did you hear that those on the bottom of the pay latter are getting the biggest pay raises because employers are desperate and will probably give raises until they no longer are forced too.. So how many people do you personally know working all those jobs. (msnbc always uses your line about working too much when people talk about the booming economy) My guess is nobody. If you were you wouldn't have time to be dinking around on this forum or you wouldn't have time to vape your bud.
Oh did anybody notice the stock market has been setting new records despite all the doom and gloom forecasted by tv pundits. You see the stock market understood the deterrence in what trump did to the Iranians and they approved it. And when the guys with the money talk those without it listen. You guys here own a lot of stock?

No, well if you did you would want to really understand what is happening in this world and not learn about it from somebody like don lemon or rachel maddow. and before you start, no I do not hate any race or creed or gender, I am not saying they are bad people just that just about anybody would be better to listen too if you want to get to the facts. And yes there are conservatives that deserve to be unemployed as well. I dislike whichever side is giving me the most bs and right now its the far left democrats. I will never like people that feel their ideas are so well fixed that they can't even listen to ideas other than theirs. Don't think its happening. Look at the colleges where a conservative tries to speak and can't because of disruptions from those that believe only their ideas should be heard. Who does that unless they are afraid of what they might hear. Is that why so many here have the need to belittle anyone that isn't in lockstep with them on their ideas?
WE should all be striving to learn the truth whenever possible but if you don't want to learn any new ideas you shouldn't read anything from any body or that terrible fate might over take you.
I really don't care if people here want to play games rather than trade info. But at least know something to go along with your insults. insults have been around for thousands of years and they still are for the young and dumb. I know a whole lot more about history and the facts of this world than most of you. I have been around a whole lot longer and unlike you I know how to read and acquire knowledge. Most here obviously don't so they can only attempt insults.
If you want to spar we can do that but when you are un armed its not a whole lot of fun for me. better put the bong down and go back to school if you expect to keep up.