Punch a Panhandler in the Face Day

where do you people live?

I don't see any homeless around my part of town.

im in philly and they are EVERYWHERE.Love Park,City Hall,all the tourist attractions and I'd say everywhere elose in the city except for some parts of the north east I see them.
Its like that when I go to baltimore and atlantic city to.
tweeters only come out a certain time of day, maybe you just miss them.

nah meth just isn't big here.Its all out in like erie county PA and around there.I hear some bikers around here used to have it in heavy but its died down now.I've never even seen the stuff,I should probably be glad I haven't cause the shit sounds so good
Go on to a Union jobsite and ask a labor worker. A lot of people actually use the shit for work and on fishing boats. When you're out at sea for months at a time, doing nothing but working for 20hrs a day it helps. Most don't even use it besides for better performance on the job.

With that said, enough try it and get hooked4Life,,No doubt about it.. I've heard plenty of horror stories to make me aware of the dark side of the drug.

Proceed with caution...

nah meth just isn't big here.Its all out in like erie county PA and around there.I hear some bikers around here used to have it in heavy but its died down now.I've never even seen the stuff,I should probably be glad I haven't cause the shit sounds so good
a few times i did't have money but gave them some bud-hash they where damn happy with that :) lets not be selfish :)

hahah i was walking down the street and a bum asked me for a cigarette, but it was my last one so i thru him a dime bag hahhah. I was Drunk At the time and valued my cigarette over trees probably because i had more trees
hahah i was walking down the street and a bum asked me for a cigarette, but it was my last one so i thru him a dime bag hahhah. I was Drunk At the time and valued my cigarette over trees probably because i had more trees

[temp threadjack]you just proved my point that a nicotine head will always chose butts over herb if it comes down to it. nicotine=addiction/habit weed=just habit the prohibitionists and other assorted douchebags would have us believe otherwise.[/temp threadjack]
I always give money. I don't care if they're scammers or not. I'm not taking the chance that it might be the Lord in disguise and I missed my chance for redemption. I have enough against me being gay. :p
I don't believe in things that aren't real, I just thought Christians hating gays and nicely letting them know that they will burn in hell for eternity meant that you had no chance for redemption.
Go on to a Union jobsite and ask a labor worker. A lot of people actually use the shit for work and on fishing boats. When you're out at sea for months at a time, doing nothing but working for 20hrs a day it helps. Most don't even use it besides for better performance on the job.

With that said, enough try it and get hooked4Life,,No doubt about it.. I've heard plenty of horror stories to make me aware of the dark side of the drug.

Proceed with caution...
lol I dont know about meth but every union worker I know is prescribed some type of opiates.Its crazy how easy they make the job.But you take em for work your gonna get hooked fast so I wouldn't recommend that.
You still be fishing and shit or is it like not fish season? idk lol.
I always give money. I don't care if they're scammers or not. I'm not taking the chance that it might be the Lord in disguise and I missed my chance for redemption. I have enough against me being gay. :p

I always help also, but because I have compassion for them, scammers or not.
Myself I am not gay, and I am a Christian, but I don't believe you have something against you for being gay.
Thinking that way can only hurt yourself, I hope you can free yourself of thinking this way. Stated with respect, ok.

You have a chance for redemption?

You know I have read alot of your posts, I don't know if you think your funny or what.
But it sure would be nice if you could gain some maturity and stop flinging hate all over the place.

I don't believe in things that aren't real, I just thought Christians hating gays and nicely letting them know that they will burn in hell for eternity meant that you had no chance for redemption.

More hate, try being nice for awhile, see how it feels.
And before you rip back into me with more hate, save it, because I will not let it affect me, it will be a waste of your typing time.
May you find peace in your life, and the anger is lost.
I always help also, but because I have compassion for them, scammers or not.
Myself I am not gay, and I am a Christian, but I don't believe you have something against you for being gay.
Thinking that way can only hurt yourself, I hope you can free yourself of thinking this way. Stated with respect, ok.

You represent about 5% of the Christian world. The rest think I should roast in Hell. I've had that spat into my face on several occasions. It was meant as humor. Lighten up. Smoke a bowl. ;)
A few weeks ago I was waiting in line at the KFC drive thru and a guy comes up and tries to sell me a watch. He give's me the usual speech, he's sober now, trying to raise money for food, etc. etc. and how straight he is now. I didn't have a dime on me since I was paying with a card but then this homeless saint saw my 18pk in my passenger side and says "Can I get a beer?" lol, mother fucker just preached to me how straight he was! So I called him out and said "if you had told me the truth from the beginning I would have just given you a one" Then I gave him 2 beers cause it was cold as shit outside and he made me laugh...hahaha