Returning bottles to the Beer Store? Beware of possible breath test by police

Your friends not very smart
Yeah, I agree, he should have been smart enough to walk to where he was going, it was 2 blocks from his house. Like I said, if it wasn't for the witness testimony he would have got off. Plus this was like 11 years ago.
A off duty Vancour cop killed a guy on a motorcycle a few years back. He left the scene of the accident and claimed that he drank after. He was acquitted
oh common now..That just doesn't happen..
One bad cop …….lol.....funny...I can count both hands easy...of the ones who are complete programmable morons..because that's what they get hired to be..
It's a wonder you feel your rights are worthless my dear.
I dont drink but feel strongly about being hassled by any law enforcement on a friggin power trip...........
Yes I know..It never happens in your circle
From first hand knowledge Ive seen the hypocrisy more than I care to think about.
From drunkin driving to stealing cars to drunk driving boats..
These are Toronto's ZFinest ......Ill have you know.
These are the type that makes it a known fact that they will and do abuse their BS powers..
This will get trounced in court.. :) weather you BELIEVE it or not MIss?
It is funny to see you show up here suddenly spouting off. What is it you care so much about at a MMJ site after all....
You sound like the news... how silly they be.


"Out of curiosity how many participating in this post wrote their MP prior to the change? How many protested on parliament hill or got involved beyond complaining after the fact? yea that's what I thought.?"
did you?

Why so angry. Is this conversation about the new law or police misconduct? You're kind of all over the place. It is possible to support one without the other and you have no idea what happens in my circle or anything about me for that matter.

Is the condescending "my dear" and "Miss" supposed to hurt my feelings or make me feel bad about myself in some way? News flash, I've heard this all and much worse before. Considering the source, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Carry on.

I must have missed the boys only sign when I entered this forum. My bad. Although I doubt I'd be accused of "spouting off" if my opinions aligned with the majority. See I'm learning so much here. Dialog and opinions that differ from the mob should be kept to oneself. - Check. Critical thinking is bad - Check and knee jerk reactions of hate and anger are required for participation. Got it!

Why would I protest something I'm in favor of? That doesn't make any sense at all. I'm not apathetic to causes I care about and have been active as a municipal election campaign worker and have protested for social issue that affect me and my community.

You can have your circle jerk back, I don't see any reason to participate further in this thread.
Why so angry. Is this conversation about the new law or police misconduct? You're kind of all over the place. It is possible to support one without the other and you have no idea what happens in my circle or anything about me for that matter.

Is the condescending "my dear" and "Miss" supposed to hurt my feelings or make me feel bad about myself in some way? News flash, I've heard this all and much worse before. Considering the source, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Carry on.

I must have missed the boys only sign when I entered this forum. My bad. Although I doubt I'd be accused of "spouting off" if my opinions aligned with the majority. See I'm learning so much here. Dialog and opinions that differ from the mob should be kept to oneself. - Check. Critical thinking is bad - Check and knee jerk reactions of hate and anger are required for participation. Got it!

Why would I protest something I'm in favor of? That doesn't make any sense at all. I'm not apathetic to causes I care about and have been active as a municipal election campaign worker and have protested for social issue that affect me and my community.

You can have your circle jerk back, I don't see any reason to participate further in this thread.
Angry? hahaha Not this cat ;)

quite fitting(:
Don't let the door hit ya on yer way...and watch that fat cat of yers eh! ;)
Angry? hahaha Not this cat ;)

quite fitting(:
Don't let the door hit ya on yer way...and watch that fat cat of yers eh! ;)
lol...her "fat cat" is that code? She didn't even like being called dear or sweetheart. I didn't think that was insulting or whatever she felt it was. Just seems like a nice way to address someone. What happened to women that like being a woman?
R v Ladouceur It's established precedent google it. You're welcome to take a stand on a position however naive and ignorant it may be. And under the modified law the cop articulated the reason for his suspicion even though he was not required to do so. Someone has an opinion that differs from yours must be a pig? Grow up.

Most first world countries have random breath testing. UK, Australia, France, most of Europe. And most have seen a reduction in the alcohol related traffic deaths. I'm not convinced the two are mutually exclusive since the number of impaired drivers continues to drop decade after decade in Canada as well. I think the social stigma has more to do with it, but this will be a deterrent to impaired driving. Millennials are sick of the messed up world we've inherited and it's our turn to shape it how we want it. Like it or lump it.

Cops don't need to fabricate a story. They can randomly pull you over for three reasons. Previously they couldn't expand the contact beyond the reason for the stop. For example a cop couldn't "legally" use a license/insurance check, then ask to search your vehicle. They would have to let you go after your papers cleared. That's not to say it didn't happen.

Which section of the charter of rights and freedoms covers operating a motor vehicle? Since you're clearly so versed, please point it out to me because I cannot find it.

Out of curiosity how many participating in this post wrote their MP prior to the change? How many protested on parliament hill or got involved beyond complaining after the fact? yea that's what I thought.

This is a new form of 'carding' and it is a serious erosion of civil liberties. I didn't suggest you must be a pig because your opinion I suggested that because you are an apologist for the police state.
lol...her "fat cat" is that code? She didn't even like being called dear or sweetheart. I didn't think that was insulting or whatever she felt it was. Just seems like a nice way to address someone. What happened to women that like being a woman?
I think "IT" feels it has something to be said...
didn't like being addressed as Miss or Dear...
Try and be nice and see where it gets ya..??(:
This is a new form of 'carding' and it is a serious erosion of civil liberties. I didn't suggest you must be a pig because your opinion I suggested that because you are an apologist for the police state.
oh now.. :lol: yer just going to get IT asking more questions and attacking your point of view lol
:) Name calling is the last resort of a person insecure in their position. I'm not mad.

Considering you ride the bus, how does this impact you in any way?
Insecure? Lol HUUUGE swing and a miss. I simply called you out for your cunty behavior and you didn't like it. I have a vehicle but I prefer to bus when I can as I don't fit in most transportation, and being so close why waste the fuel.

I was making the point that your dismissive reply of "didn't think so " was completely incorrect. Perhaps you shouldn't assume when there are a few members who live in the capital region and can make the short trip.
What can they do to you if your in a motorhome/RV. If you were stopped overnight somewhere you'd obviously have your key there.
I'm mean it's your residence at that point. Or a boat with sleeping quarters.
I feel like this is a desperate power grab in anticipation of the eventuality of autonomous vehicles. Where's the "offense" in that case?