Well-Known Member
thats fucking awesome............fuck 14 1000 watts of lights LMAO I could supply the whole town of Dallas for that much growing power ROFL
thats fucking awesome............fuck 14 1000 watts of lights LMAO I could supply the whole town of Dallas for that much growing power ROFL
Yeah, you tend to see MASSIVE ops up here. I have only ever run a maximum or 8-1000w bulbs myself. Never had any issues with BC Hydro. I never stole power (sure way to get fucked over), and I always paid my bills. Mind you I lived in a 4 bdrm house so it's a little easier to get away with it than someone who lives in a two story duplex or an apartment.
Yeah, I am in the same situation. Also want to put a woodshop in my garage... busy busy busy...
Good common sense is a way to be. Try too turn off those little things more when running lights too try too keep a consistent rate. I know sometimes hot ass summers, and cold winters this is not an option for some but a little food for thought.
An apartment always seemed risky to me.
14,000w!! sooo small~good thread though ex-cop kinda cool will hit up some questions when he gets back.
Hi ya Bud
Hope you had a good Christmas and your move is going to plan
I have a question , I'm in the UK so this is a shot in the dark , Any way to find out what time shift change over is at police stations ?
I live within a few miles of three different county lines and would LOVE to know the shift change over times ... The chances of the roads being a bit more .... errrmm ... safe to drive when you have a heavy load
I can go for days ...even weeks without seeing a single cop .... but the second i have anything with me ... it seems like every cop in the world is out on the road![]()
Budlover. I'm in wash state. Gonna throw a 30+ person party. Everyone has the option of crashing on the floor. If the cops show up...after stepping outside and not letiting them in then what? There may be some minors and I don't wanna be responsible for contributing to a minor...I am supplying the alcohol and there is a guest list and underage/21 braclets. I'm taking every precaution....I don't need a lame felony...
That's what I figured. I'll keep the minors keys but the adults? If I give you the option to crash and you still drive that's on you. You know? I'm not tying to play mommy just cover my own ass.
Thanks for the advice man. Makes me feel better. I am the renter yes. Lol. I'll keep a cop out....or my lawyer will. Cops get pushy but being around good and and cops I have a good handle on being polite but assertive and standing my ground. I know my rights and what cops legally can and can't do.