Random Jabber Jibber thread

Wouldn't Proteus be a better name for a boat or a sub?
I would not have thought of that. I’m curious as to why you think so. I’ll wager your take on it is cool.

Proteus was a Greek God however the plane was not named for Proteus' heritage.

The plane was named more for the attributed abilities of the deity.

Some who ascribe a specific domain to Proteus call him the god of "elusive sea change", which suggests the constantly changing nature of the sea or the liquid quality of water. He can foretell the future, but, in a mytheme familiar to several cultures, will change his shape to avoid doing so; he answers only to those who are capable of capturing him. From this feature of Proteus comes the adjective protean, meaning "versatile", "mutable", or "capable of assuming many forms". "Protean" has positive connotations of flexibility, versatility and adaptability.

This Incredible Plane: Scaled Composites Proteus
Scaled Composites
Mojave, CA 93501, USA

Designed by Burt Rutan back in the 1990s, the big composite bug of a plane is still busy.
There aren’t many aircraft that can literally stop traffic, but the praying mantis shape of the giant composite lifter literally does just that. No one ever figured out what to do about it, though.

Giving it a name for a mythological Greek sea god who could change appearance at will, Burt Rutan originally designed Proteus as a high-altitude, long-operation, optionally piloted telecommunications platform. Its design mission included carrying an 18-foot-diameter telecom antenna system to provide high-speed internet over major cities. Proteus was to be the first of a series of aircraft built by Scaled Technology Works of Montrose, Colorado (a Scaled Composites spinoff company that eventually closed). But by the time Proteus was developed, telecom companies became more interested in ground-based fiber-optic systems. Lacking commercial interest, Scaled Technology Works built only one Proteus. But its story was far from done.

NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center, seeing Proteus’ potential for its own research missions, stepped in and helped Scaled Composites continue the aircraft’s development. Airborne testing began with its first flight on July 26, 1998, piloted by Mike Melvill, Proteus chief test pilot, and Peter Siebold, Proteus flight test engineer, at the Mojave Airport. Testing continued through the end of 1999. NASA created a station-keeping autopilot and SATCOM system for the Proteus as a part of its Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology (ERAST) project. In June 1999, Proteus debuted at the 1999 Paris Airshow, completing its last leg nonstop from Bangor, Maine, to Le Bourget.

The aircraft features a tandem-wing, a twin-boom configuration, and two rear-mounted FJ44-2E turbofans, modified for high-altitude operations. Payloads up to 2,000 pounds are attached to the bottom fuselage. Tip sections can be added to or removed from the rear wing or the forward canards to tailor the Proteus’ aerodynamics for various external payloads or for maximum altitude. The aircraft typically cruises at altitudes from 50,000 feet to more than 63,000 feet for up to 18 hours. Notably, Proteus attained a maximum altitude of 62,385 feet in October 2000, earning it a Fédération Aéronautique Internationale Class C-1e world altitude record.

There is no shortage of projects to occupy its schedule—it has flown more than 1,000 flights. Atmospheric research, reconnaissance and surveillance projects; commercial imaging; and small satellite launches all keep Proteus busy. The aircraft requires minimal specialized ground support and regularly operates into and out of general aviation airports, making it a versatile and economic flying testbed.

Proteus’ legacy lives on in Scaled Composites White Knight aircraft, with the wing design and “mothership” concept being two of the most significant contributions to the project.

Designed for only 100 to 150 flight hours (as a proof of concept aircraft), Proteus, which is today owned and operated by Scaled Composites’ parent company, Northrop Grumman, passed the 4,500-hour mark in 2019 and continues to fly an abundance of research missions to this day, proof that a great design sometimes delivers way more than promised, and for much longer, too.


Proteus, prophetic sea-god[edit]
According to Homer (Odyssey iv: 355), the sandy island of Pharos situated off the coast of the Nile Delta was the home of Proteus, the oracular Old Man of the Sea and herdsman of the sea-beasts. In the Odyssey, Menelaus relates to Telemachus that he had been becalmed here on his journey home from the Trojan War. He learned from Proteus' daughter Eidothea ("the very image of the Goddess"), that if he could capture her father, he could force him to reveal which of the gods he had offended and how he could propitiate them and return home. Proteus emerged from the sea to sleep among his colony of seals, but Menelaus was successful in holding him, though Proteus took the forms of a lion, a serpent, a leopard, a pig, even of water or a tree. Proteus then answered truthfully, further informing Menelaus that his brother Agamemnon had been murdered on his return home, that Ajax the Lesser had been shipwrecked and killed, and that Odysseus was stranded on Calypso's Isle Ogygia.

