Punch a Panhandler in the Face Day


Well-Known Member
One day a month, it should be legal to knock out anyone that approaches you in a parking lot with "Excuse me, sir.." and then proceeds to enter your personal space.
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Yeah it pisses me right off, every time I exit the bank there's an indian waiting there to ask me for money. Then the fuckers get indignant when you refuse to give it to them. The machine only gives out 20's, and I sure as shit ain't handing any of those out.

you can count me in. always down for a little ultra-violence. helps keep my yin/yang balanced.
got one in mind? im free tomorrow?......yes i am

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Some day I'm going to don my freshest slacks, crispest dress shirt, and borrow a pair of those shiny nerd business shoes from my pops, make a sign that says "will walk on highway with sign for $" and see the reactions.
I don't like giving money cuz when I was hurting, nobody did a fucking thing to help me out. If you want my doggiebag ill hook ya up

how about........i will preform vivisections, birth control and face lifts for $$$???
or for stem cells???? ;)

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I don't like giving money cuz when I was hurting, nobody did a fucking thing to help me out. If you want my doggiebag ill hook ya up
Yet you still seem to have this attitude that people owe(d) you something because you financially fucked yourself.
If someone says they are hungry, I will feed them when I can. If someone says they will work, I will pay them when I can. And my favorite is the guy that sits outside a local market with a sign reading "Who am I kidding. Need money for beer.". I ALWAYS give him what I can. At least he's being honest.

If I'm approached for gas, if I can I will go pay the cashier. If approached for food, I will buy. If approached for clothes/shelter, I will help all I can. When approached for CASH, I tend to balk if no alternatives are accepted(such as "Let's go to McD's. I'll buy all you can eat." with a response of "Oh no. I don't want to trouble you. I can get it. Do you have $4?". THEN I get indignant. Sometimes. Other times, I tell them to get squared away and walk.
If someone says they are hungry, I will feed them when I can. If someone says they will work, I will pay them when I can. And my favorite is the guy that sits outside a local market with a sign reading "Who am I kidding. Need money for beer.". I ALWAYS give him what I can. At least he's being honest.

If I'm approached for gas, if I can I will go pay the cashier. If approached for food, I will buy. If approached for clothes/shelter, I will help all I can. When approached for CASH, I tend to balk if no alternatives are accepted(such as "Let's go to McD's. I'll buy all you can eat." with a response of "Oh no. I don't want to trouble you. I can get it. Do you have $4?". THEN I get indignant. Sometimes. Other times, I tell them to get squared away and walk.
When a bum asks me if I have a dollar, I reply "I have thousands," and continue walking.
Wow. Not trying to start trouble, just throwing in my 2 cents. If I have it and can afford to give it up and you need it, it's yours.

i think benny was talking to doc, not you.

i like your style for handling beggars. the only time i ever offered to get someone food, they were not interested.

and we have a guy here who holds the 'just want some beer' sign. i bet he does pretty well!
i think benny was talking to doc, not you.

i like your style for handling beggars. the only time i ever offered to get someone food, they were not interested.

and we have a guy here who holds the 'just want some beer' sign. i bet he does pretty well!

Yeah Uncle, I posted and then re-read. I figure that if I give cash, THEY are in charge of how it's used(positive/negative), but if I don't give cash, 1)I get left alone rather quickly most times and 2)Those that DO receive help are VERY thankful and would do the same for me if they could.
the only time i ever offered to get someone food, they were not interested.

Eating = loss of profits. Someone was recently telling me about a documentary or a 60 Minutes segment type thing they saw about panhandlers and how they make a semi-decent amount of money. I want to say they told me it said the average was about 28k, but we all know how numbers get changed from source to intermediary to me. Regardless, the point is that the bums know that in the 15-30 minutes it would take them to get fed they're losing out on twice that in panhandling equity. Kind of makes me wonder if the innovation of panhandling with a dog was more to have an excuse not to go to a dining establishment than it was for sympathy, but then again, these people are probably not capable of second level thinking.
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Uhm no far from it.
Well, let's look at the objective facts.

1. You were poor.
2. You don't help poor people because nobody helped you.
3. You're troubled enough about it to unnecessarily use profane interjections.
4. When questioned you turn irate and defensive.

Yeah, I'd say I'm about 100%.
Nah I just don't feel like airing my story out and have you thinking I'm expecting pity. All you need to know is I come from the gutter and I made it on my own. I now live a damn good life and if I can do it, anybody can
Nah I just don't feel like airing my story out and have you thinking I'm expecting pity. All you need to know is I come from the gutter and I made it on my own. I now live a damn good life and if I can do it, anybody can

Props on making it, I have a couple friends that grew up on the streets. But would you have appreciated the kindness of a stranger?
Thanks brotha. @ the time, honestly I don't know if I would have fully appreciated it but now that I'm older and experienced a lot of stuff, I would now.