Punch a Panhandler in the Face Day

You think?I dont know,if theres a 20 rock in there I think it needs to get up'ed to 50 whacks and they can hit the rock once they catch 25.

I should just buy a bb gun and shoot them a couple times when I think there about to ask me.Theyll probably be so high theyll think there getting stung by a bee
We'll have to consult with mathematics experts to determine the variables needed to balance this equation. I think if you let them take a blast before the beating commences, a majority of them wouldn't mind death, so long as they died high.
that is sum one mother or father out there in hard time. it could be u sum day needing a little help.. rather then hit one give them a dollar. thats mygirls way...
and once you walk away theyll start bragging about how nice there hustle is lol.Its hilarious,begging for money is there job lol I would never give one shit but a whack across the face.
We'll have to consult with mathematics experts to determine the variables needed to balance this equation. I think if you let them take a blast before the beating commences, a majority of them wouldn't mind death, so long as they died high.

so just let them hit it first so theyll be so high they cant talk lol.It'll be perfect.

I'll just be like you never said stop or I lost count.They wont think twice about it.Probably come around my house later trying to get beat again for more money.
and once you walk away theyll start bragging about how nice there hustle is lol.Its hilarious,begging for money is there job lol I would never give one shit but a whack across the face.
This. I was at a Red Sox home game many years ago either waiting in line to get tickets, or to get in, and I look across the street and see a little girl walk over and put a bill in the homeless guy's change cup that he's shaking. As soon as the little girl turned her back, the guy pulls out a wad of bills, puts the dollhair in it, puts it back in his pocket, and comes out of his pocket with a cell phone and starts talking (presumably about how good his hustle is).

Depending on how poor you are, and how much of a do-gooder you are, there's a chance you're giving money to someone that's better off than you for doing nothing but hanging out with a sign.
Locally, we have a street newspaper called "The Contributor" that is published/printed for free and given to the homeless and formerly homeless as a means of income. All papers sold are 100% profit and the usual cost is $1.00 although many receive addtional donations in the form of tips, free food, clothing etc. They started out about 2 years ago standing at major intersections holding up papers with various signs describing their hard-luck stories. Since this city has a long history of volunteerism and helping the needy, it wasn't long before the vendors started showing up in more obscure locations such as storefronts and government buildings. Currently it is the exception rather than the rule when a vendor isn't stationed near these locations. According to one of the directors of the publication, their top vendors average about $2/paper including tips and sell and average of 1200 to 1400 papers/month. I don't think that I am going out on a limb when I say the this is also 100% tax free since it is basically untrackable revenue.
While this has certainly lessened the number of outright vagrants standing in front of gas stations and the like, I did notice one interesting phenomena. Some intersections have no less than 1 vendor/corner for a total of 4. Usually these are prime locations but sometimes they are at less-traveled intersections such as near a liquor store. One can make their own assumptions as to why.
last summer some pregnant bitch came up to me outside a gas station with some boohoo story about how she needed train fare or something and she wanted 10 bucks. i gave her my change because it was weighing half my pants down. fucking 10 minutes later i was at the liquor store down the road and that same bitch was out there giving her sob story, only this time she needed train fare to a different city for a different reason. i pointed at her and started making a scene and screaming about what a scam artist she is and i thought she was going to providence and i wanted my fucking change back, and how the fuck did a pregnant bitch get 2 miles down the road in 10 minutes. instantly this angry mini lynch mob formed and the bitch hopped into the backseat of a fucking ESCALADE and off they went. fuck 'em all.
its funny that everyone says they dont give people shit but i saw a girl come here and get $300+ out of people on THIS board because she was in a financial hole.

i don't give people money. get a job. if i saw a bum out sweeping the street or doing something positive, perhaps i would give that person some money. a bum was friendly to me the other day so i gave him all my recycling. the state doesnt give me money for it and he is willnig to do the work so i figure he can have it. he was very appreciative.

i don't make enough money to give anything to anyone. i think its disgusting for people to even ask. i work too hard to give away even a penny.

the other day i saw a young, good looking man asking for money. i saw him get money from people, then i saw him jump into his big ass truck and drive away. bunch of suckers who gave that guy money. he probably has a job. id need to beg too if i were filling that thing up with gas
lofl, i forgot to mention. there is this one bum that i would love to punch in the fucken face. i hate this guy. he is one of those bums that you know because they are always in the same fucken place every goddamned day. if i could punch a panhandler, it would be him. hes a fucken asshole too, mean piece of shit. i would get so much satisfaction out of punching him. id probably get a disease too.
lofl, i forgot to mention. there is this one bum that i would love to punch in the fucken face. i hate this guy. he is one of those bums that you know because they are always in the same fucken place every goddamned day. if i could punch a panhandler, it would be him. hes a fucken asshole too, mean piece of shit. i would get so much satisfaction out of punching him. id probably get a disease too.

