Returning bottles to the Beer Store? Beware of possible breath test by police

Out of curiosity how many participating in this post wrote their MP prior to the change? How many protested on parliament hill or got involved beyond complaining after the fact? yea that's what I thought.
LOL so instead of stopping at the questions you asked you had to be a flaming twat waffle and go with "yeah I thought so." Considering I'm a single bus ride from Parliament Hill I absolutely went. I guess assumptions DO make an ass out of you....yeah I thought so.:bigjoint:
:) Name calling is the last resort of a person insecure in their position. I'm not mad.

Considering you ride the bus, how does this impact you in any way?
They cannot charge you with an offense if you've had a drink after you drive a vehicle and are no longer in control of the vehicle, the clock starts there from that drink. there are documented cases of people crashing cars running to the bar or home and downing drinks they got charged only to be acquitted of DUI charge and convicted of leaving the scene. They can charge you with anything but conviction is impossible because of reasonable doubt. It's a really stupid argument put up by the gentleman who was quoted in the article and most police officers arent usually that stupid, although some are exceptional lol.
They cannot charge you with an offense if you've had a drink after you drive a vehicle and are no longer in control of the vehicle, the clock starts there from that drink. there are documented cases of people crashing cars running to the bar or home and downing drinks they got charged only to be acquitted of DUI charge and convicted of leaving the scene. They can charge you with anything but conviction is impossible because of reasonable doubt. It's a really stupid argument put up by the gentleman who was quoted in the article and most police officers arent usually that stupid, although some are exceptional lol.
A friend of mine was dumb and drove into a light pole years ago. He ran home on foot and went to bed. Cops dragged his ass out of bed and he was charged with an impaired. Lost in court because of a witness. You bet your ass they will come get you.
A friend of mine was dumb and drove into a light pole years ago. He ran home on foot and went to bed. Cops dragged his ass out of bed and he was charged with an impaired. Lost in court because of a witness. You bet your ass they will come get you.

A good friend of mine came home shitfaced, his wife blew a gasket and demanded he go pick up the pizza.

He went, picked it up, and headed home. On the way his swerving drew the attention of the men in blue. He continued on.
When he pulled in the driveway, the cops were pissed. He explained "Listen, my wife is bullshit already. Please allow me to bring in the pizza" They complied, and then arrested him when he came back out and failed the breathalyzer.

He got the charges thrown out when his lawyer asked how they could prove he didnt drink when he was in the house.
A friend of mine was dumb and drove into a light pole years ago. He ran home on foot and went to bed. Cops dragged his ass out of bed and he was charged with an impaired. Lost in court because of a witness. You bet your ass they will come get you.
Your friends not very smart, all he had to do was say I had a few drinks to calm my nerves after the accident, case closed. Impossible to convict legally, to be honest your best saying nothing and hiring a lawyer. He will fix it if your smart enough to keep the piehole shut.
Better yet it's better not to drink n drive, pretty stupid thing to do considering the penalties nowadays, not to mention the risk to others on the road if yer plastered.
I'm very careful if I'm having drinks and I know I'm driving I drink no more than a standard drink per hour max and water between drinks, got stopped on Christmas eve blew a .02 move along sir merry Christmas!
They cannot charge you with an offense if you've had a drink after you drive a vehicle and are no longer in control of the vehicle, the clock starts there from that drink. there are documented cases of people crashing cars running to the bar or home and downing drinks they got charged only to be acquitted of DUI charge and convicted of leaving the scene. They can charge you with anything but conviction is impossible because of reasonable doubt. It's a really stupid argument put up by the gentleman who was quoted in the article and most police officers arent usually that stupid, although some are exceptional lol.

Not too sure if I'm misinterpreting the wording of the law or if you are.


That was the case prior to this new law being put in place. I know a few who have beaten DUIs that way.
They have to prove you didnt drink from the time you left the vehicle that's the flaw.

They would have to prove that you were driving within 2 hours of operating your vehicle. That could be something as simple as the officer "seeing" you I would think. I was 100% fine with giving a breath sample if ever I was pulled over but this seems a step too far to me. I'll have to sit back and watch what happens I suppose.

If thats a fact its nonsense. What you quoted means everyone would have to abstain from alcohol for a minimum of 2 hrs after getting home, party, or bar. Imagine the line at the bar.

Came from the Gov site. I'll pull the link up for you.

Under section 320.13
R v Ladouceur It's established precedent google it. You're welcome to take a stand on a position however naive and ignorant it may be. And under the modified law the cop articulated the reason for his suspicion even though he was not required to do so. Someone has an opinion that differs from yours must be a pig? Grow up.

Most first world countries have random breath testing. UK, Australia, France, most of Europe. And most have seen a reduction in the alcohol related traffic deaths. I'm not convinced the two are mutually exclusive since the number of impaired drivers continues to drop decade after decade in Canada as well. I think the social stigma has more to do with it, but this will be a deterrent to impaired driving. Millennials are sick of the messed up world we've inherited and it's our turn to shape it how we want it. Like it or lump it.

Cops don't need to fabricate a story. They can randomly pull you over for three reasons. Previously they couldn't expand the contact beyond the reason for the stop. For example a cop couldn't "legally" use a license/insurance check, then ask to search your vehicle. They would have to let you go after your papers cleared. That's not to say it didn't happen.

Which section of the charter of rights and freedoms covers operating a motor vehicle? Since you're clearly so versed, please point it out to me because I cannot find it.

Out of curiosity how many participating in this post wrote their MP prior to the change? How many protested on parliament hill or got involved beyond complaining after the fact? yea that's what I thought.
It's a wonder you feel your rights are worthless my dear.
I dont drink but feel strongly about being hassled by any law enforcement on a friggin power trip...........
Yes I know..It never happens in your circle
From first hand knowledge Ive seen the hypocrisy more than I care to think about.
From drunkin driving to stealing cars to drunk driving boats..
These are Toronto's ZFinest ......Ill have you know.
These are the type that makes it a known fact that they will and do abuse their BS powers..
This will get trounced in court.. :) weather you BELIEVE it or not MIss?
It is funny to see you show up here suddenly spouting off. What is it you care so much about at a MMJ site after all....
You sound like the news... how silly they be.


"Out of curiosity how many participating in this post wrote their MP prior to the change? How many protested on parliament hill or got involved beyond complaining after the fact? yea that's what I thought.?"
did you?