RIU Suicide....Ask an Ex-Cop Anything.

Who is this guy?

  • He's a narc.

    Votes: 44 34.1%
  • He's a stoner.

    Votes: 32 24.8%
  • He's a troll.

    Votes: 12 9.3%
  • He just wants to try to help us ALL get along.(No Rodney King pun intended)

    Votes: 41 31.8%

  • Total voters
I can answer that one........a friend got busted for running 2000 watts of lights and his electric bill was low most time then spiked......took 3 months before the reported it to the cops but yep they do......He is in Jail for next 3 years...........Dummy was warned is wgat cracks me up.........oh well.......oh and all the power pumps water chillers and junk....Im rough guessing he was up about 4000 watts dummy

What state dipd this happen in? That sounds terrible...in live in a big city, but this makes me wonder a little bit...
When I was in high school, all the cops would party, smoke dope, drink, talking 1978 I was 16 and drinking age was 18...

Things changed a bit. Peeps didn't, just the outward appearances
Just checking in real quick. Move went fairly smooth but have been waiting on hooking up the internet while saving up for that 1000w light. :)

I don't have time to respond to all questions yet, as I'm on mom & dad's computer, but I did want to say that @Vices:
I'm sure I have made some bad decisions in the past and will probably make plenty more in the future. Trumped up charges? None. Again, I hate liars. Harassment? Only when they brought on the harassment. I, nor anyone I worked with, used false positives with the K9. Unless he gave the command in German and I simply didn't know, but we always found what the dog alerted on. As for the guy that got shot, Idk if I said in the original post or not, but the suspect sued the officer who had to then defend himself over a justified shooting. So he then counter-sued. If more did it, maybe there wouldn't be so many frivolous lawsuits.

As for suicide/divorce rates, idk. More than 50% of ALL marriages in the US are ending in divorce, so I can't say there's a HUGE link, but because of the stress of the job, it can't be denied either. Suicide? Again, idk. Those who commit suicide are simply weak. Not necessarily at any fault of their own, but weak nonetheless.

I'll be back as soon as I can guys!
theres one large team of police in my county that handle all the major drug busts and they are notorious for less than half the cash making it back to the evidence locker. have you ever had experiences where the police robbed dealers? when they came for me they were furious with me because i only had the buy money there, and i saw them pulling up i was standing at the top of my stairs with my hands in the air when they came up and i had 3 guys throw me to the floor i got kicked in the face and had automatic rifles inches from my head all while trying to say i wasnt resisting

edit: also they were calling me a pussy and trying to provoke me to violence which i wasnt nearly stupid enough to do
theres one large team of police in my county that handle all the major drug busts and they are notorious for less than half the cash making it back to the evidence locker. have you ever had experiences where the police robbed dealers? when they came for me they were furious with me because i only had the buy money there, and i saw them pulling up i was standing at the top of my stairs with my hands in the air when they came up and i had 3 guys throw me to the floor i got kicked in the face and had automatic rifles inches from my head all while trying to say i wasnt resisting

edit: also they were calling me a pussy and trying to provoke me to violence which i wasnt nearly stupid enough to do

Cops make poor judgement calls...based on the fact it's your word...against 10 cops...they win. I have seen people hit and kicked just laying down on the ground with their hands on their heads doing what they are told. It's bullshit...but not all cops are aggressive assholes either. But lines often get crossed when you give someone power.
I've come across my fair share of bad cops and the same with good cops. I've done lines of blow with the county DA. People are people and what they do doesn't make them who they are.

I had 3 months of felony probation left when I was caught with my first DUI charge and was immediately taken to jail. During the ride there and at the jail I was cracking jokes and being funny with the cop.

When we got to the jail they booked me for the DUI but they couldn't get a hold of my PO to see if I should be held.

The cop that brought me in told the jail guards to just let me go after the one hour of lock up and a sober person to pick me up.

I've never heard of that happening before and it was a Friday night so it would have been a long weekend.

I'm always as nice as I can be now to our officer friends, they're just like you and me and just doing their job.
By the school of thought that if there is nothing illegal in the vehicle, you'll be on your way. As in, "Well, I stopped you for speeding but if allowed to confirm that there is no contraband in your vehicle, it is within my discretion to give you a warning instead of a ticket." Obviously, if you DO have something to hide, DENY THE SEARCH! That's your best bet. At least if you deny and they do search anyway you can fight the legality of the search.

Yeah but admit it, you gave them a ticket anyways didnt you budlover?
Well, it's not truly suicide because a few members have accepted me for what I am. An ex-cop in Central Cali that is now(off and on in HS and for the last 10 years) a smoker. Also a grower(VERY small, just a couple patients). I don't know everything and I quit in 1998 so not all law will be up-to-date(disclaimer).

All I can offer is a bridge between two communities that already intermingle. I know basic training, principles, ethics, etc and am more than willing to be the conduit that helps bridge the gap.

LEAP.cc is an excellent start for anyone wanting to try to understand those that are LEO, those that aren't, and those that still ride the fence.

If you are, were, thought of being, or know someone who is LEO I'm sure you have a basic grasp of what I'm trying to do. If you hate bacon, well it is your choice.

I could go on and on about different experiences and theories, as well as ideas, that I have. But I hope this initial post will open the door to a relationship that will, in the end, be beneficial to all.

Well, don't take this personally.. but once a narc/cop... always a narc/cop... and that's the bottom line bud.

Your not here for anyone's "benefit" IMO.. well, maybe yours.. but def. not ours.

Others around here might be cool with it... but from my past experiences.. ehhh can't say that I agree with them.

I'm sure there are more of your 'kind' around the site too.. I mean the odds of there not being another couple of you floating around here is pretty much zilch.

Anyhow, just wanted to share my 2cents worth.
