"Purity tests"

I hate tRUmp and it doesn't matter what he does, I will hate him no matter what he does for all time. He's the most vile example of a human being and will never change. Feel better now snowflake?
I am glad to see you at least can tell the truth as you see it. See there is no need to run down the recipient of your message. You have clearly stated here that you will always hate trump no matter what. So now I ask is that no matter what solid? Is there nothing that he could do to change your mind a little? Maybe if your mother and dad were in prison for life and he pardoned them, wouldn't that get a small like? Don't tell me you hate your parents :-) There may just be a few things you might like about trump if you knew about them. In recent events you didn't like the missile deterrent that trump used on a car full of killers ? The Iranians told us when and where their missiles would land. After shooting their ambassador let us know they were done shooting. They shot their missiles into the sand because they didn't want to hurt Americans. These are the actions of intimidated people. This deterrent works as well as when Truman a democrat dropped the two bombs that destroyed two Japanese cities and ended WWII. That deterrent saved millions of American and Japanese lives. we should all hope this latest deterrent lasts for some time.
Another question. What if Donald trump was not the vilest human on the planet. What if you never saw him or heard him but did see his policies in action. Would you condemn them all still? Even unemployment at 3.5% And don't tell me it is bogus because I see all the employers begging for people to work.. let me know
Unemployment at 3.5% doesn't mean a whole lot when the people getting those jobs have to work two others along with it to make ends meet...

Unemployment is BS. It doesn't count the underemployed who have to get a new job for way less than their previous one. It also doesn't count those who've given up or haven't fount a job fast enough to still be counted.
He's a compulsive liar.

I am glad to see you at least can tell the truth as you see it. See there is no need to run down the recipient of your message. You have clearly stated here that you will always hate trump no matter what. So now I ask is that no matter what solid? Is there nothing that he could do to change your mind a little? Maybe if your mother and dad were in prison for life and he pardoned them, wouldn't that get a small like? Don't tell me you hate your parents :-) There may just be a few things you might like about trump if you knew about them. In recent events you didn't like the missile deterrent that trump used on a car full of killers ? The Iranians told us when and where their missiles would land. After shooting their ambassador let us know they were done shooting. They shot their missiles into the sand because they didn't want to hurt Americans. These are the actions of intimidated people. This deterrent works as well as when Truman a democrat dropped the two bombs that destroyed two Japanese cities and ended WWII. That deterrent saved millions of American and Japanese lives. we should all hope this latest deterrent lasts for some time.
Another question. What if Donald trump was not the vilest human on the planet. What if you never saw him or heard him but did see his policies in action. Would you condemn them all still? Even unemployment at 3.5% And don't tell me it is bogus because I see all the employers begging for people to work.. let me know
Hey trump chump,

You know they were close to democracy in Iran after WW II until we installed the Shah in 1953?

So gas could stay at 32.9/gal for 25 years.

Then when they rebelled against the Shah and his secret police atrocities over there in the late 70's everybody here said they're evil. If we didn't install our own handpicked dictator in 1953, it would be a totally different country today.

We fucking raped and pillaged Iran for literally decades and then wonder what went wrong over there after it?

And learn about fucking paragraphs, you write like you failed English over and over.
I don't think I have seen any of your civic posts. Know so much that you can't share with us no nothings? I would love to have you comment on anything I have written. Just try to make it the truth, I relish that after reading so much backed up by heresay guesses and opinion. Be careful though , there a bunch of little girls trying to be adults here. You see this is the only place where they can give their opinion safely because this is the only place where once they finish talking they can't see all the knowing smiles from the audience. They are also safe from people smacking them around for being a bunch of small minded intellects. No wonder people think the educational system in this country sucks. Look what it is producing. pistils or hairs, go split them in your hole.
The kkk endorsed trump
Well he has over 20,000 of them, and you have what? 20?

Tell us more about the Trump work ethic.

You know, the guy who doesn't start till 11AM, quits at 2, plays golf all weekend, tells 15,000 lies in 3 years, assassinates people like the 1960's CIA and is impeached*.

