yeah bussacap son and get that e-ebonix going, makes you sound hard on the internet, chyea son word that's on errything ya feel me dawg. One.

I tell them to fuck off every time.A lot of them are liars.I got these 2 guys who I snap on when I go to the BP.There out there all night asking people lol,I seen them get in fights because one of them got to ask the person first.
I wont give them a fucking dime. Never have never will.
You do something nice for them and they will stick around, No. Fuck'em. Go find another neighborhood.

You may think I am harsh, so what. There are churches and city programs people can find food and shelter and get help.
They can get them selves arrested and get three hots and a cot. Stay the fuck away from my 7-11
Surprised at the lack of compassion here. Don't get me wrong, help yourselves. But sometimes that doesn't work. It REALLY comes down to how my gut reacts to the situation. Sometimes, people need help. Empathy. Walk in their shoes. And if you did, then be understanding. Not judgemental.
I dropped out of high school with no ambitions, as a result I'm not very intelligent. Rumor has it people even dumber than myself will give me money just for holding a sign.

Put myself in their shoes and I still wish it wasn't a crime to kill them.
Every time i see a bum if they make a B-Line towards me I immediately ask for a Dollar...lol Stops them dead in there tracks :)
Every time i see a bum if they make a B-Line towards me I immediately ask for a Dollar...lol Stops them dead in there tracks :)

This is what I do. It's blatanly obvious when a bum is about to hit you up for some change. When i see this moment about to go down I just ask them if they have a few bucks to spare. Makes it kinda akward and puts this confused look on there face.

It's even better when I'm getting out of my car. Lol
Funny stuff, i had a guy approach me at a local convenient store, he said 'i ran out of gas and need money, can you help'? i said 'hey you asked me that yesterday', his reply was 'you aren't going to believe this, but it happened again'. i said you are right i don't believe it and left. A while back i saw an old man walking down the RR tracks by my house looking for aluminum cans, well i had 3 garbage bags full in my van, i just gave them to him, figured he got around 8.00 for them but you'd have thought i gave him a 100 bill. you can sort out the scammers from the desperate by volunteering at a food bank, for the most part, the scammers don't come there
Some day I'm going to don my freshest slacks, crispest dress shirt, and borrow a pair of those shiny nerd business shoes from my pops, make a sign that says "will walk on highway with sign for $" and see the reactions.

Ahhh get the hell off of this site will ya?? every fucking post I see from you is immature and idiotic! your always trying to pick arguments with people! Tell mommy to tie your shoes and go out n play.... And above shows thats just what you are, a CHILD!
"and borrow a pair of those shiny nerd business shoes from my pops" ....Its springtime son, Now get outside n blow the stink off yourself before dad beats your ass....lol...
Wow. Not trying to start trouble, just throwing in my 2 cents. If I have it and can afford to give it up and you need it, it's yours.

Beautifully said, I have been on both ends.

I just the other day, drove past a homeless person on the road, after 3 to 4 miles I just had to turn around.
I drove him to the next town, bought him some food, and got him a room.
I could tell that he probably has been doing this day after day.
But for that day somebody believed in him and listened to his story.
It made my heart feel soooo good, to see him enjoying his day and having somebody to talk to.

I realize that I am from the sticks and in the big towns, this would be a full time job.
Have compassion for your fellow humans and you never know you might learn something.
Or your live will be free, and those ugly feelings of hate might actually go away.
I just the other day, drove past a homeless person on the road, after 3 to 4 miles I just had to turn around.
Post had so much potential. You could have turned around to throw a multitude of things at him from a cup of ice to coins to my personal favorite: hardcover books taped to prevent opening and slowing down due to aerodynamics. But, in typical fashion, you blew it.
im about to fill a sock with like 30 dollars in quarters and tell these dope heads that whoevers standing after I crack on there face with it 30 times they can keep it.Maybe throw a couple marbles or a pool ball in it lol.
im about to fill a sock with like 30 dollars in quarters and tell these dope heads that whoevers standing after I crack on there face with it 30 times they can keep it.Maybe throw a couple marbles or a pool ball in it lol.
That's probably a breakeven proposition for them. Throw in a 20 rock and they're +EV all day.
Post had so much potential. You could have turned around to throw a multitude of things at him from a cup of ice to coins to my personal favorite: hardcover books taped to prevent opening and slowing down due to aerodynamics. But, in typical fashion, you blew it.

But in typical fashion, I blew it.
Please elaborate. No, serisouly elaborate.
I am sorry, but I loved what I did, and I made somebody that has had a hard life feel good.
Peace to you, my good friend.
One day a month, it should be legal to knock out anyone that approaches you in a parking lot with "Excuse me, sir.." and then proceeds to enter your personal space.

that is sum one mother or father out there in hard time. it could be u sum day needing a little help.. rather then hit one give them a dollar. thats mygirls way...
That's probably a breakeven proposition for them. Throw in a 20 rock and they're +EV all day.
You think?I dont know,if theres a 20 rock in there I think it needs to get up'ed to 50 whacks and they can hit the rock once they catch 25.

I should just buy a bb gun and shoot them a couple times when I think there about to ask me.Theyll probably be so high theyll think there getting stung by a bee
I once hired a homeless guy to do some work on a property of mine and work was to paid in room and board. Within 2 days of him getting comfortable and not getting much done he started making demands and was trying to tell me he needed fentanyl patches or his back hurt too bad to work.

I packed up all his shit and dropped him off in a town over 50 miles away and told him if I seen him again I had a bullet for him.

Beggars get nothing.