there used to be a regular at the intersection near my job. every day i would go and get lunch and every day that guy would be standing on the island next to my left turn, wearing shoes that looked nicer than mine. the guy would fucking stare at me while i ate my quarter pounder at the red light, like it was supposed to make me feel guilty. that shit pissed me off. it's not like he offered to work or do tricks for the money, either. he just fucking stood there with his cuddi rockjaw and nice shoes, staring at me while i ate. fucking rude.
If no one gave money to panhandlers then they wouldn't exist. True homeless people who are out of a job or took a turn for the worse have more pride than to beg on the side of the street, you are giving your resources to the wrong people. Instead support programs that help the homeless, not vagrants trying to get a free ride.
If no one gave money to panhandlers then they wouldn't exist. True homeless people who are out of a job or took a turn for the worse have more pride than to beg on the side of the street, you are giving your resources to the wrong people. Instead support programs that help the homeless, not vagrants trying to get a free ride.

I agree with this for the most part... cause theres all ways that "one"... I grew up hard on a farm.. my father NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER asked anyone for $$$.. if we were hungry *very rare cause we raised so much food* we would walk to our cousins/aunts or something house and eat.. *thats how it is for most true southerns... we welcome anyone and everyone to eat for free.* get up... help them with what ever they needed help with.. and go home... if we needed breakfast... we'd go back and re do what we did the night before... untill we got food.. NEVER did we tell a sad story.. never did we ask for anything.. its kind of like a give take thing here.. cause next year.. they were the ones walking/coming over to our house.... my father when he got back from nam was a bum on the streets of atl.. *stewart avenue.. they changed the name to industrial blv. I THINK NOT SURE ABOUT THE NAME but i know they changed the name of it cause it had such a bad name for girls/drugs/murders etc etc.* anywho... he never asked for anything... he said if he was hungry.. he would either steal it.. or he would pick up a odd job for it.. but most the people asking for money were people who where drug addicts/drunks who couldn't hold jobs... and i've heard that from a few other homeless people. we were eating out at captain d's a long time ago when i was like 10 if that... a man came up and asked us for $$$ cause he ran out of gas.. said he was embarased to be asking cause of his pride.. so my dad gave him a $20.. my aunt went to give him some $$ and my uncle grabed her hand and kind of said loudly "he's going to buy beer or dugs with it!!" she snatched away and gave the man even more money... the man left.. went in and bought a gas can and got gas.. walked down.. got gas put it in his car.. came back got our address and a week later the man sent a $100 money order to my father... and my aunt said he sent a leter telling her "grumpy husband" that he's sending this $100 money order for her.. not for him to buy beer with :) :) :) lol.. my point being.. sometimes its lagit.. when a man comes up to you not smelling like beer and is being honest and you feel he's being honest... then help him.. it never hurts to give food.. i give food all the time... if you ask for $ ill tel you "i don't have any $$ but ill buy you a meal" some except some don't... im not a judge or jury.. i give what i can when i can...
I tend to walk by panhandlers and say things like, "Uhhh, would you just look at that! I mean just look at it."
last summer some pregnant bitch came up to me outside a gas station with some boohoo story about how she needed train fare or something and she wanted 10 bucks. i gave her my change because it was weighing half my pants down. fucking 10 minutes later i was at the liquor store down the road and that same bitch was out there giving her sob story, only this time she needed train fare to a different city for a different reason. i pointed at her and started making a scene and screaming about what a scam artist she is and i thought she was going to providence and i wanted my fucking change back, and how the fuck did a pregnant bitch get 2 miles down the road in 10 minutes. instantly this angry mini lynch mob formed and the bitch hopped into the backseat of a fucking ESCALADE and off they went. fuck 'em all.
that was a whore that couldn't work and kept smokin & her pimp put her ass out on the stroll. trust.
hint: homeless girls don't wear Baby Phat.
I help everybody once (call me a sucker if ya wanna, it's how I tithe so fuck off) but if I see your ass more than a couple times in my hood with that bullshit.. you're getting charged the fuck up! fights HAVE ensued. don't even THINK about approaching my chick with that shit either; straight boxing action. but I'll hook ya up once, maybe twice. after that? fuck you in your neck.

the best thing about this style is, the assholes that think you're an easy mark see you coming that 3rd time & that's when it gets crunk with me. :)
its funny that everyone says they dont give people shit but i saw a girl come here and get $300+ out of people on THIS board because she was in a financial hole.

I saw that thread the next day. She is very lucky I wasn't around that night.
I was in a big a city one time and I was looking at this one homeless man, and he was looking at me. During the time when I was looking at him, and he was looking at me, the homeless man winked while he was looking at me at the same time. I gave him an odd look and kept looking at him while walking into the liquor store. He kept on looking at people and looking for people who would either give him money or booze.

True story actually
I also see this one guy every once in awhile when im driving that is always dancing like a fucking mad man at the corner when theres a red light.I'd give him some loose change but im never walking by there.

But I really wanna start something with one of these dickheads who are out there now lol.I just got back from the gas station and he was out there again,he asked me and I snapped on his dumb aids infested ass lol.I should of brought up the quarters in the sock idea.