Mr. 20 post trump chump with the convoluted TL;DR posts that everyone can see through.
It's rather amazing that these guys come in here and expect us to treat them with respect despite the fact that they are both: brand new and obviously sock puppets for previously banned members, and openly espousing an ideology that is based on the paranoid meanderings of idiots.
Unemployment at 3.5% doesn't mean a whole lot when the people getting those jobs have to work two others along with it to make ends meet...
Yup, the unemployment rate "doesn't mean a whole lot". Except maybe we shouldn't let politicians meddle with economic reports.

That number, unemployment rate has become meaningless. A tight labor market with 3.5% real unemployment should show outstanding income growth. Employment Rate, which compares the number employed to the number of working age people in this country, is still 3 or 4 percentage points below where it had been before the great recession. That's a lot of slack to overcome. Also, Trump's economy declined from 2% to 1.4% between July 2018 to July 2019. So, don't expect much of a raise any time soon. Thank you, Donald.

His IQ must be in the 80's lol.

jesus..and he has the codes.
Well he has over 20,000 of them, and you have what? 20?

20 not bad for being here only a few days. Are you going to hold that against me too? Because he has 20000 does that make him always right? I don't think so.

Tell us more about the Trump work ethic.

well I know he sleeps only 4 hours a day. I am not in the whitehouse so I can't say for certain how hard he works anymore than you can. But I can see that he has made a lot of changes in America. Whether all are good or bad we won't know until we see the differences.

You know, the guy who doesn't start till 11AM, quits at 2, plays golf all weekend, tells 15,000 lies in 3 years

now don't go making yourself into a mystic this complaint is way over blown . Obama liked his golf too.

, assassinates people like the 1960's CIA and is impeached*.

did you complain about the hundreds of missile strikes when Obama used them? I bet you didn't

sorry many believe he isn't impeached until he is convicted of a crime and removed from office. And as far as you and I know no crime has ever happened. If the democrats had a crime they wouldn't look so bad in their attacks. Because some democrats say the sky is falling does not make it true. The polls show that the democrats wrapping themselves in the flag and condemning the president didn't work. LIes have hurt the dems big time and you know it. And the fool dems haven't got the message they want to keep up the BS going some more which will continue to erode their lead in the polls. I know they might have won the next election but they keep giving the republicans more ammo by pressing their silly claims.
I suppose that you go along with the democrats who have destroyed the supposedly non partisan impeachment process. They have left it open so the Republicans will come back at the next democratic president with the same nonsense. This has really hurts the country. There will come a time when a president actually commits real crimes and the impeachment process will be looked upon as partisan and we won't be able to use it to solve our problem.
I can understand why you don't like trump as a man but its not yet a crime to be perceived as an asshole. We remove people with the vote and not with impeachments. I am old and not going to see to many more elections but some of you are going to have to put up with this impeachment crap from both sides for many years until you barf.
If any of you read much you might go and see what well known far left professor and attorney alan dershowitz says about this impeachment. Yes I read the far left too if it makes sense. And he does. I challenge you to read what he says and then come back and tell me impeachment is a good thing for this country. This lefty says it far better than I ever could. And you don't need to read it from me.

Mr. 20 post trump chump with the convoluted TL;DR posts that everyone can see through.

more childish nonsense. you should work on that.
this song is disturbing and can't stand it..righties are violent people and can't handle everyday stressers..

Agree with just how wrong that song is. It's actually a domestic violence fantasy and we both know which side of the dongle is most likely to do that. Not that I'm 'splaining anything that you don't already know. Just agreeing. Right winger music, speech and, when they manage to string a few intelligible words together, their writing, are full of these images. Actually, I heard violent asides said as jokes around the Thanksgiving table from my right wing relatives. It's part of their culture.

What I don't understand is why your kind are giving Bernie the free pass for his history of violent fantasy writings.
I found it difficult to decipher your post.

My above comment is just window-dressing to allow me to post the following and stay within the forum rules.