According to Virgil in the fourth Georgic, at one time the bees of Aristaeus, son of Apollo, all died of a disease. Aristaeus went to his mother, Cyrene, for help; she told him that Proteus could tell him how to prevent another such disaster, but would do so only if compelled. Aristaeus had to seize Proteus and hold him, no matter what he would change into. Aristaeus did so, and Proteus eventually gave up and told him that the bees' death was a punishment for causing the death of Eurydice. To make amends, Aristaeus needed to sacrifice 12 animals to the gods, leave the carcasses in the place of sacrifice, and return three days later. He followed these instructions, and upon returning, he found in one of the carcasses a swarm of bees which he took to his apiary. The bees were never again troubled by disease.

There are also legends concerning Apollonius of Tyana that say Proteus incarnated himself as the 1st century philosopher. These legends are mentioned in the 3rd century biographical work Life of Apollonius of Tyana.

alligator lizard??? :o Maybe he's in your house, lol...I was just watching the news with some crazy shit like that!!
Lol alligator lizards are little guys. Don’t really get past 10 inches including tail. They give a nasty little bite though.

Speaking of lizards, I just finished a 16 mile ride on some new single track, and I saw more horned toads than I’ve ever seen in my life. (lizards that can shoot blood several feet away from their eyes)
I just got a call from "amazon customer service" pre-recorded message said I purchased $300 worth of gift cards and if I press 1 I can verify my purchase.........soooo I pressed 1. Indian accent "hello sir, we have your name on the account and wanted to make sure you where ordered these" me "oh let me...just one sec....you're being re"....he butts in "oh, yes I'm recording this for customer service perpose" I laughed and said "no you didn't let me finish...... you're being reported" he yelled out "you mother fucker!" And hung up.......I don't think he's having a good day :blsmoke:

View attachment 4890427
DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT THAT CALL. ive been trying to sleep all day today and ive been woken up 9 times with the very same phone message. also ive been getting call centers from india saying that my internet service is going to bre disconected. FFS, these callers suck

be aware of those calls, offten when you press the number, it go's to a premium number and costs a small fortune. so be carefull. the one with us at presant is "you have an sms message from a missed phone call" and if you press 1 to listen to it or 2 to record it for later, bang ,your charged a hefty phone charge
Lol alligator lizards are little guys. Don’t really get past 10 inches including tail. They give a nasty little bite though.

Speaking of lizards, I just finished a 16 mile ride on some new single track, and I saw more horned toads than I’ve ever seen in my life. (lizards that can shoot blood several feet away from their eyes)
Horny toads and 10 inches isn't tiny..
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You may be right.
Excess magnesium blocks nitrogen and lower leaves darken with a blue/green hue.
Yeah I am a bit stumped...I normally add epsom and calmag to my RO water every time I water, but these have been getting watered with just well water more than 50% of the time...It's also recycled soil though so IDK...It is sudden, whatever it is. The clones were growing fine til about a week ago, and there probably 3 weeks old. There's a batch a week older that is getting it too, but not as bad.
I just got a call from "amazon customer service" pre-recorded message said I purchased $300 worth of gift cards and if I press 1 I can verify my purchase.........soooo I pressed 1. Indian accent "hello sir, we have your name on the account and wanted to make sure you where ordered these" me "oh let me...just one sec....you're being re"....he butts in "oh, yes I'm recording this for customer service perpose" I laughed and said "no you didn't let me finish...... you're being reported" he yelled out "you mother fucker!" And hung up.......I don't think he's having a good day :blsmoke:

View attachment 4890427

DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT THAT CALL. ive been trying to sleep all day today and ive been woken up 9 times with the very same phone message. also ive been getting call centers from india saying that my internet service is going to bre disconected. FFS, these callers suck

be aware of those calls, offten when you press the number, it go's to a premium number and costs a small fortune. so be carefull. the one with us at presant is "you have an sms message from a missed phone call" and if you press 1 to listen to it or 2 to record it for later, bang ,your charged a hefty phone charge

Thinking about going to the nm cannabis cup tomorrow. Never been to such an event, is it worth it? Or is it just a bunch of vendors? If it's just a bunch of vendors and people saying how great weed is I might skip it.
I’ve been to a couple in California. Back in 2012 I went to one of the first ones they held in San Francisco, it was fun. Met a bunch of cool people and Subcool gave me an eighth of jillybean from his personal stash.

fast forward a few years, I went to one in San Bernardino county and met @curious2garden and her hubby and puppy there. It was more focused on vendors than anything else, but it’s also cool to be around that many people smoking weed in public at one time.

It’s pretty commercial now, but worth the experience at least one time.
Well I just took a bit of a gamble...I signed a lease with 3 Canadian students beginning June 1st, for the fall school year, and the 4th is from Israel.

I sure hope the border opens up by then :o

I am very seriously considering retirement this year anyways though...It's time. This body and mind are worn out, and I deserve a break!! And it's a good time to sell, I think!!