Random Jabber Jibber thread

We went to VOIP for the house phone, saved a lot of money.
I got rid of a landline altogether....But I damned near dropped my phone in the toilet a few weeks ago and I was thinking about whet the repercussions of that would be...A backup is a good idea!

I have a free VOIP for my music business via Google Voice. It is completely free, and as reliable as any VOIP I used to pay for. I get all my voicemails and missed calls emailed to me, and it comes in handy for making calls on the rare occasions when my cell is acting up.
I have a free VOIP for my music business via Google Voice. It is completely free, and as reliable as any VOIP I used to pay for. I get all my voicemails and missed calls emailed to me, and it comes in handy for making calls on the rare occasions when my cell is acting up.
We only pay $10 a month because it is tied to our internet. I can handle that.
Stimulus checks?
Yeah, probably all 3 of them :lol: It's like 80% silver....and very little tooth. The one next to it is a discolored crown I was going to have replaced 2 years ago when I did have dental insurance, but they denied me because of my age...Even the dentist said WTF, you are only in your 50's. So yeah, perhaps 2 crowns. I called my dentist and he is closed at noon today...I better chew real careful all weekend!! At least it doesn't hurt, yet anyways :wall:
Yeah, probably all 3 of them :lol: It's like 80% silver....and very little tooth. The one next to it is a discolored crown I was going to have replaced 2 years ago when I did have dental insurance, but they denied me because of my age...Even the dentist said WTF, you are only in your 50's. So yeah, perhaps 2 crowns. I called my dentist and he is closed at noon today...I better chew real careful all weekend!! At least it doesn't hurt, yet anyways :wall:

I broke a similar tooth a few weeks ago, and I HATE the dentist. I hadn't been in 14 years, I take very good care of my teeth because of the fear. I went in and they fused some new white filler onto the mostly silver tooth. Luckily, the tooth was still sealed, so it was an easy process. If yours isn't hurting yet, it is probably still sealed, too, so get in there before the filling breaks away with all of the horrible complications (having to clean it out, pain, abcess, antibiotics, the whole nine yards). Good luck!
I broke a similar tooth a few weeks ago, and I HATE the dentist. I hadn't been in 14 years, I take very good care of my teeth because of the fear. I went in and they fused some new white filler onto the mostly silver tooth. Luckily, the tooth was still sealed, so it was an easy process. If yours isn't hurting yet, it is probably still sealed, too, so get in there before the filling breaks away with all of the horrible complications (having to clean it out, pain, abcess, antibiotics, the whole nine yards). Good luck!
Thanks I am hoping I get "lucky' too and that maybe he can patch it back up.

I had 2 wisdom teeth pulled a few years back. That was fun :lol: Actually it wasn't terrible and I'm glad I didn't pay the extra $1,000+ for an oral surgeon to do it.