You are clearly a moron.
Unemployment at 3.5% doesn't mean a whole lot when the people getting those jobs have to work two others along with it to make ends meet...

did you hear that those on the bottom of the pay latter are getting the biggest pay raises because employers are desperate and will probably give raises until they no longer are forced too.. So how many people do you personally know working all those jobs. (msnbc always uses your line about working too much when people talk about the booming economy) My guess is nobody. If you were you wouldn't have time to be dinking around on this forum or you wouldn't have time to vape your bud.
Oh did anybody notice the stock market has been setting new records despite all the doom and gloom forecasted by tv pundits. You see the stock market understood the deterrence in what trump did to the Iranians and they approved it. And when the guys with the money talk those without it listen. You guys here own a lot of stock? :-) No, well if you did you would want to really understand what is happening in this world and not learn about it from somebody like don lemon or rachel maddow. and before you start, no I do not hate any race or creed or gender, I am not saying they are bad people just that just about anybody would be better to listen too if you want to get to the facts. And yes there are conservatives that deserve to be unemployed as well. I dislike whichever side is giving me the most bs and right now its the far left democrats. I will never like people that feel their ideas are so well fixed that they can't even listen to ideas other than theirs. Don't think its happening. Look at the colleges where a conservative tries to speak and can't because of disruptions from those that believe only their ideas should be heard. Who does that unless they are afraid of what they might hear. Is that why so many here have the need to belittle anyone that isn't in lockstep with them on their ideas?
WE should all be striving to learn the truth whenever possible but if you don't want to learn any new ideas you shouldn't read anything from any body or that terrible fate might over take you.
I really don't care if people here want to play games rather than trade info. But at least know something to go along with your insults. insults have been around for thousands of years and they still are for the young and dumb. I know a whole lot more about history and the facts of this world than most of you. I have been around a whole lot longer and unlike you I know how to read and acquire knowledge. Most here obviously don't so they can only attempt insults.
If you want to spar we can do that but when you are un armed its not a whole lot of fun for me. better put the bong down and go back to school if you expect to keep up.
did you hear that those on the bottom of the pay latter are getting the biggest pay raises because employers are desperate and will probably give raises until they no longer are forced too.. So how many people do you personally know working all those jobs. (msnbc always uses your line about working too much when people talk about the booming economy) My guess is nobody. If you were you wouldn't have time to be dinking around on this forum or you wouldn't have time to vape your bud.
Oh did anybody notice the stock market has been setting new records despite all the doom and gloom forecasted by tv pundits. You see the stock market understood the deterrence in what trump did to the Iranians and they approved it. And when the guys with the money talk those without it listen. You guys here own a lot of stock? :-) No, well if you did you would want to really understand what is happening in this world and not learn about it from somebody like don lemon or rachel maddow. and before you start, no I do not hate any race or creed or gender, I am not saying they are bad people just that just about anybody would be better to listen too if you want to get to the facts. And yes there are conservatives that deserve to be unemployed as well. I dislike whichever side is giving me the most bs and right now its the far left democrats. I will never like people that feel their ideas are so well fixed that they can't even listen to ideas other than theirs. Don't think its happening. Look at the colleges where a conservative tries to speak and can't because of disruptions from those that believe only their ideas should be heard. Who does that unless they are afraid of what they might hear. Is that why so many here have the need to belittle anyone that isn't in lockstep with them on their ideas?
WE should all be striving to learn the truth whenever possible but if you don't want to learn any new ideas you shouldn't read anything from any body or that terrible fate might over take you.
I really don't care if people here want to play games rather than trade info. But at least know something to go along with your insults. insults have been around for thousands of years and they still are for the young and dumb. I know a whole lot more about history and the facts of this world than most of you. I have been around a whole lot longer and unlike you I know how to read and acquire knowledge. Most here obviously don't so they can only attempt insults.
If you want to spar we can do that but when you are un armed its not a whole lot of fun for me. better put the bong down and go back to school if you expect to keep up.
Booming economy?

gdp is less than2%. It’s closer to 1%

and the stock market has only gained 10% in the last two years. Obama tripled it

not to mention manufacturing is in a recession and trump has near tripled the deficit, which is now well over a trillion dollars a year

go spew your bs somewhere else, grandpa racist

there’s no love here for the guy who praises neo nazis as “very fine people” and brags about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage children
I know a whole lot more about history and the facts of this world than most of you. I have been around a whole lot longer and unlike you I know how to read and acquire knowledge. Most here obviously don't so they can only attempt insults.

That's pretty comical that is. Complaining about people being insulting, whilst the two sentences directly adjacent to that complaint are insults.